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I tend to post this sort of graphic from time to time to try to help balance our own thoughts about what we might have been ill with recently. Not that I am ruling anything out, but just look at some of the other possibilities too.

I have been ill once or twice in the last month myself, no way for me to determine what it was. I cant even tell if I was ill with one long thing or two different things during that time.

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from https://assets.publishing.service.g...kly_national_influenza_report_week_9_2020.pdf

Are rhinoviruses etc all types of corona virus?
Im about 87% convinced that me and my immediate neighbours (friends) have all had it already (from jan to early feb) . Thought it was just flu but dry cough fever and everyone we met got it. Don’t think that makes me an invincible zombie but more fascinated than terrified tbh.

Yeah, me too - I’ve been off work for over a week with a strong head cold unlike anything I’ve had before, can’t put my finger on it.
Yes, I agree, I was just adding on the point about not coughing onto hands as an extra.

The whole cough into your elbow thing was amusing to me when it first popped onto my radar, given that I became interested in infectious respiratory diseases long after I came up with that name. If it helps people remember that advice and provides opportunities to play off my username then I'm all for it :) Its a shame there arent more opportunities for actual puns though.

No, no, this one will do :thumbs:
Are rhinoviruses etc all types of corona virus?

None of the things listed in that graph are coronaviruses.

They are all things that cause infections, and a whole bunch of them tend to get lumped together as 'the common cold'. Rhinovirus is said to be responsible for quite a percentage of colds, for example.

I was sticking the graphs up to remind people of some of the other possibilities in regards what bug people might have caught in the last 6 weeks that isnt the new coronavirus.

There are a bunch of existing coronaviruses that are responsible for colds too, but these dont tend to be show up in any chart these sorts of seasonal reports, I dont know why. Maybe they are a bigger pain to test for, maybe there are other resons. I have said before that I think its a big shame we didnt pay more attention and learn more about these other coronaviruses in the decades since we discovered them. There are some studies and papers on them, but it doesnt look to me like they've ever been much of a priority.
My read of Japanese culture is that if told to stay home and self-isolate, they'll tend to comply. Americans would be using the enforced time off to go shopping or some shit, and feel entitled to do so.

There are some big differences yes, but also some similarities here and there in terms of certain attitudes towards draconian measures and not really getting the point of it.

eg Hokkaido residents mixed over state of emergency due to coronavirus - The Mainichi
It's getting a bit too close now, chap in our London office has it, he'd been skiing in northern italy at half term. Can you imagine how many people were skiing in northern italy at half term?

Did he self-isolate after returning?
Did he self-isolate after returning?

”was in the **** street Office on Monday 24 Feb. He was then symptomless, but has since been confirmed as having Covid 19. It is believed he was infected whilst on a skiing holiday in Northern Italy. He was placed in self-isolation during Mon 24 Feb.”

That's what was in the email, guessing he was infectious on the day he was in the office.
There are some big differences yes, but also some similarities here and there in terms of certain attitudes towards draconian measures and not really getting the point of it.

eg Hokkaido residents mixed over state of emergency due to coronavirus - The Mainichi

"I cannot take time off from work easily as I work in the hotel industry. I'm concerned I could become infected with the new virus while on duty and pass it on to my daughter."

These are things which the Singapore government has managed to do well on with a general COVID19 fund MPs have donated 10% of their pay into.

Japan has offered some support:

On Monday, the health ministry said it will provide a subsidy for firms that created their own paid leave systems over the outbreak and made parents with children attending elementary and special schools or children suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus take leave.

By paying up to 8,330 yen ($77) a day per worker for paid leave between Feb. 27 and March 31, the ministry hopes to help companies compensate workers for income losses.

According to WHO there is local transmission in these European countries: Italy Germany France Spain UK Switzerland Norway Netherlands Croatia Greece Finland
Jamie Dimon, the bank’s chief executive officer, said not long before the announcement that he had dreamed he and other billionaires contracted the virus during January’s World Economic Forum in Switzerland.

“I had this nightmare that somehow in Davos, all of us who went there got it, and then we all left and spread it,” Dimon said during the bank’s annual investor day. “The only good news from that is that it might have just killed the elite.” His audience chuckled.

Prepare the B Ark for launch!
Supermarkets may be expecting to enjoy a panic buying boom - how lovely, great to hear a positive come out of this virus at least :rolleyes:

Am I wrong to think that the panic buying idiots should be fucking slapped? They cause nothing but trouble for the rest of us, who don't have tons of cash to spend on being fearful morons. It's just the prepper wannabes and the hypochondriacs right now, but panic has a tendency to snowball and I really can't be fucking arsed to deal with that kind of abject stupidity on a larger scale.
Am I wrong to think that the panic buying idiots should be fucking slapped? They cause nothing but trouble for the rest of us, who don't have tons of cash to spend on being fearful morons. It's just the prepper wannabes and the hypochondriacs right now, but panic has a tendency to snowball and I really can't be fucking arsed to deal with that kind of abject stupidity on a larger scale.

Depends what you'd class as 'panic buying'. If everyone just buys a few extra bits of food and an extra pack of bog roll on the off chance they have to isolate themselves, that would represent a big spike in demand and would probably result in empty shelves for some items, but it's not going to result in anyone going hungry.

Panic buying is a thing the press love to talk up but probably not something that actually happens very often. The perfectly normal pre-christmas stockpiling probably creates a bigger surge in demand than any 'panic buying' episode from the last twenty years, it's just that we don't notice that so much because the shops plan for it and bring in more stuff accordingly.
A case in Delhi. If it takes off there it’ll be awful.
Yes. Selfishly a little freaked out by the bit about how one of their confirmed cases flew from delhi-europe on an air india flight, as i did 2 days after him. Plane was not clean. Clinging onto my idea that i already had it.
Oh no at the number of Italy deaths.

From the BBC live updates page https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-asia-51701043

Yes, and today i checked Facebook and in a group I’m a member of there’s an ignorant woman ranting about the “hysterical overreaction” of her company who have asked one of her team members to self isolate, because two weeks after returning from a trip to Rome he has developed a fever. Her argument is that “the virus was nowhere near there” two weeks ago..

People apparently do think the reported cases numbers being shown in the media are a live readout of exactly where the virus is that day, and by extension everywhere where cases are not being reported is completely safe.
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A case in Delhi. If it takes off there it’ll be awful.
I am a little freaked out by the possibility of it catching hold in India. About 95% of our staff and students have Indian heritage and a lot will travel over there at Easter or their relatives will come here :(
I overheard the departmental manager saying that "80% of people have recovered and you don't hear that stat on the news" (although he must have read that somewhere) so no problem everything's fine, they're only worried about elderly relatives.
Looks like a summary list of all known cases so far.
Johnson sounds alarmingly out of his depth in this press conference at the moment. Of course we all know he is anyway but he's really exposed on this.

'Em err... um... we're... err... doing stuff... and things... I've no doubt the British can do it'
OK - today I have a bad stomach and lots of toilet trips. So not what I feared! Phew.

Now you say it, it would be a good time for a deadly slow-burning gut-dissolution virus to sneak in under the radar...
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My read of Japanese culture is that if told to stay home and self-isolate, they'll tend to comply. Americans would be using the enforced time off to go shopping or some shit, and feel entitled to do so.

There was a bit of a furore last week when a teacher went to work, despite being ill

The teacher visited a medical institution on Feb. 12 after feeling nauseous and she was diagnosed with a cold.

She continued to teach, but was hospitalized on Feb. 19 after her condition worsened. She tested positive for the coronavirus on Feb. 21.

Chiba school to suspend classes for 2 days after teacher infected : The Asahi Shimbun

Do US workers not get paid leave, isn't it? I can imagine some also going to work, so as not to lose pay. :(
Good news :thumbs:

I've also been feeling unwell the past few days so know what you've been going through. My symptoms aren't Covid-like (yet? :hmm: ) but I'm still mildly concerned.

Health anxiety is shit :(
I've got fibromyalgia, which includes 'flu like' symptoms such as muscle aches, tiredness and fuzzy thinking. It's a bit like my body is playing a practical joke on my brain at the moment. :)
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