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critique of loon theories around banking/money creation/the federal reserve

Fuck you.

Calling out anti-semites as anti-semites isn't bullying, and if you think it is you can fuck right off you liberal/clueless mug.

These people are scum and are infecting a lot of the wider anti-cuts movement (see Occupy), they are a problem and need to exposed for what they are.

quite, if they want to cry about it they ought to think twice about defending and promoting ideas that led to millions of deaths and today help to obfuscate and derail any real opposition to capitalism, who help to discredit and repel opposition to that system, and turn attention instead to innocent people who have done nothing.
Cheers for those. I think business history is part of the missing link in 'radical analysis' and 'radical history' and wider analysis and understanding - how for every firm, each profit coincides with increasing pressure on workforces - its own or its competitors - and how in the state sector every jump in productivity leads to a squeeze elsewhere. 80% of radical history is the story of strikes, whereas strikes are 20% of the time.
also made men work for Dollar a day during the sepression because he was tighter than a gnats chuff

Ford paid one dollar a day only during the First World War, one central innovation was relatively high wages (five dollar day) in return for a highly structured, ruining-the-nerves-and-mind-workday free of union interference.
Have downloaded that economy dossier, does it have some very basic stuff in it rfor almost complete beginners butchersapron? I know almost nothing about economics other than bits of pieces I've picked up on here and I really should.
Have downloaded that economy dossier, does it have some very basic stuff in it rfor almost complete beginners butchersapron? I know almost nothing about economics other than bits of pieces I've picked up on here and I really should.
Nope :D Was just a collection of books i was sticking on a USB drive for a mate and thought i'd upload rather than a planned collection. Best in there is Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value which ain't beginner stuff but needs to be read. Might be interesting compile something along the lines you suggest though. (Not tonight)
Yep, and the right to use a moral based employment model.

Enforced by a sadistic morality-guardian thug Harry Bennett, who hired unemployable ex-criminals as spies, security guards and supervisors from 1919 onwards leading to what the fairly mild Roosevelt union registration board called "a rule of terror and repression".
Yeah but he knew about the power of the banks though so he was all right. sihhi

I'm fast coming to the conclusion that jazzz knows all of this stuff he just doesn't care about it :(
Enforced by a sadistic morality-guardian thug Harry Bennett, who hired unemployable ex-criminals as spies, security guards and supervisors from 1919 onwards leading to what the fairly mild Roosevelt union registration board called "a rule of terror and repression".

origins of the term stool pigeon?
Nope :D Was just a collection of books i was sticking on a USB drive for a mate and thought i'd upload rather than a planned collection. Best in there is Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value which ain't beginner stuff but needs to be read. Might be interesting compile something along the lines you suggest though. (Not tonight)

would be good if you could or point me in the direction of something, i have a lot of trouble understanding economics texts with a lot of statistics so something simple (but not distorted/leaving stuff out if you know what i mean) would be good!
Fuck you.

Calling out anti-semites as anti-semites isn't bullying, and if you think it is you can fuck right off you liberal/clueless mug.

These people are scum and are infecting a lot of the wider anti-cuts movement (see Occupy), they are a problem and need to exposed for what they are.

as i've said before, another possible effect of these people's influence (which has definitely happened, tho i don't knpow what the long term effects are) is the fact that by repelling and discrediting opposition to capitalism (and not just among jews) and associating it with out and out racism, something that isn't actually being challenged effectively, it will strengthen the hard right (or at least confirm some people leaning towards that way in their views) from the other direction - UKIP/EDL type zionist islamophobia about eurabia and so on, the idea that the left is as a whole anti-semitic, anti-israel and pro-muslim (ETA: and thus "traitors") and so on, all ideas that have been refuted a million times on here but it's a perception thats not helped by these people infecting these movements plus people like galloway, people taking fuckwitted attitudes to british troops etc.

ETA: you already see signs in this in fuckwitted "holocaust not allowed to be taught in british schools" emails blamed on muslims, etc. associating supporting the state of israel (and opposition to anti-semitism) with "patriotism"/hating muslims and that sort of stuff

two bunches of cunts feeding off each other basically.
A stool pigeon was a company spy sent to report on meetings amongst the vast workforce at 80,000 at the main Detroit plant.

thought it was related. My american history is patchy hence I conflate pinkertons/stoolpidge/mining conflict/mcarthy/saccovanzetti into one big 'how the left got killed in americky'
Un-ignored to reply to this ignorant bollocks. The money is still technically in the account, yes. Otherwise banks wouldn't be able to lend out deposits current account holders placed in them - which is one of the key functions of a bank. But it places into circulation the money that is showing in the account - it's not new money in that sense.
No, the money is not 'still technically in the account' - it is simply still in the account. It is ledger-entry money. That is the form of 97% of our money. Most of our trading is done with this money.

For example, you deposit £10 in the bank of Spiney. It's a new bank so yours is the only deposit I have - I don't have any other money. Blagsta asks me for a loan. At the point when I agree the loan 'new money' is created - but only in a in a very specific sense - and it's the use to mean something very specific and your lack of understanding of what that specific something is that's causing loons like you to say what you do. Because it exists only on a ledger - it's not real. Blagsta then withdraws the £10 I lent him. Now according to the ledger I still hold the £10 you deposited. But you try taking it out - you can't because I haven't actually got it - it only exists on the ledger. So to give it to you I have to borrow it from someone else.
You are confusing full-reserve systems with fractional. In the case you describe, it's like you are attempting, as a normal person, to indulge in fractional reserve banking, but when the run happens (I come to claim back my ten pounds) your bank fails, because the money isn't there.


But if you weren't a new bank, and you had a lot more customers, then I COULD WITHDRAW my loan which you had 'lent out' to someone else. Because you only need to hold a fraction of reserves to cover all the people who might withdraw their money - just as people transfer money out by wire, other will transfer in by wire - and they prefer you to hold the hard cash.

That is what enables the fractional reserve bank to lend out thirty times (not ten anymore) the money it has as 'cash reserves' (money in notes, or deposits with the Bank of England).

But as mentioned, this is also precisely why it is vulnerable to 'the run'. Because the cash isn't there.

"Because it exists only on a ledger - it's not real." As PhilDwyer has been at pains to point out, all the money is illusory in nature, however this 'not real' money constitutes 97% of the money in circulation. MOST OF OUR MONEY EXISTS AS LEDGER ENTRIES. That is what the money is. Only some 3% exists as cash.

This is why there was a financial crisis - for various reasons that I'm not going to go into because it would take too long to check the specifics, banks were unable to borrow the money to cover their liabilities.
Yes, the banks had been exposed to a run which had taken hold. No-one would lend them more money because it would just get withdrawn in the run, and they wouldn't get it back.

What you have to understand is that at any one time, with a fractional-reserve bank, the bank's liabilities on demand deposits far exceed the cash it has to pay them with. They are always skirting this precipice.

If they'd really been 'creating money out of thin air' this wouldn't be a problem - they'd just pay you the money they 'created' and everyone would be happy.
No they wouldn't, because confidence in the bank's currency - confidence that it could be transferred out, or withdrawn as cash - had evaporated. That's why everyone goes to withdraw their money. If you and a thousand friends have £10,000 deposited in CRASHINGBANK, and there's a run, loads of people are withdrawing their cash, do you really think CRASHINGBANK might stop the run by adding £10,000 to your statements? No, you would say, I am getting what money I can out while I have the chance, and they've gone insane.
It's worth going over full-reserve banking again. With full-reserve banking, it can never be the case that the bank's liabilities on demand deposits exceed its cash reserves (if so, the bank is declared bust). Thus, it is not vulnerable to the run in the slightest. With FR banking, the analogy of a depositor's money being re-lent out DOES make sense: the deposit becomes a 'time' deposit, and the depositor not permitted to withdraw until the loan of it is repaid.

It's nonsense to say that money isn't 'circulating' with this. It's circulating by being lent in this fashion, and far more importantly, it circulates through normal commerce.

It would probably be illuminating if other people attempted to describe the difference between full-reserve and fractional-reserve banking. LBJ is the only other poster who I think has any grasp of it.
Jazzz, Northern Rock didn't need bailing out because of a run, the run was a consequence of its bailout and subsequent loss of confidence.

You're also still thinking that only cash is money despite having this explained to you.

How would full reserve banking operate a current account?
It's worth going over full-reserve banking again. With full-reserve banking, it can never be the case that the bank's liabilities on demand deposits exceed its cash reserves (if so, the bank is declared bust). Thus, it is not vulnerable to the run in the slightest. With FR banking, the analogy of a depositor's money being re-lent out DOES make sense: the deposit becomes a 'time' deposit, and the depositor not permitted to withdraw until the loan of it is repaid.
Why do you want to make the bankers stronger? If all money is an illusion why do you want to replace one illusion for another?
butchersapron I'm reading that "global minotaur". Enjoying it so far (i'm about 20 pages in) but is there anything i should read alongside it?
Yes, Forces of Labor: Workers' Movements and Globalization since 1870, does what GM doesn't (not that good a book) and looks at capital and class dynamics form below, at how they change the form of capital and what it faces rather than then the US decided to do this and then that etc

And if you struggle with any of this always have a look here
I don't have much time these days to get actively embroiled in these kind of threads, but even if I did they would just go the same way as all of these threads below, so if anyone's interested these all had slightly less derailed discussions about the same/similar/connected topics

Taking on the currency cranks

"Banks create money out of nothing" - Guardian

IMF's whacky far-out conspiraloon Government Issued Utility Money Plan

Austrian School: Crap/Not Crap?

Money and value

Why does capitalism need 3% growth?

Repossessions to rise when interest rates go up

Life Without Money

austerity and quantitive easing
I don't have much time these days to get actively embroiled in these kind of threads, but even if I did they would just go the same way as all of these threads below, so if anyone's interested these all had slightly less derailed discussions about the same/similar/connected topics

This is all very good, but do you have anything with lots of examples involving goats?
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