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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It seems extremely likely that a lockdown is happening very soon. I imagine it equally likely that it will involve the military.

Anecdotally, a friend's husband (who is in the army) has been told it's happening in a couple of days but that should be taken with a pinch of salt, obvs.
So many people have relatives in the military cos I've heard that from loads of people today
I've moved on a little with my thoughts and I will now be surprised if there isnt a London lockdown by Friday (or at least announcement of it by then).

But I'm not including any particular army stuff in my idea of what the first stages of that lockdown must mean.
I don’t get why people are suddenly so surprised by the prospect of the army being involved. Being there to be used for situations like this is literally part of their job.
I don't think anyone is surprised by the prospect armies might be mobilised during a global pandemic.
Hmmm - going to be interesting over the next few months with the countrys entire population of teenagers out of school and with absolutely nothing to do.
Hmmm - going to be interesting over the next few months with the countrys entire population of teenagers out of school and with absolutely nothing to do.
Also there's a lot of overcrowded living in london and no doubt other cities. I was involved with a young offenders project for a while and parents of the kids time and again said they had to let them out on the street as there's just not the room for everyone in the family to be in all the time. Add a heatwave, a collapsing economy, a global depression, not being allowed out of the house, and what looks like lots of people with zero money coming in all of a sudden........
Hmmm - going to be interesting over the next few months with the countrys entire population of teenagers out of school and with absolutely nothing to do.

What will be more difficult is another long hot summer in the inner city if noone has enough money for food, rent or bills.

The government need to do something here to guarantee income for everyone now. If they don't and they are trying to enforce lockdown with a depleted police force and the military on the streets. It is going to kick off.
Terrifying stuff:
Boris Johnson’s face bore the strain of the past three weeks, during which coronavirus went from being a distant menace to one that threatened to consume Britain’s economy, spread death across the country and dominate his premiership. The British prime minister has gone in a matter of days from advising people to wash their hands to planning the closure of London, followed by the rest of the country; government officials expect the capital to be locked down as early as Friday. As the UK death toll jumped by 33 to 104 — and with the pound crashing around him — a pale-faced Mr Johnson announced at a press conference plans to close the country’s schools, declaring: “We will not hesitate to go further and faster in the days and weeks ahead.”
While Mr Johnson was addressing the country, officials were being briefed on plans to close down London — the worst affected part of Britain — as early as Friday, with police being put on standby to prevent the possible looting of deserted town centres. According to one person briefed on the proposal, there would be a full lockdown of the capital with only one person allowed to leave home at a time, with no entry to local shopping areas. Supermarkets would be guarded by police, while pharmacies would be among the few other shops to remain open. Two officials briefed on the proposals said residents and business would be given just 12 hours’ notice of the new restrictions. They could initially be in place for about a fortnight. Mr Johnson did not deny that plans for a lockdown existed, and his allies say only that “the situation is moving fast”. A number of senior Whitehall officials have told the Financial Times they expect the plan to be implemented in London on Friday.
Sorry for The Guardian again, but looks like plans being stepped up to help with the logistics chain and some areas of the medical response.
and 'the armed forces need to be prepared for the threat of a breakdown in civil order given that troops have been deployed in other countries to enforce lockdowns and prevent looting of shops.'
Also if they are seriously going to try to 'contain' London how would they do it? checkpoints ? I have no idea obvs.
and 'the armed forces need to be prepared for the threat of a breakdown in civil order given that troops have been deployed in other countries to enforce lockdowns and prevent looting of shops.'
like i said on the Lockdown thread, there's a lot of overcrowded living in London and no doubt other cities. I was involved with a young offenders project for a while and parents of the kids time and again said they had to let them out on the street as there's just not the room for everyone in the family to be in all the time. Add a heatwave, a collapsing economy, a global depression, not being allowed out of the house, and what looks like lots of people with zero money coming in all of a sudden........ army is going to be heavily outnumbered. Actually the heatwave bit is irrelevant. This is why BJ looks like he just shat the bed.
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