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An unfolding mini-caravan for cyclists

I was a little sceptical at the earlier efforts, but this is some proper British engineering going down. :thumbs:

Double the power, solar energy, cooking facilities, and the bicycle space overlaps the living space giving a much improved profile.
That’s a big adult equivalent. I think most remember the issues with giving a mate a ride.

As you mention though, combined with a decent e bike, this could really work. No tax, no number plate, no insurance and you could hog the middle of the road like all good caravaneers and annoy Spy.
Was your mate in a separate, balanced trailer behind you then?
E bike won’t work this thing of course. At the end of the day you need to recharge the batteries, so ebike touring means B&B’s or campsites within hook-ups.
E bike won’t work this thing of course. At the end of the day you need to recharge the batteries, so ebike touring means B&B’s or campsites within hook-ups.
Depends on the level of battery use. Which is dependent on distance, load and motor assistance level. You might be able to go a few days between charges.
And I’d imagine the usual range of any ebike’s battery designed to carry the weight of one person and the bike itself would be more or less halved if required to pull twice the weight. Let’s not even consider hilly routes.

So unless you are Mark Cavendish, even with an ebike you’re not going to haul this thing further than a pitiful number of miles per day. I guess it’d work if you’re renting it already at the holiday destination area, and don’t need to return it to the same spot you got it from so you get to see more countryside. Not so much if it’s yours and you’re setting off from your home in London though- you’d barely make it to lovely Crawley before having to head back.
Depends on the level of battery use. Which is dependent on distance, load and motor assistance level. You might be able to go a few days between charges.

Mine has a max range of ~45 miles. That is off road, heavy mtb with 90kg rider with around 8kg backpack, 95% of the time in eco mode.

A touring ebike on tarmac with a similar 600w battery would get around 70 miles, less if very hilly terrain. Towing a caravan would kill the range.
Mine has a max range of ~45 miles. That is off road, heavy mtb with 90kg rider with around 8kg backpack, 95% of the time in eco mode.

A touring ebike on tarmac with a similar 600w battery would get around 70 miles, less if very hilly terrain. Towing a caravan would kill the range.
I've done 100km across lightly hilly terrain with an 80kg rider and 20kg of kit and only used up 50% of the battery. On the flat without the wind being against you, its fairly easy to cycle without power assist. If I'm being frugal I just use the power for the uphills and if there is a breeze to contend with.
you can always stick more batteries in the trailer, though finding somewhere to charge them all might be tough. Does the caravan have an electric hook-up?
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