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CWI Split?


New Member
A screenshot has been circulating containing the opening paragraphs of a document titled 'Crisis in CWI' and penned by head honcho Peter Taaffe. The tirade accuses the Irish section, their star section and most successful in electoral terms, of 'political retreat' and lurching towards 'petty bourgeois Mandelism'. No substantive differences are raised and I don't have access to the rest of the document, but the accusatory and intemperate tone suggests a split is on the horizon.

There's at least one member of the irish section that I've seen post on here so I wonder if we'll hear anything.
From my own experience, in person and online, they never do seem to talk about their
party unless to fiercely promote it or to drop one of their papers on you.
Very tight-lipped and mute otherwise, this cadre of petit-bourgeois Mandelites.

The tension between the CWI and the Irish party is something I've suspected for some time though, but was never quite sure of.
I can't remember the last public meeting of theirs I attended but it could have been the one they were lavishing praise on Berniedawg circa 2016.
In my limited md somewhat dated experience of trot groups aren’t most splits described in such terms but actually the result of someone ‘engaging with the popular front’ Of someone else’s partner?
My reading of this one is Irish section have a decent amount of success (at least compared to the rest of the cwi) and decide they don't want to take orders from taffe when he tells them they're doing it wrong. Taffe spits dummy out.

This shit is always presented like a fight over political principle but its usually a power struggle when you get down to it.
'petty bourgeois Mandelism' is a marvellous insult.
Hmmm, does he mean "petty, bourgeois Mandelism" or "petit bourgeois Mandelism?"

This is crucial to any understanding of his polemic because the two are quite distinct tendencies within the workers' movement leading to vastly different outcomes in any revolutionary situation.
And as I can't be arsed to google it - is this the Socialist Party (E&W) or the lot that stayed in the Labour Party?
A deepening crisis in the international organisation around Peter Taaffe's Socialist Party. Taaffe's supporters formed a minority at its most recent IEC, describing as 'Mandelite' a current including leaders of the sections in Ireland, Greece and Belgium. The English and Welsh IEC members have declared an opposition faction. It has been given parity on a commission organising a world congress next year of the Committee for a Workers' International.

Peter Taaffe's criticism of the comrades' role in Ireland is at

A members' bulletin gathering together other documents can be found at http://ow.ly/OmUU30nJIwj
Maybe a few more references here:

Rather than Taafe's facebook communique, that might have more to do with the readmittance into the Labour Party of his sharp-suited former comrade on the left-hand side of the first photo, which made today's news.
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Rather than Taafe's facebook communique, that might have more to do with the readmittance into the Labour Party of his sharp-suited former comrade on the left hand side of the first photo, which made the news today.
I was offering up the archive to copliker as a potential source for "petty bourgeois Mandelisms" rather than as a guide to the impending brouhaha in the CWI.

Point taken about the "reverse Derek" though.
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