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Country walk in the Peak District 11 Aug 2018 - anyone interested?

Are you interested in coming on the walk?

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Anyway Shirl and Calamity1971 - enough of this midlander whinging (they're only jealous they're not Northerners, bless them), we need to firm up the date. Lets start with the month and work from there.

June, July or August?
I'm booked all June and July but so far the first 3 Saturdays in August are free. If others want to do other dates it that suits then don't worry about me, go with the flow. :)
Honestly, I have loads on and I'm just not able to commit to much for a while. I think you should go with what suits most people first and I'll try and get there if I can. (If only to give barleybabes a good hiding) :D
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