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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Fuck all this stupid loophole-hunting in the idiot government's restrictions. Just stay the fuck at home and keep away from as many people as possible. That's simple, easy to remember. Even easier to do.
That’s the anti-loophole — doing something you’re not being asked to do just because you aren’t being given clarity on the right thing to do.
What if you're a nurse with rent to pay and you rely on your parents for childcare to allow you to work?

Then you've got no choice about what you have to do and the loophole-hunting is a pointless exercise. I have to come into my work office on a part-time basis during the week. I would prefer to stay at home full-time but my bosses have not accommodated me in that. So I come in because I have no choice. What I DON'T do is hunt around for loophole bullshit like some kind of selfish idiot.

I'm fucking fed up with excuses.
General Work To Rule?

That's obviously a GOOD THING*,

if anyone can work out what the rules are now :thumbs:

I mean, if you can't socially distance on buses or trains with the full 2m then you clearly can't get on

* © W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman
Fuck all this stupid loophole-hunting in the idiot government's restrictions. Just stay the fuck at home and keep away from as many people as possible. That's simple, easy to remember. Even easier to do.
That’s so easy to say. I’m an introvert with a garden so am fine with pretty much no social contact for another few months suits me well tbh but even in my little ‘support bubble’ two people are talking now about being genuinely scared about what it will mean for their mental health if we go back to the situation we had in spring whilst it’s dark by 4pm and they’re stuck alone in their flats all day. People need clarity not just to be told if it’s too complicated for you to understand all the rules then just stay at home apart from when you go to the supermarket.
We’re not talking about loopholes here. We’re talking about there being so much confusion created from constantly shifting requirements that in the end people just kind of... stop. Stop trying to keep up with it and end up picking their own rule. Exactly as you’ve done by saying “just stay at home and don’t go out at all except if you’ve been told to go to work”.
So you're advocating breaking the lockdown rules if felt necessary?

I dunno, do the lockdown rules involve looking for excuses? Just stay the fuck from as many people as possible. If you need to go out and get supplies or go to work, then obviously you got no choice about that, regardless of the specific rules, written by our fuckingclown government, say.
I’d rather my ma didn’t die looking after my sisters kids.
I also hope she doesn't. But if you're not going to follow a policy of everyone staying home all the time then reasonable allowances have to be made for childcare or people will lose their jobs. There are many grandparents in their 40s. In many cases sending a small child to a private nursery may be a bigger transmission risk than a healthy grandparent looking after them. In other cases it may just not be possible.
Fuck all this stupid loophole-hunting in the idiot government's restrictions. Just stay the fuck at home and keep away from as many people as possible. That's simple, easy to remember. Even easier to do.
but that's absolutely not what the government want you to do.

they explicitly want people to go back to their normal workplace and they also want them to get out and spend money.

and that attempt to square the circle of limiting transmission while simultaneously keeping economic activity as close to normal as possible is why the the rules are complex, contradictory and difficult to understand, and why infection and death rates are in the way up again.
We’re not talking about loopholes here. We’re talking about there being so much confusion created from constantly shifting requirements that in the end people just kind of... stop. Stop trying to keep up with it and end up picking their own rule. Exactly as you’ve done by saying “just stay at home and don’t go out at all except if you’ve been told to go to work”.

Except the impression I get is that people aren't asking "How do I go about the necessary tasks of my life while minimising contact with others?", which wouldn't require poring over rules and restrictions, but would instead involve just applying common sense and staying at home unless circumstances force one to do otherwise.

It just seems like people are looking for ways to game the rules, rather than just looking at ways to minimise contact.

but that's absolutely not what the government want you to do.

they explicitly want people to go back to their normal workplace and they also want them to get out and spend money.

and that attempt to square the circle of limiting transmission while simultaneously keeping economic activity as close to normal as possible is why the the rules are complex, contradictory and difficult to understand, and why infection and death rates are in the way up again.

If I were to give my honest appraisal of the government's performance in this whole shitshow, it would consist largely of expletives and angrish. Their desire to sacrifice human lives to the Blind Idiot God of the market makes them the worst kind of economic cultists, and people are fucking dying, and I am really dismayed that more of the public aren't baying for their blood over this whole affair!
I can't believe some restrictions haven't been announced today, to take place from today, given that we all know the situation is escalating and has been for some time. Why the delay, even for 24 hours?

Although I can believe it, given this government's lamentable record.
I can't believe some restrictions haven't been announced today, to take place from today, given that we all know the situation is escalating and has been for some time. Why the delay, even for 24 hours?

Although I can believe it, given this government's lamentable record.
I think I see a pattern of them wanting to wait until focus groups show that the majority of the public is thinking come the fuck on and do it already.
I can't believe some restrictions haven't been announced today, to take place from today, given that we all know the situation is escalating and has been for some time. Why the delay, even for 24 hours?

Although I can believe it, given this government's lamentable record.

Yeah its rotten. They've done this a lot though. Get the jungle drums beating before actually bringing in restrictions.
Some sort of mass refusal. No idea of the details but we really need to force their hand on this.

and demand what? because I think there will be disagreement.
Personally I’m going down the pub tonight, I’m not sitting in the hot flat while all this goes on knowing that they might all close again. The tables are spaced out there is room outside, infection rate he is relatively low, I’m not likely to see family now again for a few weeks .
I meant to post this somewhere, there are better threads but this will do:

Basically a relatively interesting peer reviewed study out studying infection cases in choirs. Suggests, unsurprisingly, that it’s largely about aerosols and not e.g. surfaces. This means following some maybe weirder rules like do more outside, have windows open, don’t go to places where people are shouting or whatever.
I meant to post this somewhere, there are better threads but this will do:

Basically a relatively interesting peer reviewed study out studying infection cases in choirs. Suggests, unsurprisingly, that it’s largely about aerosols and not e.g. surfaces. This means following some maybe weirder rules like do more outside, have windows open, don’t go to places where people are shouting or whatever.

Yeah I notice Vallance actually mentioned ventilation at the appropriate point of todays presentation. An area that requires greater emphasis than we've seen in the past for sure.
I can't believe some restrictions haven't been announced today, to take place from today, given that we all know the situation is escalating and has been for some time. Why the delay, even for 24 hours?

The floppy haired one is busy talking to the leaders of the other 3 nations, in an attempt to try and agree a UK-wide approach, plus no doubt the cabinet and key backbenchers, in order to get them onboard.

And, it's clear that it would be best to let this morning's bad news sink in, to make it easier for people to accept whatever is coming next.
4,368 daily cases today - surely we can avoid these sort of figures by locking down again now, rather than at half term or whenever the 'circuit breaker' is proposed?

Idiocy, even by this government's standards. :mad:

The half term bit of the circuit breaker was actually an older plan and some corners of the press seized on it when the rumbling about new measures started. But even this government realise that the half term timing doesnt match the stage the virus resurgence already reached, so I really dont think that sort of timing is on the table now.

I mean they might still use half term to go further with measures for a bit, but that will be its own thing on top of whatever will be announced this week.
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