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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Might well have been but students tend to be young and so only have mild symptoms. They are only testing people who are hospitalised.

There's a LOT of not so young, and young but with "underlying health problems' on campus. Any outbreak wouldn't necessarily have been restricted to healthy, young folk. As is beginning to be apparent.

But, yeah, given the lack of testing we may never know :(
Excuse me for being dim here but by "lockdown" do we mean police/army on the streets making sure that nobody is going out unless going to work, buying food, going to pharmacy, drs appointments... ?
Excuse me for being dim here but by "lockdown" do we mean police/army on the streets making sure that nobody is going out unless going to work, buying food, going to pharmacy, drs appointments... ?

gives a picture

was hoping for the San Fran version in there, think we're getting the more Franco-Mussolini-esque model
Wildly speculative conspiracy theory: not enforcing shutdown not only protects the insurance industry but also means that the only ones who survive are those with the capital muscle to ride out the storm, then on the other side the consolidate their power by hoovering up all the assets and market space left by the smaller institutions, further strengthening their grip on industries and concentrating power with a select few.

Even if that's not actually their plan, can't help worrying it will be one of the outcomes.

So basically a re-run in a different format of 2008?

Up here I think the army would be better placed surrounding the council until they stop chatting shite. “The cruise ships will still be coming.” Get a fucking grip
Shetland already has 11 cases. In fact they should surround the council and open fire.
most of Londons cases seem to be in Westminster. Surely best to send in the army in this hotspot and do aDaily Telegraph style cull
It wont necessarily all happen in one go. They can start by more forcefully ordering various shops, pubs, bars etc to close.
It will almost certainly be a phased roll out from our feckless government.

The positive is that there will be time to (as best we can) organise.

The negative is that this is more dithering from the government which likely means a longer overall period of lockdown and almost certainly more deaths.
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