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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Is the NUT demanding that the schools at closed? ITs fucked up - to stop the NHS being overwhelmed they need to use everything they've got to slow infection rates at the earliest opportunity.
Is the NUT demanding that the schools at closed? ITs fucked up - to stop the NHS being overwhelmed they need to use everything they've got to slow infection rates at the earliest opportunity.

The fear is that NHS workers will not be able to go it, if they have to llok after kids. But there must be some inaginative ways around that e.g. requiring companies to allow their partners paid time off to lok after the kids during the crisis etc.
Is the NUT demanding that the schools at closed? ITs fucked up - to stop the NHS being overwhelmed they need to use everything they've got to slow infection rates at the earliest opportunity.

Most people are assuming schools will be closed from next Monday. Teachers are being expected to conjure up 'home working packs' from thin air, literally overnight in some cases, but there's still no certainty and so no proper preparations can happen. The more advanced warning there is, the chance parents will have to sort out childcare.
I feel it's a dumb move not closing the schools, the rampant germ factories that they are. Of course essential NHS workers will need child care when it does happen, jump to it Boris.
A friend works in a bingo hall that's still open. Most of their customers are elderly, some with serious medical conditions. However, for many of them it's the only social interaction they get. The bingo hall is also only barely surviving financially.

My friend -- who really needs the job and it's a small town with very few jobs -- has repeatedly said they need to close as it's irresponsible to remain open but to no avail. She's terrified of passing it on to the customers. Who'll continue coming regardless while it's still open. (Most of them tell her it's all a fuss about nothing etc.) It looks like they'll likely go out of business whatever. :(
The Association of British Insurance has put out a statement saying standard business interruption cover - which majority of firms purchase - does not include forced closure by authorities
Just been out...loads of oldies beadling around trying do some shopping and 'spoons was quite busy.
Well played #Johnson; going so well.

yep - same in Armley, Leeds. People in cafes, hairdressers, bookies etc etc. Either they want effective social distancing to prevent infections rates or they don't. Half arsed half measures are going kill more people and further fuck the NHS.
I feel it's a dumb move not closing the schools, the rampant germ factories that they are. Of course essential NHS workers will need child care when it does happen, jump to it Boris.
Today I'm ill with a cold and at home, and I think in no small part because of this I have for the first time felt an overwhelming urge to gather and keep the family here so I can keep them safe.
Today I'm ill with a cold and at home, and I think in no small part because of this I have for the first time felt an overwhelming urge to gather and keep the family here so I can keep them safe.
Sorry to read that. I'm a dreadful cynic and find it unnatural to believe pretty much anything i'm told by politicians. look after your family is more important than a job.
I am behind on 'the science' due to the politics etc of recent days, but will try to catch up a little this week.

Guardian says that Germany has increased its number of intensive care unit beds with respirators by 7,000 in preparation.
As of Matt Hancock's tweet yesterday (asking if anyone feels like manufacturing them please) we have 5,000 of these machines altogether.

Here are some cold scary numbers, this is how many intensive care beds European counties have per 100,000 people (the german number out of date obvs)
We are way below average, half as well equipped as Italy.

Screenshot 2020-03-17 at 14.35.16.png
From the BBC live updates page:

13:11 entry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-51921683
The Prime Minister's father has indicated he would ignore his son's advice to tackle the spread of coronavirus and still go to the pub.

Boris Johnson yesterday urged everyone to "avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues", saying it was particularly important for people over 70.

But Stanley Johnson, 79, said: "Of course I'll go to a pub if I need to go to a pub." Speaking on ITV's This Morning, he said landlords "don't want people to be not in the pub at all".

yep - same in Armley, Leeds. People in cafes, hairdressers, bookies etc etc. Either they want effective social distancing to prevent infections rates or they don't. Half arsed half measures are going kill more people and further fuck the NHS.

It's the same here other side of Leeds, all looks the same. I suspect many people are only half aware of the measures at best anyway.
I just popped out with the plan of a quick, quiet walk round the park.

The streets were as busy as normal.

But then with schools open as normal and most people unable to work from home what did they fucking expect?!?
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