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Today's numbers really scream get out and go down the boozer, don't they? :( :mad:

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I wonder how many people actually follow the stats that closely and base decisions upon it? The government makes the decisions because they have access to all the info. I'm not going to hang anyone out for doing something which the government say is permitted. What should happen instead? Open all the shops and hospitality but no should use them?

Those places taking the piss are a different matter though...
The pubs around me have spent shitloads on perspex screens etc in line with govt demands. And then been sold up the river. It's insane. They'll be going to the wall - the pub is the epicentre of this country and they've been totally fucked over.

"Oh please" yourself

Shut the hospitals, shut the schools, shut the supermarkets, keep the boozers open, they're the really important thing here
Much as I like the idea of having a trip to one or other of the various museums, pubs, restaurants and shops that I would normally patronise, I'm not going to until after I've been vaccinated and had the waiting period to allow the immunity to develop.

And I'm going to be the last of the people in my household to get the jab, as I'm the youngest (by several years) and I'm down in group7 (according to that phase1 list that came out this morning) ...
"Oh please" yourself

Shut the hospitals, shut the schools, shut the supermarkets, keep the boozers open, they're the really important thing here

Far be it from me to answer for someone else but that's not the argument and you know it. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that no one is suggesting we shut hospitals or supermarkets.
Far be it from me to answer for someone else but that's not the argument and you know it. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that no one is suggesting we shut hospitals or supermarkets.
But the pub is the epicentre of this country :confused:
Went out earlier and the high street certainly had a few pairs of cops/council people wandering around. I imagine they'll be gone tomorrow. (Well, they might be back on Friday and/or Saturday.)
Yes, coz that's exactly what I said. Idiot.

He was taking the piss out of your posts that imply a 'me, me, me' attitude.

As in you want the pubs open, so you can go drinking, and fuck the rest of society, let the virus spread, let the hospitals get overloaded, and fuck those that end up dead.

But, if you can't understand the different between supermarkets & pubs in this pandemic, and think 'plastic screens' are some silver bullet that makes everyone safe from virus droplets floating in the air, rather than a minor bit player in the fight against covid, there's no real hope for you.
If I use the governments daily death within 28 days of a positive test, by date of death figures, and September 1st deaths as the first day of the second wave deaths, then so far I have:

41552 first wave deaths.
18146 second wave deaths.
He was taking the piss out of your posts that imply a 'me, me, me' attitude.

As in you want the pubs open, so you can go drinking, and fuck the rest of society, let the virus spread, let the hospitals get overloaded, and fuck those that end up dead.

But, if you can't understand the different between supermarkets & pubs in this pandemic, and think 'plastic screens' are some silver bullet that makes everyone safe from virus droplets floating in the air, rather than a minor bit player in the fight against covid, there's no real hope for you.

Are you advocating a boycott of premises ie pubs, bars, cafes etc that are permitted to be open in tier 2 ?
I was busy during the press conference and am just getting round to watching it now. Johnson didnt notice that in his opening remarks he said the virus needed to be stored at minus 70 degrees.
Are you advocating a boycott of premises ie pubs, bars, cafes etc that are permitted to be open in tier 2 ?
I'm not in tier two, but I haven't been to the pub since March. I haven't thought of it as a boycott, but you could call it that.

Incidentally, I'm not trying to broadcast my piety - I've done a lot of non-essential things, just not the pub, because I think it is an especially risky environment.
I certainly did go to pubs when it was warmer and I could sit outside, but sod (a) sitting inside anywhere with other people - I'll go on tubes but that's it and not for long and not if they're busy - and (b) sitting there eating a scotch egg very slowly so that I can have a few beers.

OTOH I am not the sort of pub goer who it is most important to discourage (I go on my own to chill and try not to sit next to other people regardless of pandemics). Whether the regulations will put people who do mix in groups off, I don't know.
in other pub news, my local big chain pub ONeils, which has a huge outdoor area and serves food, has not reopened and will not for the forseeable, according to the sign in the window. I'm surprised going on shocked.
I'm not in tier two, but I haven't been to the pub since March. I haven't thought of it as a boycott, but you could call it that.

Incidentally, I'm not trying to broadcast my piety - I've done a lot of non-essential things, just not the pub, because I think it is an especially risky environment.
I can respect that view but that isnt what I was asking tbh
I wouldn't rely on the Guardian live feed to accurately summarise anything, they're consistently shit at it. The above is not my reading of the exchange between those two.

My reading of the exchange was that Johnson was not listening closely to what Van-Tam was actually getting at, causing Johnson to start going on about his hopes for normality, and Van-Tam then felt the need to make his point more clearly. Van-Tam was talking about whether peoples behaviour and personal hygiene in terms of reducing the spread of viruses may be something that continues long after formal restrictions end. This relates to a hope that I am fond of expressing, that as a result of this pandemic we could yet save more people over the long term than have been killed in these pandemic waves, by doing various things that reduce for example seasonal flu deaths. I usually go on about stuff like proper routine mass diagnostics testing, hospital infection control etc when making that point, but personal hygiene and behaviour is a fair chunk of the picture and source of hope too.

Probably the exchange was also a sign of lingering anti-mask establishment attitudes, masks are not the English way shit. Van-Tam mentioned there not being a day when everyone just suddenly throws their masks away, and I bet that got that side of Johnsons brain whirring in horror, so he focussed on that rather than the other stuff Van-Tam was also getting at like washing your hands. Even after Van-Tams clarification Johnson was seeking to establish whether he meant like 'the Far East' and I took the as a further sign that masks were on Johnsons mind. He probably fantasizes about a day when he can burn his mask on live tv. I fantasize about seeing less excess winter mortality in future.
washing your hands
Unrelated, but I was wondering earlier today and since you mentioned hand-washing - have there actually ever been any cases of fomite transmission documented anywhere? I'm pretty sure that was the case a few months ago, so I was wondering why "Hands" is still part of all the slogans.
Unrelated, but I was wondering earlier today and since you mentioned hand-washing - have there actually ever been any cases of fomite transmission documented anywhere? I'm pretty sure that was the case a few months ago, so I was wondering why "Hands" is still part of all the slogans.

In NZ there was some tracing that showed things like a door knob did I think.
I'm so far behind on the science news that its not even funny, so I can't answer that question, you'll just get a load of general waffle about how we should keep on with regular hand washing because of the effect it has on our vigilance and on the spread of other diseases, even if it turned out to be having a very limited direct impact on this particular pandemic.
I'm not really sure how accurate the lateral flow tests are, so I am unsure if its really a good idea to use them at this stage to allow care home visits, although I would obviously want to bring in the harm of isolation and loneliness as factors when trying to balance that decision.

Touching as some of the images are, some are also the wrong sort of touching, and I will quite loudly suggest that it is not a good idea to have your 95 year old mother kiss your mask :facepalm:

Screenshot 2020-12-02 at 20.33.44.png

Unrelated, but I was wondering earlier today and since you mentioned hand-washing - have there actually ever been any cases of fomite transmission documented anywhere? I'm pretty sure that was the case a few months ago, so I was wondering why "Hands" is still part of all the slogans.
It seems to be negligible in terms of COVID-19, but there's a big reluctance to say so, I suspect because (a) everybody medical is a bit reluctant to say things are safe given still limited understanding and (b) washing your hands helps avoid all sorts of other stuff. That's why it was originally suggested after all - surface contact is a big thing with flu iirc.
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