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Country walk in the Peak District 11 Aug 2018 - anyone interested?

Are you interested in coming on the walk?

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I think there should be an option for those of a lesser constitution to bale out at, say, half distance.

I'm asking for Lily, obvs.

You can get off the Mam Tor ridge at lots of different points so that wouldn't be a problem if we go for that route.
I've done a circular walk from Edale station - heading up to the ridge at the far end (where it joins the fellside that links to Kinder Scout), along the ridge until it terminates at the far end and then back to Edale. I think that was around 11.5 miles, and easily doable in a day.
I did one this year from Bamford station, up to Ladybower, around to and over Win Hill and then onto the train at Hope. Came out at 6 miles or so, but it's probably extensible.
You can get off the Mam Tor ridge at lots of different points so that wouldn't be a problem if we go for that route.
I'm happy to do 10-12 miles but is there a route where if some drop out along the way we can find a pub to all meet up later or would that involve some backtracking?
Straight down the M6. Then a teeny weeny bit of M5.

Barely half an hour in the car, really.
Where are setting off from and are you and Shirl staying overnight somewhere.
Also, is this instead of the 23rd June meet or is that getting rearranged?
Since when did I have to set the date? How about 11th or 18th of August?

What is everyone's views on dates for this then? I'm easy, but we'd need to bear in mind the awful tourist hordes (apart from us upstanding people of course) that might by annoyingly crowded during summer.
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