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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Is it really called 'Broadshare'? You couldn't make it up.

I was going to start a thread 'Civil Disobedience - inevitable?' but I guess this will do.

I think it is inevitable. A hungry population is an angry population. And we are already seeing a definite lack of 'broadly sharing' as morons fill up their estate cars, freezers and garages leaving empty shelves in their wake. 40,000 arrests for non-compliance already in Italy. Fines tripled in France.

I work with severely disadvantaged kids from severely disadvantaged families who don't give a toss for obeying general laws, let alone emergency ones. A possible death sentence from coronavirus means nothing to them. Their lives are so bad, so in the gutter, they simply don't care for normal rules. Good luck with keeping them off the streets.

If this runs and runs, with attempts to keep people indoors with no food and little to entertain them, no childcare in schools...yeah, I can see what direction this could head in pretty quickly.
Does BoJo really think the army - ie the personnel - are going to be immune (unless the troops go full out with the B in NBC suits) ???

Given that there are probably very few octogenarians with complex health problems on active service in the British army the effects on any of them that contract the virus are likely to be non-lethal and fairly short-term. This is a nasty bug, but it isn't the Black Death and we're not living in the 14th Century.
Given that there are probably very few octogenarians with complex health problems on active service in the British army the effects on any of them that contract the virus are likely to be non-lethal and fairly short-term. This is a nasty bug, but it isn't the Black Death and we're not living in the 14th Century.
People going about their business when contagious is what spreads infections - and some germ factories will be asymptomatic ... it is the vulnerable that need protecting as much as they need supplies.
So that's a "i wouldn't shoot my fellow citizens", then?

On a slightly serious note, your "Fellow citizens" engaged in food looting are putting the whole community at risk. Really not on. If looters were to be shot, it wouldn't be many, as it is a major discouragement. When people behave in a manner that endangers others, strong measures may be required. I don't think for one moment that it would come to that.
We'll see, won't we?
If society breaks down to the point of shooting looters, we are finished as a nation.

Mrs Sas was over at ASDA earlier, to shop for our neighbours, two adults and four children, who are busy passing the bug amongst themselves, taking advantage of early entry for wrinklies. The queue started before 6am when they open.
This has probably already been posted, but I found this interesting as I painfully slowly try to get a measure of this thing ...
This guy suggests that like the Spanish flu, this is roughly 25 times as risky to catch as regular flu.
Though his background is in electronics and computer sales...

And a much more recent example of reassuring words about Whitty, albeit with some slight recognition of the difficult political moments of the last week.

These sorts of pieces usually have a bit where they would normally attempt to humanise the official, go into some detail about their family or interests, but very little info on that is available in the case of Whitty so we get an awkward bit instead. At least this particular ones awkward bit didnt include language and security service attitudes that sound more like something from the 1950s.
ha yeah, the only family colour on Whitty is that his dad was obviously a spook, and involved in stuff heavy enough to get dead for it.
This has probably already been posted, but I found this interesting as I painfully slowly try to get a measure of this thing ...
This guy suggests that like the Spanish flu, this is roughly 25 times as risky to catch as regular flu.
Though his background is in electronics and computer sales...

Not watched it, but I would just note that the demographic risk is a very different shape for this one, so that blanket statement isn’t really applicable to most people. He might address that, but I wanted to flag for people who might only read the headline.
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