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Having clicked on the twitter link & seen the full width of the photo, I see what you are getting at, but the image is just faded/cropped to allow the text to stand out, from a design point of view, it would be very messy otherwise.
Dissagree. But we still agree thst it's a shit rag, though I would put it less politely. So that's something. :)
Jesus christ. I actually find myself in agreement with the fucking Mail. This seems bonkers on the part of the Mayor. Advising people to avoid public transport and simultaneously pledging to reduce car use by 25% by massively jacking up the congestion charge. Can't quite see the logic. I hate cars but unfortunately with the state of the public transport system currently they're surely a necessary evil.

Having clicked on the twitter link & seen the full width of the photo, I see what you are getting at, but the image is just faded/cropped to allow the text to stand out, from a design point of view, it would be very messy otherwise.
It's not just faded/cropped - they've erased the black girl standing on the left while leaving the door frame that should have been obscured by her body.
So that's two car wash firms that have reopened in my area. Not a lot of social distancing going on in the one opposite me, with no masks and workers jumping into cars to clean the insides. Not good.
Having clicked on the twitter link & seen the full width of the photo, I see what you are getting at, but the image is just faded/cropped to allow the text to stand out, from a design point of view, it would be very messy otherwise.
no, it isnt 'photoshopped', merely cropped - but they have cleaaly chosen a pic to be as nice and middle class looking as possible, which mans no black people. However you look at it, its wanky, to say the least.
no, it isnt 'photoshopped', merely cropped - but they have cleaaly chosen a pic to be as nice and middle class looking as possible, which mans no black people. However you look at it, its wanky, to say the least.
you haven't clicked on the link have you
Having clicked on the twitter link & seen the full width of the photo, I see what you are getting at, but the image is just faded/cropped to allow the text to stand out, from a design point of view, it would be very messy otherwise.

Aye, it’s unfortunate but it’s a better image with the teacher as the focal point as there so much negative space either side of her.

Side of kids head should have been edited out though.

This is the mail so I’m sure they went for the whitest most generic teacher image possible but technically cutting it down to focus on one subject makes sense.
It's not just faded/cropped - they've erased the black girl standing on the left while leaving the door frame that should have been obscured by her body.

The door & frame wasn't obscured by her body.


If they had faded out everything to the left, rather than crop it, it would have interfered with the smaller text, above the main headline, and been a total failure from a design point of view.

There's plenty of reasons for attacking the Mail, but this is just silly.
Jesus christ. I actually find myself in agreement with the fucking Mail. This seems bonkers on the part of the Mayor. Advising people to avoid public transport and simultaneously pledging to reduce car use by 25% by massively jacking up the congestion charge. Can't quite see the logic. I hate cars but unfortunately with the state of the public transport system currently they're surely a necessary evil.

I'd love to see what the polling figures for Khan are now.
It's the house journal of the SNP. The editor's tongue is so far up Sturgeons arse he is unlikely to get it back. :)
I'm sure, but normally when you give something a pun name, the word you use in your hilarious joke has at least some relation - rhyme, some shared features of some sort - rather than just replacing a word with another word that's so different you actually have to explain it.
So does that mean that there is currently a stock of PPE sitting in that warehouse that remains undistributed? It's not clear (to me) from the article.

Here's more information on your question from back in April Mation

The private firm contracted to run the government’s stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE) was beset by “chaos” at its warehouse that may have resulted in delays in deploying vital supplies to healthcare workers, according to sources who have spoken to the Guardian and ITV News.

The allegations from delivery drivers and other well–placed sources raise questions about whether Movianto, the subsidiary of a US healthcare giant, was able to adequately manage and distribute the nation’s emergency stockpile of PPE for use in a pandemic.

in late March, after the company was ordered to begin distributing PPE and amid complaints of dire shortages in hospitals, the British army had to be scrambled to Movianto’s warehouse to help organise and deploy the PPE.

According to delivery drivers responsible for delivering PPE to hospitals that month, Movianto was not ready to get the deliveries out to hospitals as demand for PPE rose, owing to “bad management” of the stock and short-staffing at the warehouse.

“It became more chaotic as time went on,” said Asif Hussain, a former policeman who was one of the drivers working at the warehouse in March. “Vans weren’t loaded, so you’d wait around for several hours for the vans to be loaded and sometimes they’d give you the wrong equipment to deliver to the hospitals.”

“Nobody knew what they were doing,” said another driver, Ian Rawson, brought in to deliver medical supplies in March. “If this was so urgent to get out, why did they not send more people to get the stuff ready for us?”

A senior NHS procurement official said they understood that upon arrival at the Movianto facility the army was confronted with a chaotic situation and had to reorganise the stock. “They had to unwrap it all and break it down into digestible chunks and start shipping it out on army trucks to hospitals.”
Cupid, you have to question always beyond the immediate. There are so many more design decisions here than where a pre-defined cropping frame should be placed on this specific picture. Why choose this picture at all? Why this woman with this kid, given all the other photos that exist? Having chosen it, does the tone and context shift after it is cropped? If so, why does the mail want that tone and context and not the original one? They made a deliberate design choice at every step, including the ones that changed the narrative of the story told by this picture. They aren’t just passive recipients of predefined pictures chosen by others.
you haven't clicked on the link have you
Yes, and there’s no way they’d have any image behind the headline, you just don’t do that. I hadn’t noticed how badly they’d extended the back of the book, but the rest is just a plain background for tonal match.

it’s bloody stupid choice, because just choose one where you aren’t cropping out black people ffs, but it is compositionally justified to cut anyone further away out. Of course it is astounding just how often the mail finds such an excuse, and the number of times they do so illustrates their racism. But it like with crazy weather and climate change, you can’t say any one incident is caused by it, but the sheer number of incidents definitely is.
The door & frame wasn't obscured by her body.

View attachment 212667

If they had faded out everything to the left, rather than crop it, it would have interfered with the smaller text, above the main headline, and been a total failure from a design point of view.

There's plenty of reasons for attacking the Mail, but this is just silly.
No, it's not. If you actually look at the pic in the front page the left part of the book is in the image overlaid with the headline. The image takes up the entirety of the page with the overlaid text with the kids on the left completely removed and a vague impression of a background substituted.
Why? I can't imagine they've changed a great deal -- why do you (presumably?) think they have? And upwards or downwards?

Increasing the congestion charge at a time when poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work?

This is a despicable move by Khan.

I would expect the figures to go down. If he hadn't been trying to buy his re-election by freezing fares TfL wouldn't be in such dire financial straits.
Jesus christ. I actually find myself in agreement with the fucking Mail. This seems bonkers on the part of the Mayor. Advising people to avoid public transport and simultaneously pledging to reduce car use by 25% by massively jacking up the congestion charge. Can't quite see the logic. I hate cars but unfortunately with the state of the public transport system currently they're surely a necessary evil.

Not being able to see the logic seems to go along with choosing the Mail as your news source.

Seriously, you "can't see the logic?"

Have you read the statements from the Mayors' office about what they are doing and why?
Increasing the congestion charge at a time when poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work?

This is a despicable move by Khan.

I would expect the figures to go down. If he hadn't been trying to buy his re-election by freezing fares TfL wouldn't be in such dire financial straits.
How many poorly paid essential workers in London do you think have cars and would be driving through the congestion charging zone..?
Increasing the congestion charge at a time when poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work?

This is a despicable move by Khan.
I doubt many poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work. They are relying on the public transport system.

But in any case, there will be an exemption from the congestion charge for NHS workers etc.

They are doing exactly the right thing in the circumstances. Giving the go-ahead for a free-for-all for drivers would be a disaster.
Increasing the congestion charge at a time when poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work?

This is a despicable move by Khan.

I would expect the figures to go down. If he hadn't been trying to buy his re-election by freezing fares TfL wouldn't be in such dire financial straits.

Er no, it's a despicable move from the Tory government. An attack on the Londoners who didn't vote for them. Do you think his Tory counterpart will now be polling higher 😂
I doubt many poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work. They are relying on the public transport system.

But in any case, there will be an exemption from the congestion charge for NHS workers etc.

They are doing exactly the right thing in the circumstances. Giving the go-ahead for a free-for-all for drivers would be a disaster.

And poorly paid workers in general are more likely to get the bus than the tube so if there're more cars, their journeys will be worse.
Increasing the congestion charge at a time when poorly paid essential workers are relying on their cars to get to work?

This is a despicable move by Khan.

I would expect the figures to go down. If he hadn't been trying to buy his re-election by freezing fares TfL wouldn't be in such dire financial straits.
but prior to this the congestion charge has been frozen for longer than the TfL fares have been (since 2014 vs 2016).
and the fare freeze is ending too as part of the same funding deal.
The door & frame wasn't obscured by her body.

View attachment 212667

If they had faded out everything to the left, rather than crop it, it would have interfered with the smaller text, above the main headline, and been a total failure from a design point of view.

There's plenty of reasons for attacking the Mail, but this is just silly.

Heh :D This is literally my specialism...

Technically it's true that they didn't "Photoshop the black kids out" but there's enough signifiers in the image they've chosen to make that edit superfluous anyway...
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