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Cyclist legally shoots scumbag motorist

Nah, these days teuchter enjoys scenic drives through the Scottish Highlands as much as the next man. It's just everyone else who should be prevented from travelling by car.

I wonder what he'd think if he went to hire a car for a week, and when he arrived the company said "good news, the last person crashed the hatchback you booked so we've upgraded you to this Range Rover Sport, it's the last vehicle we have left so you're lucky". I guess he'd secretly be looking forward to a week of comfortable motoring.
I wonder what he'd think if he went to hire a car for a week, and when he arrived the company said "good news, the last person crashed the hatchback you booked so we've upgraded you to this Range Rover Sport, it's the last vehicle we have left so you're lucky". I guess he'd secretly be looking forward to a week of comfortable motoring.

I'd do a thread on here and it would be clickbait heaven.
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