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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

And of course this which quimcunx just posted, test streets/households to reduce the number of tests you need.

Again I'll mention batch testing.

They did it in wuhan. Seems a better and cheaper bet than non existent tech.
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If we end up with national curfews in the next phase, as I just mentioned in the London unlockening thread, will they just add to the hands, face, space message so that it becomes hands, face, time and space?

edit, for the benefit of those who dont want to scrabble around looking for what Im going on about:

But other measures are waiting in the wings too.

At the bottom of the government's guidance issued today, there is a rather bland, technical sounding paragraph:

"The government will restrict the opening hours of premises, initially in local lockdown areas, with the option of national action in the future. This has been introduced in Bolton, following a steep rise in cases, and will seek to restrict activities that may lead to a spread in the virus."

In other words, if the rise in cases doesn't slow, the government could bring in a national curfew on opening hours, a more radical step.

Government sources emphasise this is not about to happen.

But by laying out the option, it's clear the 'rule of 6' could be followed by more radical steps.

It's a 'Boris Island' solution: a staggeringly expensive, jaw droppingly ambitious project that's probably never going to happen that Johnson can talk about enthusiastically so that he can avoid addressing the real issues.
Talking of a 100 billion on the radio. :eek:
I find this infuriating. Why can't they just say no more than 6 people to gather at any one time and make it a simple clear mesage?
Well previously it was no more than 30 but the 1922 committee had 50+ in a room that stated no more than 29 outside. So if you want to flout the rules then just join the tories. :mad:
Operation Moonshot...?! I thought the 'moonshot' thing was a throwaway quip at first, but no. Who the fuck came up with that as a good name? Is it to match Operation Warp Speed in the US? And £100bn, where the fuck is that coming from, not to mention that's it's all based on tech that isn't proven and widely available.

I think there's actually a high level of panic about this among those in power, primarily about the economy, but not solely.
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100 fucking billion. You could, of course, spend a fraction of that on a decent, lengthy, furlough for anyone who needs it, generous support for anyone who needs to isolate, ramped up lab capacity and masses of test and tracers even going door to door in areas that need it.

But no we need some egotistical Beano project because it's fucking Boris. What a tragic farce.
Shoot for the moon lads :D

Punches not being pulled in that article..

Commenting on the leaked plans, Martin McKee, professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said they bore the hallmark of a government “whose ambition far exceeds its ability to deliver.”

He said, “This plan transmits unbounded optimism, disregarding the enormous problems with the existing testing and tracing programmes. Worse, it envisages a major role for Deloitte, a company that has presided over many of these problems.
I'm confused whether pubs/restaurants/cinemas/gyms etc are going to be open. My initial assumption was that this meant they wouldn't be but seems they will be.

Yeah, they're all still open unless subject to local restrictions. Can still do things like go out (for the moment...) just not in groups of more than 6. So you can have multiple groups in 6 in venues, but the thing that's supposed to make the safer is social distancing (and other mitigation measures) between them, and now the T&T contact details actually being taken, which in my experience hasn't really been happening in most places.

6 people as it's a family of 4 plus grandparents, or a small group of friends, or a parent and 2 kids meeting up with the same, etc. so a reasonable number, and one that's easier to police and do social distancing within the group.
I'm confused whether pubs/restaurants/cinemas/gyms etc are going to be open. My initial assumption was that this meant they wouldn't be but seems they will be.
The simple rule is to ask yourself if the activity/premises involved = means of production capable of wealth accumulation; if yes, then yes, more than 6 is fine. If no, then no; Marshalls to clear the area.

This is one of the funniest things i've seen all morning.
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