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Cyclists: The scourge of our streets? Anti-cyclist program on Channel 5

Do you need to be a journalist or member of the nuj to point out the bleeding obvious?
You claimed that, "The thing with journos is they write what they're paid to write, with very few exceptions."

If you know anything about journalism and journalists, you'll know there's plenty who write what they want to write, myself included.

Anyway you're boring the fucking arse off me with your twisted clueless pedantry so I'm off.
You claimed that, "The thing with journos is they write what they're paid to write, with very few exceptions."

If you know anything about journalism and journalists, you'll know there's plenty who write what they want to write, myself included.
Plenty. Right. As a proportion of your actual journalists what's that? 1/10? 1/20? 1/50? If you know anything about journalism you'll know there are many, many reporters following orders for every journalist free to write what they want confident it will find its way into print.
Anyway you're boring the fucking arse off me with your twisted clueless pedantry so I'm off.
have a look back through the thread next time you're round these parts and look how much effort has had to be exerted to get you to post even the slenderest fig-leaf of evidence for your claims. Articles more than a decade auld, for example. Asking you to back up assertions isn't pedantry and it's very telling you resort to that auld canard like your claims should be accepted at face value despite their dubious veracity.
Looks like one of those roid-raged nutters has directed her rage at the wrong person.

Lord Winston demands licence plates for bikes after cyclist kicks him

Scientist and TV presenter Lord Robert Winston has called for cyclists to have licence plates as he told of being attacked by a woman he had spoken to about riding on the pavement.
He said he was now considering introducing a private members' bill to force cyclists to have licence plates.
Could be a step in the right direction.

In other news, that fella who knocked over the woman, after making absolutely no attempt to avoid her has been ordered to pay her just over £4k in damages... And £100k court costs.
Cyclist ordered to pay £105,000 for knocking over woman who crossed road looking at phone
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