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Good news from Africa, longish interview with two Doctors in Africa talking about what happening in the wards etc. Sorry if it too long or boring or whatever.

Russia doing quite bad with deaths shooting to their highest level since the start of the pandemic, and that is the underestimated daily reports which tend to be revised seriously higher up later on.

I was just mucking around with excess deaths data and I see that between the start of January 2020 and the end of December 2021 Russia has had 1.08 million excess deaths.

Yes I covered the Danish approach on the previous page, especially #10,613

Many countries will take the same sort of approach when their intensive care numbers do what Denmarks have done, regardless of cases. ( Number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care (ICU) ). This is part of whats driven the WHO to say things like those in my post above.
Sorry didn‘t read that far back as I’d expected that any discussion of it would‘ve been in the past few days. But I see you’ve covered it.

It will, in any case, provide a good case study that other countries can learn from.
The fact that 'trust' is seen as a surprising factor by some is indicative of part of the problem!

I'll discuss the actual report on the nerdy detail thread. There are plenty of factors not focussed on by press articles it seems.

The fact that 'trust' is seen as a surprising factor by some is indicative of part of the problem!

I'll discuss the actual report on the nerdy detail thread. There are plenty of factors not focussed on by press articles it seems.

Interesting study - though of course data on how much people trust their governments in countries like China and Vietnam, where dissent is not tolerated, is probably of limited usefulness.

One outlier here is Hong Kong, where there is a very high level of distrust of the government but there was also a very strong public response early in the pandemic - people basically introduced their own mask mandate. The distrust did probably contribute to lower vaccine take-up later on though.



  1. A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.
  2. The shoulder of a road.
  3. A raised bank or path, especially the bank of a canal opposite the towpath.

Hopefully the following will prove to be the case for at least a prolonged period of time, and I can take a nice long break. I will always retain some doubt, but that doesnt mean I have to go on about that doubt all the time.

Even if its all completely true its just the equivalent of what we've seen here several times already, including the time that was labelled 'the pingdemic'.

When this stuff isnt strongly coupled with the threat of severe disease levels exceeding health system capacity, we reach the point where states will start to ditch self-isolation rules, so that the societal impact of very large numbers of cases doesnt cause more problems than the lower levels of severe disease can. And thats very much on the agenda for this year.
Hopefully the following will prove to be the case for at least a prolonged period of time, and I can take a nice long break. I will always retain some doubt, but that doesnt mean I have to go on about that doubt all the time.

Encouraging news, though I'm not sure the message "we have a chance to get the pandemic under control if the fucking maniacs in government don't fuck it all up again" will get through strongly enough.

But Kluge stressed on Thursday that authorities must use the respite constructively, by continuing vaccine and booster campaigns, protecting the most vulnerable, promoting individual responsibility and intensifying surveillance to detect new variants.

“I believe it is possible to respond to new variants that will inevitably emerge without reinstalling the kind of disruptive measures we needed before,” he said. But he added it must now be a top priority to ensure all countries are equally well protected.

“This demands a drastic and uncompromising increase in vaccine-sharing across borders,” Kluge said. “We cannot accept vaccine inequity for one more day – vaccines must be for everyone, in the remotest corner of our vast region and beyond.
A personal observation now that restrictions have ended here.

Everything is back to normal. I still have masks in my pocket but it seems only people arriving by plane are wearing them.
(some) People still sprit their hands. 25% of dispensers are empty anyway.
But its like nothing ever happened. Many people have had Omicron. I have had it (triple vaxxed) caught it in Sweden. It was like a weird flu for a couple of days. But I self isolated for 2 weeks as per instruction.
My daughter caught it a few weeks later (unvaxxed) - she had flu symptoms for a day or so. But only had to isolate a week because restrictions changed.
We are both classified as immune in our EU certificate.

I do see why people are open to conspiracy theory, and how they are growing, because it has all been so confusing. This thing that was so dangerous we had to be locked up for months is a mild flu. We had the army in charge of disembarking trains at the airport.

But what is apparent is that major crisis management tests are NOT been run, full disaster programs are not tested, and then when an actual disaster hits, it is run by politicians and their ego's. Massive overreaction, to create alot of spectical. But they did get alot of data from us.
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