I am sure the efficacy would be improved by the addition of iron filings and ground glass...
Didn't know where to post this , but here will do..
Was just on a train listening to a woman saying ( il paraphrase) that Bill Gates and all are sacrificing kids from Africa to do something ( test vaccines I presume ) , when I went to get off I told.her she shouldn't be watching you tube for her info, sigh
My sister in law is in this camp, I love her but she’s a fucking idiot.Didn't know where to post this , but here will do..
Was just on a train listening to a woman saying ( il paraphrase) that Bill Gates and all are sacrificing kids from Africa to do something ( test vaccines I presume ) , when I went to get off I told.her she shouldn't be watching you tube for her info, sigh
No thanks you absolute wanker
TBF, people have said the same about many things over the years. The only reason we remember Tulip Mania, the South Sea Bubble, the California Gold Rush, et al is that people actually invested in them. I don't think Aubrey Huff's jizz is going to find itself enshrined in history, even as a cautionary tale
Must admit while I don't watch telly, I was surprised at how direct they were on this. Good on them in my view.
They’ve been doing that stuff for years. I think it’s only being noticed now because there’s literally nobody else doing anything. Sir Personality Void is worse than useless. And had his own Christmas party anyway so can’t say too much.Must admit while I don't watch telly, I was surprised at how direct they were on this. Good on them in my view.
man goes from a probably rightly cultural icon to a absoloute cringe fest in just one pandemic
No need to get personal.Sir Personality Void
Sorry: Sir Void.No need to get personal.