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COVID-19: Recycling and related subjects

To prevent the main COVID UK thread from being completely derailed, please use this one to tell the world what waste recycling arrangements exist in your local area and other associated fascinating subjects
That reminds me, I have to put the bins out tomorrow.

We don't have a special collection of food waste anymore, although we used to. Most of mine goes on the compost pile anyway...
To be fair though, someone responds to post 5023 (for example) about recycling and then later comes to post 5489 (for example) to see peeved recycling exasperation.
I just checked...

"Due to reduced staff numbers and to protect the weekly collection of black and clear sacks, we’re stopping food and garden waste collections throughout MK after regular collections on Friday 3 April until the situation improves.

Due to the current covid-19 outbreak, some Parish offices are temporarily closed. If you are ordering sacks for collection, please check that your chosen collection office is still open before ordering."
To be fair though, someone responds to post 5023 (for example) about recycling and then later comes to post 5489 (for example) to see peeved recycling exasperation.
Sure - it's a bit annoying having the forum police going around telling people what they can and can't post on threads due to arbitrary boundaries they've made up in their own head. This thread has been discussing the lockdown quite extensively (it's even in the thread title), so I think it's understandable that people have been discussing the effects of stockpiling/panic buying/lockdown on home recycling and food waste.
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Eh? Kitchen waste is put separately in small green bins. Easily noticed when overflowing. You put kitchen waste in your black sacks? Really? We've had green bins for nearly 10 years, as have most people I know. Where on Earth do you live?

Not in flats. At least not here. We have the black and green boxes but don't have to use the caddies for kitchen waste. (Thank fuck.)
Sure - it's a bit annoying having the forum police going around telling people what they can and can't post on threads due to arbitrary boundaries they've made up in their own head. This thread has been discussing the lockdown quite extensively (it's even in the thread title), so I think it's understandable that people have been discussing the effects of stockpiling/panic buying/lockdown on home recycling and food waste.
The fuck is my post doing in the recycling thread?
All food waste goes in the green bin along with garden waste here. Paper, cardboard, plastic and tins go in the blue bin with glass in the caddy.

E2a: black and blue bins still being collected, green bin may or may not be collected.
I live exactly on the intersection where the virus meets recycling so this is the thread for me ! (No bin men - or post - since they locked the gates to the park type thing I live inside last week). It’s quite exciting, wondering what’s going to happen about that.
Is this going to happen everytime a thread wanders off topic for a bit? It had already got back onto the topic of the OP.

Oops, sorry, didn't mean to derail this thread. :rolleyes:
planetgeli Wales is apparently a world leader in recycling :thumbs:
Or it was if Cardiff Council is anything to go by. They are stopping food and green waste, and burning the black and green recycling bags during the crisis.
No food waste recycling here, but we have bins for glass/plastic/tins and also paper. Annoyingly the council is quite restrictive on what types of plastic they'll accept for recycling, so I try to store that separately and take it to M & S as they accept any plastics that can't be recycled normally.

I need to check if Boots still run the recycling service for used asthma inhalers - I've got a bag full of them that I need to get rid of.
Part of that decision (to incinerate) might be because the advice is to double bag used tissues and put in the general waste (72 hours wait).

Mine (tissues) tend to go out into the garden incinerator - currently I have been burning twigs blown down over the winter, so having multiple small fires. The next ones will be spring pruning detritus, so still have plenty of opportunity.

Local Council have closed the "tip" / skips which takes bulk domestic / small business stuff like scrap plastics, metal and wood - which is just going to increase the fly tipping problem (although the police might catch a few at it, with the travel restrictions. Last year someone dumped 100 tyres over the wall into a nearby wood.
They are continuing to do the general waste / general recyclables twin bins "system" - collecting each on alternate weeks, they used to do a brown bin for garden waste, but that was too expensive, so most people who can, have their own heap/bin for composting.
planetgeli Wales is apparently a world leader in recycling :thumbs:
Or it was if Cardiff Council is anything to go by. They are stopping food and green waste, and burning the black and green recycling bags during the crisis.

Nobody has stopped our waste collections yet. Sounds like its coming from what you and others have said.

And yeah, I kinda knew Wales achieves more recycling targets than the rest of the U.K. It is ridiculous there is no national policy though. Everyone has different rules it seems. Even here where I live we don't get glass collected - and if you want garden waste collected its £50 a year extra. But in my place they take plastic in blue bags and I don't know many other recyclers that take plastic.
Shared bin/recycling areas for flats here.

The recycling bins have finally been emptied after a few weeks.
Annoying but fair play to the collection guys today who dealt with overflowing bins and picked up all that was on the floor too :cool:

What is a pain is that people have obviously been 'spring cleaning' so we have had a lot of fly-tipping (mattresses/sofas/furniture/crap) and after a couple of reports to managing agents that has been finally cleared!
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