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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I've no idea but if it's OK to sit in an office....
Ah, but the economy (and yes, I know pubs contribute to the economy too :p ).

Kinda curious how this will affect us (uni library). Literally the second day of letting (very few) students back into the libraries today; wondering if we might be covered by "schools".
Might be just me, but I would love to see some more concrete information about how transmission actually happens. It all seems so terribly coy and coded: "oh indoor family gatherings, oh that charity football match, oh returning from holidays, oh people went into town after being in Greece" - I kind of want to know how does transmission actually happen? Spitting into each other's pints? Having a big singalong arm in arm in an indoor venue? Having a party of 20+ people with zero regard to distancing and ventilation? Or something much more subtle? Surely there must be many people now who have got a fairly good idea who they contracted it from and what kind of contact they were in. Or work transmission - you hear "two people at x supermarket tested positive". Can someone just say what exactly their set-up was on breaks/during work so that we can try and not do the same?
Might be just me, but I would love to see some more concrete information about how transmission actually happens. It all seems so terribly coy and coded: "oh indoor family gatherings, oh that charity football match, oh returning from holidays, oh people went into town after being in Greece" - I kind of want to know how does transmission actually happen? Spitting into each other's pints? Having a big singalong arm in arm in an indoor venue? Having a party of 20+ people with zero regard to distancing and ventilation? Or something much more subtle? Surely there must be many people now who have got a fairly good idea who they contracted it from and what kind of contact they were in. Or work transmission - you hear "two people at x supermarket tested positive". Can someone just say what exactly their set-up was on breaks/during work so that we can try and not do the same?

It's primarily aerosol with a limited amount of contact transmission, contact was thought to be much higher originally hence the anti-bac. It's going be hard to pin down the exact moment for everyone but if your in the same room, in close proximity, your likely to get it, especially if your both maskless but most people don't wear the mask correctly.

Masks are also for protecting others more than yourself so it's no wonder so many "socialism is the real evil" types are so against them.
I too am confused about the pubs and bubbles etc but perhaps its still just 6 to a group on a table max
I have been keeping myself to myself in our local and leaving if I cannot get a table to keep my distance
Not visiting much lately as its steadily been getting way out of order with angry staff and customers due to the majority totally ignoring the rules , most seem unable to even keep their distance or wash hands in the loos never mind washing hands etc elsewhere and there are plenty of hand wash dispensers

I know its a hard job for the employees but I think it would not be a bad idea now if there were at least some action against the pubs that are letting customers ignore the rules or give the staff and managers more power else I can see them shutting again before xmas anyway at times its utterly impossible to keep 1 meter away due to the number being way way over even what each rooms maximum amount says on the wall
Why do they always do this late night announcements for things that aren't happening for days. It's so unnecessarily odd.

They probably think this is the best time to put announcements out, as its early enough for the papers and wider media to report on it but too late for anyone to include in that reporting any kind of analysis as to what is going on. As an example of this, take a look at the Guardian report which appears to be mostly based on government sources (even though they've usually misled during this pandemic and there are at least two things in there that appear very questionable).

It also tends to lead to the annoucement and its idiocy being discussed for part of the following day, rather than associated and more serious (to them) issues such as the blatant failure of their track and trace regime, or the likelyhood that cops are going to be able to enforce this six-person rule any more than they did the actual lockdown.
It's primarily aerosol with a limited amount of contact transmission, contact was thought to be much higher originally hence the anti-bac. It's going be hard to pin down the exact moment for everyone but if your in the same room, in close proximity, your likely to get it, especially if your both maskless but most people don't wear the mask correctly.

Masks are also for protecting others more than yourself so it's no wonder so many "socialism is the real evil" types are so against them.

Yes, I know all the principles. And I know it's tricky to pin point the exact moment.
There was a news snippet this morning from Australia saying that there might have actually been more fomite/contact transmission in hotel quarantine than previously thought after all - and I was wondering then, how can they know? How can you be sure that transmission was via, say, bathroom tap rather than the air in the bathroom?

But I mean more of a specific situation, like someone saying, okay yes, me and my colleague were chatting by the kettle for 5 mins without distancing or masks - or the opposite, we were behaving like xy and z exactly and still passed it on. Or in the case of this mysterious Durham charity football match "covid-safety measures were not strict enough" - what exactly was the situation? Just to flesh it out and illustrate the specifics a bit if that makes sense?
It does make some sort of sense though. Trying to allow the economy to function as far as possible, schools, et cetera. Whilst limiting risks. what’s the alternative? And no I’m not excusing the fuck ups with the testing or any of that. But I mean even with A notional best government possible. What could they do? Shut everything and put everyone on furlough again? even if that were economically, idea logically, acceptable. You would still have all the problems of mental health morale et cetera.
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