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Cyclists: The scourge of our streets? Anti-cyclist program on Channel 5

i don't know about you, but i am not persuaded by two articles from 15 and 13 years ago which are in essence hearsay and anecdote.

e2a: the telegraph piece is obvious hyperbole and i am very surprised you have decided to share it as 'evidence'
Still waiting for your compelling evidence that proves that no 4x4 drivers ever embark on short shop/school runs.
When I'm riding my bike I'm occasionally endangered by pedestrians and much too frequently endangered by those driving cars/lorries/vans/busses etc.

When I'm driving my car I'm never endangered by pedestrians or those riding bikes or riding horses. But I'm still endangered by those driving cars/lorries/vans/busses etc.

On the positive side, I went for a 250 mile bike ride this weekend and I can count on the fingers of just two hands the number of times I was passed unnecessarily/dangerously closely by motor vehicles. That is a distinct improvement in my opinion - maybe drivers are beginning to understand how truly dangerous to other road users what they are doing is.

I rarely tell my wife how often I am passed dangerously closely by vehicles; it only upsets her if I do.

It's definitely getting better but then it only takes one wanker to fuck up your day and moronic TV shows like this one from C5 isn't going to help. It just helps arseholes justify their arsehole behaviour.
I’ve solved the problem of being close passed. I simply ride pretty much everywhere smack in the middle of the lane, so there is no chance whatsoever of a car getting past unless the other side is clear. I do not give a single fuck if I’m holding up cars anymore. It seems to annoy a lot of drivers. Well, fuck you. My safety is more important than you saving 20 seconds. I’ll decide when you overtake thank you very much.

As for the C5 show - it’s bullshit, made by cunts, for cunts.
Still waiting for your compelling evidence that proves that no 4x4 drivers ever embark on short shop/school runs.

Urban primary schools generally have a catchment radius of less than half a mile. Somehow there are still always SUVs stacked three deep outside them at kicking out time.
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The usual tedious, predictable shite from Spymaster.

For someone who's usually very interesting/witty on U75 you're always so boring when you start on your childish anti-cyclist tripe.


He doesn't even believe any of it, he's just decided for what I'm sure are compelling private reasons that this is a subject nobody can be allowed to talk about on here without getting carpet-bombed with toxic shit.
Still waiting for your compelling evidence that proves that no 4x4 drivers ever embark on short shop/school runs.
I've not made that claim, I've simply asked you to back up your assertion, which - lest we forget - talked about people causing environmental damage driving 4x4s less than 1/5 of a mile. So far you've adduced two dubious pieces more than a decade auld and for your slam dunk one woman who does such. It's a disappointing show
Shocking figures, really.
In 2012, 47% of trips to and from school by primary school children (aged 5-10) were made on foot. This was lower than in 1995/97 when 53% of trips were made on foot. The proportion of trips by car for these children increased from 38% to 44% during the same period. Among secondary school children (aged 11-16) in 2012, 38% of school trips were on foot and 26% were by car, compared with 42% and 20% respectively in 1995/97.

Update for 2016 figures
41% of 5-10 yr olds are driven to school, and 26% of 11-16 yr olds.
According to a 10 year old study in the indy (it'll do):
Average UK household CO2 emissions are 10,900kg per year, of which a daily 1.2 mile, 4x4 school run is estimated to make up 200kg. A 350m (0.2 mile) 4x4 school run would therefore contribute ~34kg. The global warming impact of the school run isn't really all that compared to a one-hour flight (~90kg per passenger).

However, I'd be more concerned about the directly local ill-effecs of the school run. Particulants and NOx from car exhasusts are directly resoponsible for respiratory conditions. The cars themselves are dangerous, and cause dangerous road conditions by being parked illegaly. Lack of exercise for the kids contributes to obesity (and the kids can't play outside after school cos of all the twats in cars bombing around on the school run).

I live near several primary schools and the roads are so so so much nicer during the holidays. The school run can get to fuck and city 4x4 drivers can get to fuck.
The woman hating woman? Thank heavens there was a man like you to put her straight.
The thing with journos is they write what they're paid to write, with very few exceptions. Give a telegraph hack a salary and tell them 'this week write a hyperbolic piece about 4x4s' and lo and behold they'll turn in, just before the deadline, a hyperbolic piece about 4x4s with as much misogyny as the er editor asked for. It's like acting, you're not seeing their real nature which is undoubtedly viler.
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