Conversation on Wechat with a friend from Wuhan who is studying in France at the moment, translated (I left the original Chinese because there is some ambiguity in translation):
新年快乐 Happy New Year
你怎么过年? How did you see in the New Year?
My friend:
我在飞机上跨年 I spent it on a plane
我还好吧 I'm alright
我家人不太好 My family aren't so good
你联系到他们吗? Did you get in contact with them?
具体的情况我不太清楚,很难判断病毒消息的可靠性 I'm not too clear on the exact situation, it is difficult to judge the reliability of news about the virus
My friend:
联系了 Contacted them
武汉是一座空城 Wuhan is an empty city
他们怎么样? How are they?
My friend:
所有商店关门了,超市物资不够,药店关门,所有机动车不能开 All the shops are closed, the supplies in the supermarkets are running low, pharmacies are closed, no transport is running
我爷爷卧床不起 My grandfather is in bed, can't get up
我舅舅发烧 My Uncle has a fever
我与有些广东朋友联系了,据说他们的城市也是空的,只好留在家里面过年 I contacted some friends from Guangdong, apparently their city is also empty, no choice but to spend the festival stuck at home
My friend:
我妈妈也不好 My mother is also not good
I'm very sorry to hear that
My friend:
我表妹刚刚给我打电话 My cousin just called me
她说她的同学快不行了 She said her classmate (or classmates?) are almost done
(quite hard to translate this, a bit ambiguous but basically means they close to death)
我的天 Omg
My friend:
咯血,肺部严重感染,医院排不上队 Hemoptysis, severe lung infection, cannot queue at the hospital
全家就我一个人没事 I'm the only one in my family who is well
我给舅舅打电话,他有点不清醒,把自己一个人锁在房间里,不和家人接触 I called my Uncle, he feels a bit groggy, he has locked himself in his room and is avoiding contact with his family
大家都活在恐慌之中 Everybody is living in a state of panic