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Their approach absolutely requires this level of reaction. I wouldnt change a thing about their approach until vaccination changes the game.

Their population must be a whole lot more compliant and docile than ours. The moaning here about restrictions is absurd. But hey, it seems to be working. I believe they have relative normality there, if you exclude the fact nobody can actually enter the place!

edit, maybe it's actually because they trust their leadership, unlike here :D
Their population must be a whole lot more compliant and docile than ours. The moaning here about restrictions is absurd. But hey, it seems to be working. I believe they have relative normality there, if you exclude the fact nobody can actually enter the place!

edit, maybe it's actually because they trust their leadership, unlike here :D

I don't think calling them 'docile' in this context is a useful or accurate term though.
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So New Zealand has 3 new cases and shuts down their biggest city with roadblocks and huge fines.

Nope, a predictable reaction of a country that has managed to keep infections to a level where track and trace can function, and where wider spread can be minimised.

If only the UK was still at such low levels, or if UK could hold the lockdown until we reach such levels. Sadly I think the pressures on Gov are to open up way before we reach manageable levels like this.
No, you're right. Obedient maybe.
We've been obedient. Both main lockdowns have been observed pretty well here, probably just as well as in New Zealand. But they did their first lockdown at a time when they could effectively squash the initial outbreak. They controlled the border. They've seen results. 25 dead, I think it is so far. Multiply by 12 to give an equivalent to the UK and you have 300. 300 dead compared to 120,000 dead. NZ has done 400 times better than Britain so far, and has spent most of the last year in near- or complete normality.
We've been obedient. Both main lockdowns have been observed pretty well here, probably just as well as in New Zealand. But they did their first lockdown at a time when they could effectively squash the initial outbreak. They controlled the border. They've seen results. 25 dead, I think it is so far. Multiply by 12 to give an equivalent to the UK and you have 300. 300 dead compared to 120,000 dead. NZ has done 400 times better than Britain so far, and has spent most of the last year in near- or complete normality.

I'm looking out my window here in east london and I can assure you lockdown is not being adhered to. It looks like daily life. I assume lockdown in NZ means lockdown.
I'm looking out my window here in east london and I can assure you lockdown is not being adhered to. It looks like daily life. I assume lockdown in NZ means lockdown.
I think it's a mistake to think that NZ's success has been down to a difference between the populations wrt responding to lockdown orders.

The difference is found in the timing, order and nature of the actions undertaken. Here in the UK, it has been the Morecombe and Wise approach.
Taking all the right measures, not necessarily in the right order.
Day 16 of zero local transmission in WA. On Sunday we ended our transitional week after our five day lockdown. Which means we don’t need to wear masks any mor which most people are happy about. We only had to wear them for two weeks, and everyone did, even in the car if you were sharing.l Like NZ we are more compliant, or docile if you wish, for couple of reasons. Firstly, we aren’t fatigued with it all, wearing a mask for a few weeks is no biggie compared to what is going on in most of the rest of the world. Also, like NZ we have strong clear leadership. Mark Macgowan our state Premier has incredibly high approval ratings and is affectionately known as the State Daddy as the main consensus is that he has stood up to the Federal Government to keep the WA border closed, and keep WA safe. Anyway, here are some of his fb valentine memes.


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Presumably the people of NZ watch the news and can see very well what's happened in countries which were slow with their lockdowns. I would imagine that would have a strong influence on how willing they are to comply with one just now. The UK population were in a different situation this time last year: the example of what could happen was not there. And the UK population are in a different situation as far as the current lockdown is concerned too: it's a lockdown aimed at reducing the spread rather than one aimed at stopping any spread whatsoever. So it all seems a bit meaningless to compare UK and NZ reactions to lockdown.
I'm looking out my window here in east london and I can assure you lockdown is not being adhered to. It looks like daily life. I assume lockdown in NZ means lockdown.

The failure to adhere to rules is often visible, but is still only a fraction of the picture. Adherence overall has been high, what you are seeing is only a fraction of normal daily life. And when I say high, I do not mean anything close to 100%. Which is also what authorities expect, and indeed the combination of measures involved take this into account, if they actually expected 100% compliance then they could have made the rules slightly weaker since they wouldnt need to compensate for non-compliance.
World's first SARS-CoV-2 human challenge trials, to better understand minimally infective viral loads, shedding and transmission.
Thanks for the link 2hats but there is no way I am volunteering :)
World's first SARS-CoV-2 human challenge trials, to better understand minimally infective viral loads, shedding and transmission.
Can't help feeling that this will be the cause of much regret, even if it ultimately provides useful information.
excess deaths - Russia a disaster

More detail on that excess deaths stuff here


The suggestion seems to be that the UK is not really under-counting its Covid deaths but some other countries are, including Italy, Portugal, Spain, Poland and quite a few Eastern European countries.

So for example if you look at UK vs Spain somewhere like here then UK appears to be worse, at 180 vs 140 deaths per 100,000, but according to the numbers above Spain might actually be about the same.
The suggestion seems to be that the UK is not really under-counting its Covid deaths but some other countries are, including Italy, Portugal, Spain, Poland and quite a few Eastern European countries.

So for example if you look at UK vs Spain somewhere like here then UK appears to be worse, at 180 vs 140 deaths per 100,000, but according to the numbers above Spain might actually be about the same.

There was UK underreporting in the first wave, which is somewhat visible when comparing death certificate Covid-19 deaths to deaths from all causes. There is less underreporting in the second wave, in great part due to much higher amounts of testing, but it is also less easy to establish the extent of any underreporting due to less deaths than normal from other causes such as influenza.

I would say that yes, it is quite likely that there are plenty of countries with more significant undercounting at the moment than the UK.
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