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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

The Roche test afaik will require a proper blood sample, in a blood tube taken by a HCW and is run on a machine in a lab. Not a home test!

The Roche Anti-SARS-CoV-2 electrochemiluminescence immunoassay is an IgG lab test with 99.81% (99.65-99.91% @95%CI) specificity - this is effectively the likelihood of not returning a false positive ie the chance of this not flagging an antibody associated with a different pathogen.

The sensitivity of the test varies with time from viral RNA PCR confirmation, reaching 100% (88.1-100% @95%CI) after 2 weeks - ie likelihood that this is not a false negative.
The Roche test afaik will require a proper blood sample, in a blood tube taken by a HCW and is run on a machine in a lab. Not a home test!

PHE are going for throughput (lesson learnt?) which you will get with analysers.

Any home testing antibody kit is likely to be a pinprick bloodspot test which in itself with impact accuracy.

My Labour run Council have listened to Teaching unions and parents and decided the above

Im a times at odds with my local Council but during pandemic they have been surprisingly good.

I dont know what Starmer is saying. The full text above shows that Boris announced opening of schools with no consultation. Even with sections of government itself not knowing about it.

I agree with posters here this is about the bosses wanting the workers back nose to the grindstone. Schools must open to achieve this.
A rushed opening of schools is just begging for a second spike/the situation in schools replicating that in care homes.

And yes, it's not about education, it's about schools being used as free childcare so their parents can go back to work.
The Roche test afaik will require a proper blood sample, in a blood tube taken by a HCW and is run on a machine in a lab. Not a home test!

PHE are going for throughput (lesson learnt?) which you will get with analysers.

Any home testing antibody kit is likely to be a pinprick bloodspot test which in itself with impact accuracy.

The test posted above that the image is from is lab based. You take a sample and send it to their labs and then they send you the result.

AFAIK it is legit in terms of it not being a scam. Whether it's worth it, and whether the results are accurate enough to be reliable is another question.
I've just got back from a short walk and a bit of shopping, and I'm alarmed. Loads of people seem to have decided that the worst is over and they don't need to worry any more. There are far more people about on the streets than even a few days ago, some shops are actively busy and not enforcing social distancing (though in fairness a majority still seem to be), and quite a few businesses which have been closed look to be preparing to reopen. Even a couple of pubs look as if they're having a spring clean in readiness for the doors opening again. Given that the outbreak took hold relatively late here and infections are still rising fast, I fear for what is going to happen in a week or two.
TfL sent this yesterday. Next week is going to be interesting.

TfL said:
Dear blah-blah,

We have a plan to help London re-open carefully, safely and sustainably.

This follows the advice and messages published by the Government yesterday.

In line with Government plans to increase national rail services, we are working hard to return Tube and bus services to normal levels under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, with many staff ill, shielding or self-isolating.

By next week, over 70 per cent of Tube services (in line with national rail services) and 85 per cent of bus services will be running.

However, given the national requirement to maintain 2 metres distance between passengers wherever possible, the capacity on the Tube and buses will be reduced to around 13-15 per cent, even once services are back to full strength.

This means transport must operate very differently.

In line with new Government advice, everyone who can work from home should continue to do so. Public transport should be avoided wherever possible to free up the limited space available to those who have no alternative way to travel.

If you must travel, please plan ahead and travel outside of the busiest times, particularly first thing in the morning. Please try to take the most direct route and avoid busy interchanges. To help you plan your journey we will be publishing details of the busiest stations and lines in the next few days and will write to you again with that information.

If you can, please walk or cycle for all or part of your journey, including to complete your journey if travelling into central London. We have been introducing local improvements in partnership with boroughs to widen footpaths and provide more cycle lanes. You can find out more here.

This is also to help support you in making the most of your local shops and outdoor spaces.

We are taking measures across our network to enable social distancing of 2 metres where possible. Please wear a face covering. Do not travel if you have any symptoms of the virus.

You may be asked to wait to enter a station. Some stations will have one-way systems, or you may be asked to walk on the left. We are also asking people to maintain social distancing throughout stations, for example on stairs, escalators and in lifts.

If travelling by bus, please maintain social distancing at stops and bus stations wherever possible. Currently you will also need to board the bus using the middle doors and you do not need to tap in. When in the bus please use all available space, including the upper deck, if possible, to maintain social distancing.

We are doing everything we can to maintain the cleanliness of our network with regular cleaning using hospital grade antiviral disinfectant.

It is also important that you continue to follow the Government advice on hygiene. Please wash your hands before and after travel and carry hand sanitiser with you. We are also putting hand sanitiser dispensers in our stations in the coming weeks.

Please be considerate to our staff and follow their instructions. Everyone is doing their best in these difficult times.

Thank you for your help.

I will write to you again with further information in the coming days.

Yours sincerely

Vernon Everitt
Managing Director, Customers, Communication & Technology
I've not had time to read this yet, but London Reconnections pieces are usually very well informed and well written.

Right at the bottom of this article from 12 may it says Germany's infection rate is 1000 cases a day and that the UK's 'is thought to be' 20,000 a day. Not sure if that is just bad reporting but if true easing lockdown seems maybe a little premature.

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