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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Seriously speechless about it.

Our near neighbours who's kids are at school with mine went by train from Tier 4 to Birmingham (Tier 3) to watch Aston Villa v West Brom. They'll be back tomorrow.

I popped into the local M&S to pick up a sandwich for the boy after fishing. The guy on the checkout was really nice and asked us what we were doing for Christmas.

"Staying at home like everyone else" said I.
"Oh" he said cheerfully. "At least half the people I've served today have said they aren't changing their plans for Christmas"....

I checked on a few of my single, elder friends yesterday. They're all going round mates houses.

I really don't think my eyebrows could go any higher. We've got at least another year of this if that's what's happening round me,in Tier 4.
Just seen on Facebook that an old friend of mine has gone from London today (tier 4) with his family, picked up his mum and driven to Cornwall (tier 1)or Christmas.

What a fucking cunt
Totally old friends posted a pic on facebook of them in a restaurant in a tier 2 the evening before Surrey (where they live) went into tier 3 - wrong on so many levels
Totally old friends posted a pic on facebook of them in a restaurant in a tier 2 the evening before Surrey (where they live) went into tier 3 - wrong on so many levels

Thats what gets me.

I've know them for forty plus years (I went to both Primary and Secondary school with him, after that we played in the same football team etc) so I know he's not thick, and he's not incapable of not understanding the new rules.

He's just chosen not to.

And there are so many people doing this that those who are Covid weary and of a lesser constitution will see this and go "ah fuck it, if he's doing then we might as well".
I don't think you can really blame people too much for going 'actually, fuck that I'm going to do what I've planned and spent hundreds / thousands of pounds on' tbh. That's going to be one of the inevitable consequences of cancelling a holiday with 5 days notice.

Last weekend before Christmas is also a traditional time to travel, if only to avoid the rush Christmas Eve (never making that mistake again)
I don't think you can really blame people too much for going 'actually, fuck that I'm going to do what I've planned and spent hundreds / thousands of pounds on' tbh. That's going to be one of the inevitable consequences of cancelling a holiday with 5 days notice.
I am not, personally, going to criticise anyone for doing what they were going to do beforehand, now that the rules have changed. I don't think "not following the rules" is an ethical issue.

I might of course criticise them for what they were going to do even when it was legal. Nobody should have been going to see the olds and having a big meet-up from all corners no matter what Boris said.

This is where we are now; the rules are random and shit and I don't care about them except as far as I might get arrested.
I don't think you can really blame people too much for going 'actually, fuck that I'm going to do what I've planned and spent hundreds / thousands of pounds on' tbh. That's going to be one of the inevitable consequences of cancelling a holiday with 5 days notice.

This wasnt planned. "We kidknapped Nana before the border shut and completed Operation Lizard".

And even if they had planned it, they are both very very well paid execs in London with kids at Private schools.

It's just fucking arrogance and it wears me down sometimes
Seriously speechless about it.

Our near neighbours who's kids are at school with mine went by train from Tier 4 to Birmingham (Tier 3) to watch Aston Villa v West Brom. They'll be back tomorrow.

I popped into the local M&S to pick up a sandwich for the boy after fishing. The guy on the checkout was really nice and asked us what we were doing for Christmas.

"Staying at home like everyone else" said I.
"Oh" he said cheerfully. "At least half the people I've served today have said they aren't changing their plans for Christmas"....

I checked on a few of my single, elder friends yesterday. They're all going round mates houses.

I really don't think my eyebrows could go any higher. We've got at least another year of this if that's what's happening round me,in Tier 4.

This is confusing as there were no fans in the Hawthorns tonight.
Referred to or commonly called ‘shunts’.
Watched several of these loading the "Ben my Cree" at Heysham - they worked very quickly.
(this was for the o/n trip and the cargo was mostly HGV trailers, by the time we had got into Douglas, most of the trailers arriving had already been unloaded and the island's shunters were lining up the return load !)
Unfortunately, Covid is severely f'ing the process up - mainly because of the trailer brakes ...
This is confusing as there were no fans in the Hawthorns tonight.

I know. We were looking for them on tv. But yesterday he's got pics of him and his boy outside Villa Park.

"Finally back at the home of football. UTV!".

His boy doesn't even like football ffs. Baroness Joe is a nurse and has pretty much gone potty over it, especially as the boys year had to isolate for two weeks and the mum (who's a teaching assistant there) decided that the best way to isolate for two weeks was to take her dog out to shit on our front lawn for two weeks on the way to Pound land and Greggs....
I know. We were looking for them on tv. But yesterday he's got pics of him and his boy outside Villa Park.

"Finally back at the home of football. UTV!".

His boy doesn't even like football ffs. Baroness Joe is a nurse and has pretty much gone potty over it, especially as the boys year had to isolate for two weeks and the mum (who's a teaching assistant there) decided that the best way to isolate for two weeks was to take her dog out to shit on our front lawn for two weeks on the way to Pound land and Greggs....
you're friends on social media with someone who lets their dog shit on your lawn?
This is where we are now; the rules are random and shit and I don't care about them except as far as I might get arrested.

And passing the virus on hopefully? They're not 'random' though. Some of them might not make sense to you, or you may not like them, there's inevitable complexities and contradictions in some areas, and they're balanced with things some people think are priorities that you might think aren't, but they not random and shit.

This kind of stuff is really wearing me down on here tbh.
I think it's too early to say if it's conspiracy territory yet. It's fast moving science and nervtag don't currently have all the answers.

Nobody says they do, in fact their minutes say many things needs more research, but they take info from a number of sources, and one person just dismissing it on Twitter as no concern as they did is just bollocks compared to what NERVTAG have shown.
This wasnt planned. "We kidknapped Nana before the border shut and completed Operation Lizard".

And even if they had planned it, they are both very very well paid execs in London with kids at Private schools.

It's just fucking arrogance and it wears me down sometimes
I think a lot of people are just going a bit mad right now tbh, and even well paid execs must really miss their mums when they haven't seen them for months on end.
Well, he's wrong. He should read the NERVTAG minutes. Unless he's going down a conspiracy wormhole.

Lets not reduce everything to monolithic absolutes. Its not how science works, all sorts of expert voices will take a cautious approach to the emerging facts. Some may make a mistake by being too dismissive, others by being too accepting of uncertainties, but neither deserve to be written off automatically at the start.

For me the full spectrum of possibilities in regards this new variant are still plausible. Time will tell.

After all, there are reasons why when reading NERVTAG minutes we will see phrases such as 'moderate confidence' in the following sort of context:

In summary, NERVTAG has moderate confidence that VUI-202012/01 demonstrates a substantial increase in transmissibility compared to other variants.

There are plenty of areas where conspiratorial thinking is overtly unscientific and where science can be used to cast a negative judgement on the utility of thoughts and questions that go in such directions. Questions relating to the strength of evidence and prefering to wait and see how big the implications are in the real world is not part of that category. Not at this stage anyway, when the official conclusions are still tentative for good reason.
This is the problem with having such an untrustworthy govt who lie and obfuscate etc every time they open their mouths and who have under reacted every step of the way.

Regardless of the new variant we were clearly not in a good enough position to ease restrictions for christmas. The new variant has possibly increased just how bad an idea it is. and the government have used it as the full reason that christmas has to be cancelled.

Because they've left it so late there is a larger possibility people will not cancel their plans so the message has to be strong. And because the government is claiming that they were right 2 weeks ago to relax rules at christmas and right now to cancel christmas the message has to be that all the risk is bound up in new information about the new variant.

So now we have very mixed messages about this variant. One extra scary to persuade us to cancel everything because our disgraced PM wants to save face, one more measured message with ifs and maybes and potentiallys that might not be enough to make people stay home even though they really should regardless of the new variant or what this ruthlessly incompetent government said 2 weeks ago.
And passing the virus on hopefully? They're not 'random' though. Some of them might not make sense to you, or you may not like them, and there's inevitable complexities and contradictions in some areas, and they're balanced with things some people think are priorities that tou might think aren't, but they not random and shit.
Sorry, but they are random and shit. The government consistently ignores even their own hand-picked science advice, they act for their own political benefit and their absurdly relentless corruption (twenty two fucking billion pounds) and I now don't give a monkey's what they say any more (except as noted in the context of "can I be done for this").

"Oh you think you could do a better job do you?" Yes and I am being forced to do so by making my own decisions as to best behaviour.
So, am I in a tiny minority then ?

I've been watching the cases / case-rate data etc from the .gov dashboard.
From that I deduced that there was another 'wave' of infections developing.
Therefore, I decided to have my seasonal celebration at home.
In fact, I'm staying put until we've all had our jabs (next year some time).

Nothing that's been said in the briefings has changed my mind - if anything, it has made me more determined to stay hunkered down.
A decision reinforced by the spike in local cases / case-rates.
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