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Cyberpunk 2077

I see it can corrupt your save files if they go over 8Mb.
CDPR support: "Stop playing the game." lol

I started playing Immortals Fenyx Rising instead as I fancied a Breath of the Wild clone and it was £23 on epic yesterday. Its great.
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Running on a series s everything is ok .

The game is fantastic.. just as in the Witcher 3,the characters are well defined and almost believable.

No glitches yet running 1.5 patch .
Obviously there is no raytracing yet :(
Pretty low framerate for the power of the series s (considering in Forza I've hit 130fps with rtx)... but as is commonly known this is the version suited to the previous generation and we all await ray tracing at 6o fps please.

As with the Witcher 3 it looks like a steady stream of dlc's are on the way . Woop woop .
Running on a series s everything is ok .

The game is fantastic.. just as in the Witcher 3,the characters are well defined and almost believable.

No glitches yet running 1.5 patch .
Obviously there is no raytracing yet :(
Pretty low framerate for the power of the series s (considering in Forza I've hit 130fps with rtx)... but as is commonly known this is the version suited to the previous generation and we all await ray tracing at 6o fps please.

As with the Witcher 3 it looks like a steady stream of dlc's are on the way . Woop woop .
Did you turn ray tracing on? It works fine for me, getting 50-55 fps @1440p on RTX 2080S
20 or so hours in, some bugs but none game breaking and nothing to moan about.

I think it's great, the main missions are long and interesting, Night city and the bad lands look great. Starting to get into the modding and augmenting side of my character with some good implants to be had. Want to get a new gfx card to get it looking really shiny.

Keanu Silverhands reveal is pretty good
Finally just finished this and, being keen to avoid spoilers etc, a bit surprised to see not much action going on in this thread. I only just started playing it this summer when my partner went away, and only finally concluded it now (but I have a tendency to be rather obsessive about this sort of thing so I've done pretty much every mission and side-job and - I think - all of the endings on a single play through). Without wanting to spoiler it much for people who are maybe still on the fence about playing it, suffice to say I absolutely loved it and thought it was well worth the hype. I've probably put about 160 hours in so far.

Night City's a beautiful, crumbling, shimmering nightmare of a world. The realisation of this place with its incessant consumption drowning the city in its own filth makes it probably the most wholly realised open-world I've played. I've wandered around it for days just exploring and looking at stuff as there's a dizzying amount of tiny background details and in-jokes (including a dead John Connor). It's got the depth of setting other dystopias can only dream of (Bladerunner notwithstanding).

The characters are just as varied as the city itself and there's massive variety involved in the side quests (although many of them are predictably similar to the sort of thing you find yourself doing in any open-world job). The people and factions you work with vary a lot but of course all of the ones you work with tend to be ineffably cool but with variously coloured streaks of cynicism. One aspect I did find slightly cringy at times was the reverence seemingly associated with musicians and especially the "Rockerboy" ethos but I suspect this was largely straight from the source material and it made sense in the way that escapism in this world would be highly sought after.

The detail on some of the side-quests was also very well done. Ultimately most boiled down to "go here and kill these guys" or "sneak in here and steal this stuff" but there was enough variation in the details that it didn't drag. Non-combat quests were also a thing - visiting Jackie's funeral was also surprisingly touching. Probably my favourite here was tracking down the cyberpsychos - each one had a very different back story on exactly how they'd been driven bonkers by this horrendous reality.

The multiple jobs do a good job of keeping the storyline in the air and don't really clash that much. I haven't tried it but I dare say it's possible to bosh your way through without doing any of the side jobs at all, but that would lose much of the fun and flavour that the game offers. The main storyline is notably fairly twisty-turny with multiple shadowy factions backstabbing one another and a few bits where I wasn't paying attention demanded to be revisited.

Normal skill level made combat maybe a bit too easy, especially with my max-level hacker build who'd accumulated all the best gear, so the final mission was never really a worry or a challenge (but was still fun). Skills/weapons/cyberware progression is different for each discipline and each has its fair share of quirks and side-missions to find the best upgrades, although on the character side there's definitely some talents that are waaaaaay more useful than the others so it might be a bit unbalanced for some depending on what play style you adopt. You also end up making some hard decisions about what skills and equipment you won't be able to use.

I'm sure it was intentional, but having Johnny being an utterly abrasive arsehole from the first minute we see him was both a brave choice for such a high-profile character and made the eventual reconciliation both in the game and as you the player all the more satisfying. I felt genuinely sorry for the dude once you find out everything that happened to him and his missus and everything he saw happening to the rapidly disintegrating world around him. I'd say Keanu delivers it very well (but then I'm a fan of Keanu and this sort of role plays to his strengths in any case).

They were also pretty brave for having such a downer ending(s). The first time I finished it I wasn't sure on it and thought they might just be daring to be different but I'm now convinced that it fits the nihilistic universe perfectly; even the happiest ending I came up with still results in the death of someone you've built up a rapport with as well as having to decide whether V or Johnny gets to "live".

There's some genuinely excellent ambient music in the soundtrack (CDPR are kind enough to provide a set of WAVs/FLACs of much of it with the game); there's some fizzling, fuzzy, clanking techno for the action scenes and some really atmospheric down-tempo pieces for the sombre reflective bits (probably the closest popular work I could compare it to would be Cliff Martinez's scores for Traffic, Solaris and Drive). The credits mention two electric cello players; not an instrument I've knowingly heard before but it's used in a few key tracks and gives the pieces a beautifully mournful, almost dirge-like, sound. It didn't come as a surprise that one of the co-composers for the soundtrack did the similarly throbbing/ethereal music for the tonally very similar Dredd film. The rock and pop songs used for the local radio stations are good too, almost all of them with an angry tone appropriate for a society permanently at war with itself.

Yes, there's still some bugs - mostly relating to slow-downs and crashes (although I'm playing mostly on linux which probably introduces bugs of its own), although there's a few instances where objects spawn too low down and you can't pick them up. In once case this resulted in a car I was meant to retrieve being 40m underground and I was unable to complete the mission; in another instance I was unable to pick up a legendary katana as a reward for a mission. Thankfully these are the only game-breaking bugs I ran in to.

All in all, even though this genre's right up my street I still regard it as a great game for everyone to try. Just a shame it was released to such a furore of bugs and bad press.
Yeah good write up, you talked me round,

Still a bit worried about trying to play this on the ol' xbone, if i get it for less than £20 i'll have a go
Is it still the crypto mining thing? I’m definitely due an upgrade. Surely there’s a gap in the market for GPU’s actually being used for graphics :mad:.

A magic combination of mining with a bit of global supply shortages thrown in for good measure I believe. :(
If you're not into mining got for a LHR version as mining is locked out on those cards.

Last week BOX had RTX 3070 TI for £709 , still expensive but about £70 less than the cheapest RTX 3070 on thier site, I've got a stock alert set up for them again so even if I cant afford on I'l let people know when they come back in stock.
Im back with Shadow, £30 quid a month for to rent a full windows VM with a GTX 1080 , activation only took 2 days last month, It's a fine alternative.
I'm what I belive is known as a filthy casual, so couldnt spend that much on a card. That said I've shot myself in the foot slightly as the lowest monitor resolution I've now got is 1440p.

I did try Stadia on a free trial and it wasn't terrible at all, but I don't like how your games are tied up in it, don't trust Google not to just drop it, it's not like they've given it loads of publicity. It's funny as I do think with their resources they really could threaten the consol market especially with all the shortages they have. Paid for 6 months of Geforce Now. It's really not bad and I like that your games on Steam, but they don't support 1440. It was impressive to see it on a Chromebook mind. I guess part of me is old school and just wants to own the hardware.
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Well I finally picked this up for a tenner (second hand perfect all the stickers, map, postcards) and after a 2 hour install on xbox one, have played it for a week. And it is good, only minor glitches, 1 stuck in scenery, 1 crashed the game. I'm working away now but it's waiting at home and I miss it. That's a very good sign. Absorbing story, pretty to look at, great voice acting.
Well I finally picked this up for a tenner (second hand perfect all the stickers, map, postcards) and after a 2 hour install on xbox one, have played it for a week. And it is good, only minor glitches, 1 stuck in scenery, 1 crashed the game. I'm working away now but it's waiting at home and I miss it. That's a very good sign. Absorbing story, pretty to look at, great voice acting.

It's amazing, I've probably had more fun playing this then anything else I can remember for a long time.
Had a dream last night that had several features from this game, a sure sign of an interesting story well told

(or just misplaced obsession perhaps)
DLC coming next year. Unusualy I might go back to a game for the DLC. I only clocked this as Facebook article was saying it will have Sasha Grey, ex porn actress and now twitch streamer as a voice actor.

Maybe by then I might own a GPU.
Isnt it on Geforce now?

I started a new playthrough when I got my RTX 3060ti, it's a great game.

Yes, it's a fantastic use of the tech. I played it on High with all the Ray Tracing at 1440p.

I've still got the subscription and would never bother with a GPU again if there weren't so many games I can't play.

I'm going to see what the market does once it settles a bit now the new cards are out (they've already pulled the 4080 10gb).
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