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Cutting your own hair


Detty Pig
Does anyone else do this? Have been experimenting during lockdowns with a pair of cheap hair scissors (Sanguine) and found I am generally happier with the results vs. the 10-20 quid I was spending at barbers. Still interested in tips/videos which have helped others. My main issue is the back as difficult to see properly with 2 mirrors so all my homebrew cuts are a bit 'mullety' IYSWIM. I am a bloke btw.
Does anyone else do this? Have been experimenting during lockdowns with a pair of cheap hair scissors (Sanguine) and found I am generally happier with the results vs. the 10-20 quid I was spending at barbers. Still interested in tips/videos which have helped others. My main issue is the back as difficult to see properly with 2 mirrors so all my homebrew cuts are a bit 'mullety' IYSWIM. I am a bloke btw.
Somewhere on here is a thread all about lockdown haircuts, with quite a lot of people talking about how they did theirs.

I cut mine, but I just use clippers, and can do it by feel...but then I've been doing it for a quarter of a century :)
If you're having problems juggling mirrors, try setting up a camera pointing at the back of your head linked to a screen in front of you - then you can flip/mirror the image so that your hands move in whatever direction you expect them to, instead of the opposite one.
Yeah, I've been doing mine mostly for the last year or 2.

Damp hair with spray bottle. Comb from temple to crown and pull hair over to centre of head.

No 3 on sides and back.

No 7 on top, takes some going over a few times. Then a No. 5 on top to get to length.

No2 around the head just above the ears and round the back of the skull.

No 1 for sideburns and base of hair at the nape of the neck. Here's a trick, grip the back of your head with your hand as if you had your hands behind your head (just the one hand though obvs.). This creates the right shape for you to run the trimmers up to so you don't get too high with the No 1 and look like an extra from Hamburger Hill.
have not had my hair cut since the start of the covid stuff

which seeming as I've just got used to the dead ends is a bad idea

before coronavirustime I'd decided I didn't like my barber and was looking for a new one (this was Feb. 2020 say), then haircuts became hard to get because of restrictions. now everything's open again but prices have gone up 50% or more. so I'm still hacking at it 3.5 years later. I've learned a little how to go about it and the results aren't so bad, but I enjoy the feel of a haircut. :(
I bought clippers during Covid and attempted to cut my own hair.

I found it very hard to cut the back even by feel and was glad when my barber came back to work :)
Ponytail centred on the crown, chop the end off :D

Do you actually do this izz ? :)

I've got long thick hair, but don't use hairdressers ( too scissor happy) so I just trim the ends myself. But I've been thinking of a simple way to thin it out, but with the layers being blended, but also long enough to still fit in a pony tail.

What you've suggested looks reasonable to my brain.. but is it :hmm:
Do you actually do this izz ? :)

I've got long thick hair, but don't use hairdressers ( too scissor happy) so I just trim the ends myself. But I've been thinking of a simple way to thin it out, but with the layers being blended, but also long enough to still fit in a pony tail.

What you've suggested looks reasonable to my brain.. but is it :hmm:
I do actually do that :D

It gives some layering by default, put your scrunchie at the very middle of the top of your head - pineapple head style, and just lop the end off. I do it with wet hair so its straight
havent been in a hairdressers since age 21
cant say ive got a great hair cut though :D
If you use clippers I cant recommend these enough:

very precise control on length, i find the 4 grades on classic clippers all the wrong length for what i want
also never seem to break. id get through quite a few sets of wahl clippers whereas this thing has lasted me so long i cant remember how long it is since i bought it - 10 years easily
also can be battery operated which is handy
I've finally got to a No 1 all over. For a goodly while I was "stuck" at a No 2 but initially with being furloughed for a month (no one would see me for a month apart from Mrs Voltz) and now retirement, a bi-monthly'ish No 1 seems to do the job nicely . . . although some areas of psoriasis on me bonce isn't a super attractive look, I'm convinced that getting extra sun to my scalp is gradually improving said psoriasis
I could not let anyone, myself and Mrs Tag included, touch my hair unless they have had at least 5 years training and are exceptionally competent.
ice-is-forming they do not touch my hair until it has been agreed what they are going to attempt. If I thought my hairdresser was scissor happy
I would never go back, I would go and find someone else.
We did discuss mullets; she said mullets were back big time right now but she knows me too well to even suggest going down that route.
That's one slow haircut!
Oh yes, she is very thorough. :D

I bit the bullet and bought a decent set of wired clippers, cuts the job time in half.

About twenty years ago, I went into the barber for my bi-annual haircut. It was burst mattress stage and it was a hot day. Sat there, I heard a voice saying No2 please. It was my voice. :eek: No2 it has been ever since. :)
I do it myself; I attempt to give myself a fairly complex haircut so it may not always fully succeed as I am reliant on using a pair of scissors / clippers and a mirror.

I don’t really care if it looks shit as I am usually giving myself a mullet which a lot of people think looks shit anyway so owning my hair is kind of a prerequisite
My main issue is the back as difficult to see properly with 2 mirrors
I cut my own (long guard on top, grade 0 on the sides and back, cutting through the centre of the crown so a "widehawk" I suppose) and my tip for the back of your head is to use a phone instead of a second mirror, using a mirror app that lets you "unflip" the image. It makes the movements feel much more intuitive. There's a convenient alignment of a hook on the bathroom door that lets me hang my phone case on it but you might have to rig something up.

I often find a few stray long hairs in the days following which I tidy up with some scissors.
I do actually do that :D

It gives some layering by default, put your scrunchie at the very middle of the top of your head - pineapple head style, and just lop the end off. I do it with wet hair so its straight
I have cut mine for a number of years but could do with better layering. I'm going to give your method a whirl. Thanks!
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