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Country walk in the Peak District 11 Aug 2018 - anyone interested?

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You know that bit of Mam Tor that's closed because it's so dangerous?

In the 1970s we went on a school trip which involved climbing (i.e. scrambling up) that very same bit of Mam Tor. I had to be rescued :cool:

We went up the bottom of it, as it were, on a field trip at sixth form - an impressive landslip. :)
You know that bit of Mam Tor that's closed because it's so dangerous?

In the 1970s we went on a school trip which involved climbing (i.e. scrambling up) that very same bit of Mam Tor. I had to be rescued :cool:

The broken road? When I did care work Id sometimes take kids there and let them slide down the screes.

Think it's safe enough on foot tbf.
The broken road? When I did care work Id sometimes take kids there and let them slide down the screes.

Think it's safe enough on foot tbf.
Mam tor is fine on foot. The road only slid away very slowly over months and years. After numerous attempts to repair it, they gave up at the arse end of the seventies.

And yes it's a beautiful part of the world. Hope your calf muscles are up to it
Ten miles is into committed rather than leisurely, I think, but doable nonetheless. I'm hesitant to say I can make anything at the moment but in principle I'm interested.
Ten miles is into committed rather than leisurely, I think, but doable nonetheless. I'm hesitant to say I can make anything at the moment but in principle I'm interested.

I've done a circular walk from Edale station - heading up to the ridge at the far end (where it joins the fellside that links to Kinder Scout), along the ridge until it terminates at the far end and then back to Edale. I think that was around 11.5 miles, and easily doable in a day.
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