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Sky Update:New ban on gatherings of more than six people in England from Monday to apply to gatherings indoors and outdoors including homes, outdoor spaces, pubs and restaurants
I was going to try the gym to see how it felt before they start charging me properly but presumably they'll be closing again. :confused:
Why do they always do this late night announcements for things that aren't happening for days. It's so unnecessarily odd.

At least this is several days away, usually it's night before.

Serious suggestion though, it takes the sting out of the morning papers by giving 24 hours for the story to bed in and spread before it hits the front pages.

It'll be dreamt up by the nudge unit and other psy-ops depts. Sorry... "Media strategy groups".
The young 'uns I guess are an easy target a) because they always are and b) because they're less likely to die, so less sympathy.

My choir just had their first rehearsal tonight for months (socially distanced) so I guess this announcement means it'll be the only one we get. Ho hum.
my mate in crystal palace needs coughing kid tested

got this
View attachment 229655

luckily his wife is a front line nurse and is sorting out a home test
re my mate being told to drive to telford or inverness (above)

This is simply not true. We are carrying out so many time and energy consuming strategies to maintain social distancing. And yet we all know there are too many holes in how bubbles work to make these be meaningful.
Agree. We moved our whole sixth form provision to a different building over summer, built classrooms, toilets, labs, the whole shebang to give more space in the main building. We have staggered break and lunches so from 10:30-2 we have different groups of kids out of lessons continuously, who all need staff on duty. We have a cleaner specifically employed to clean the toilets after every break (we now have six breaks a day). Teachers are moving round the school instead of kids, clattering trolleys of books up and down stairs because they can't use the lift. We have redesigned our behaviour policy because we can't do after school or break detention now the school is deep cleaned every night, and we have changed the timetable. Staff briefing is now done on Teams and we can't use the shared kitchen any more. And somehow this is still not enough for some people!
Can anyone work out if this means pubs can stay open or not? It seems to suggest that they can stay open but only if you stick to 6 people or your 'bubble.'

Several exemptions apply to the new rules - which come into force on 14 September - with households and support bubbles bigger than six people are unaffected.

Social gatherings of more than six people will be illegal in England from Monday - with some exemptions - amid a steep rise in coronavirus cases.

A new legal limit will ban larger groups meeting anywhere socially indoors or outdoors, No 10 said.

But it will not apply to schools, workplaces or Covid-secure weddings, funerals and organised team sports.

The change applies to England only, to people of all ages, and to gatherings indoors and outdoors, in private homes, public outdoor spaces, and venues such as pubs and restaurants.
I have a wedding reception and a group camping weekend coming up at the end of September which I assume won’t be happening now. Might book a very last minute holiday cottage if we’re not in complete lockdown by then. I was so looking forward to a few nights in a tent with friends.
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