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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

this is really scary too (guardian about 1/2 an hour old):

"The European Union’s industry chief has called on Netflix and other streaming services to take action to reduce congestion on the internet, amid surging demand as millions of people confined to their homes go online.
Thierry Breton, the European commissioner for industry, told Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings that he and other operators should take responsibility for preventing internet congestion by switching to standard definition rather than high definition."

If netflix breaks the army will be busy.
Not watched it, but I would just note that the demographic risk is a very different shape for this one, so that blanket statement isn’t really applicable to most people. He might address that, but I wanted to flag for people who might only read the headline.
yes - the Spanish flu was killing fit and healthy young men.
they'll all come to their second homes in Cornwall :(
Anecdotal reports suggest quite a few people running for the "hills", metaphorically speaking - what they're doing is heading for their static caravans here in West Wales. Most sites have already closed communal facilities.
Anecdotal reports suggest quite a few people running for the "hills", metaphorically speaking - what they're doing is heading for their static caravans here in West Wales. Most sites have already closed communal facilities.

Couple of Scouser mates of mine have popped off to a tiny stone cottage in the hills of North Wales.
Think they had arranged it anyway tbf. Whereabouts are you?
The moment critical national infrastructure starts going (power, internet, phones, etc.) all bets are off if you ask me...

No reason this should happen so long as critical staff are exempted from lockdown measures. Internet may struggle with everyone trying to do everything on skype and/or just watching TV all day but other than that.
Couple of Scouser mates of mine have popped off to a tiny stone cottage in the hills of North Wales.
Think they had arranged it anyway tbf. Whereabouts are you?
I'm in Laugharne, south-west of Carmarthen. Not obviously remote, but not on the way anywhere, so comparatively little through traffic.
Anecdotal reports suggest quite a few people running for the "hills", metaphorically speaking - what they're doing is heading for their static caravans here in West Wales. Most sites have already closed communal facilities.

We were away last weekend in a cottage in Suffolk. We were chatting to the owners as we were leaving on Monday morning and they were saying that someone had booked it for a month, starting on the Monday night :eek:
Given that there are probably very few octogenarians with complex health problems on active service in the British army the effects on any of them that contract the virus are likely to be non-lethal and fairly short-term. This is a nasty bug, but it isn't the Black Death and we're not living in the 14th Century.
and around 9% of cases are in the 20 to 39 age groups
This is what Sam Coates off Sky is saying was said:
Downing Street making important clarification about what may happen in London in coming days

From No10 spokesman at lobby briefing

  • There are no plans to close down London transport network
  • There is “zero chance” of any restrictions to travel in and out of London

* It is NOT true that people may only be able to leave their houses one at a time

* All powers for police will be visible when emergency legislation later today.

* Doesnt rule out more restrictions on bars and restaurants

* Doesnt comment on non food shops asked to close

Frankly though I have no confidence this isn't going to randomly change again, given how much they seem to be making it up as they go along. It's also hardly definitive in itself.
The most important thing if they fully deploy in London is preventing the wealthy and priviledged from 'opting out' by going to their holiday and second homes and fleeing the capital, spreading the virus merrily as they go... or dafties going back to stay with mum and dad, clearly to be avoided too.

This has already happened in Spain. Queues on the motorways leaving Madrid to Valencia and Andalucia when they tried closing the city. I am no fan of draconian measures normally, jeez, but I dont think there will be any civil unrest any time soon. And I think its the duty of the state to think of our interests - which currently means if they are going to seal off London, doing it properly quickly and with no exceptions.

And if people do start looting and turning the situation quickly into a crisis - is Sas wrong to say they should be dealt with extremely firmly (I dont know about shot). I dont think so. There should always be a question of immediate priorities and demands for progressive politics.
It's so incredibly shit and speaks horrendous volumes about our society that the rich can just pack up and leave to chill in the countryside somewhere and we all going to be sat here trying to deal with this shit. They know it's coming and if they've got all these billions of pounds all of a sudden why the fuck can't they take the loss on utilities and rent and give working people the safety to stay home like they realise is obviously so necessary. They don't think we are human in the same way they are. This is fucked up.

They got the resources to make sure everyone is housed and fed. They've just shown that. Oh here you go there's 330 billion quid for businesses. That's 5 grand a head for everyone in the country. Feed people first it's not rocket science. Make sure everyone got somewhere safe to stay in this chaos. Theyve just shown there's a magic money tree if they so desire. They need to sort it out.

They are going to have to come up with something for protect working people now or it's going to kick off. Horribly.

Another long hot summer, under these conditions. Nah. Fuck that.

Sad thing is, I'm not even that angry. I'm looking at this with a sad sense of inevitability. It's normal working people going to suffer like it always is. Our community is all out organising and trying to sort people out with food and help the older people. Hoping we can get the kids involved with that with us. Staying positive. Helping people. I love my neighbourhood so much and seen it battered for years, I just hope we can hold it down right now with this. We can do things for the elders and the vulnerable but I'm so scared for the young people round here right now too. It's going to get aggy.
This London lockdown panic's getting properly dangerous now, especially the zombie nation screeching in the Mail. They've learned jack from the fiasco over the Italian "red zone" leak.

Communicating this stuff via the old lobby games is irresponsible beyond the telling of it. If the rumours aren't doused, they're risking public order incidents that'll make them nostalgic for a brawl over bog rolls. Enough of these pestilential No. 10 "sources". Communicate clear, calm measures accompanied by their rationale and assurances that vital goods will keep flowing, and we can focus on containing this outbreak.
Looting is quite a broad term. There's a spectrum from wantonly ransacking the local food shops in an orgy of competitive individualism to cracking open hoarded surplus resources and redistributing it.
Plenty of previous examples where hungry people have been shot as 'looters' whilst liberating the profiteers hoards/stocks
this is really scary too (guardian about 1/2 an hour old):

"The European Union’s industry chief has called on Netflix and other streaming services to take action to reduce congestion on the internet, amid surging demand as millions of people confined to their homes go online.
Thierry Breton, the European commissioner for industry, told Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings that he and other operators should take responsibility for preventing internet congestion by switching to standard definition rather than high definition."

If netflix breaks the army will be busy.
Not a problem will just download the HD stuff from Pirate Bay
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