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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

The issue with schools is despite the NEU's petition and headteachers not being in agreement, there are already plans being made. I attended a meeting yesterday on getting students back into school and while there was a strong emphasis on risk assessment, the ball seemed to be rolling.
My area has a high number of ethnic minorities and i think there will be a lot of hesitation in sending children back; my school has already lost two parents to the virus.


I've seen some of the re-opening and risk planning documents.
Have had a letter from our school saying they will be aiming for fifteen to a class with staggered drop off times. And have confirmed they won't be forcing anyone who doesn't want to.
How will that work? How will they choose which 15 from a class of 30?

(I realise you may not have the answers, those are just the immediate questions which occur to me)
How will that work? How will they choose which 15 from a class of 30?

(I realise you may not have the answers, those are just the immediate questions which occur to me)

I assume, as only a couple of years are returning, half the class will be with their usual teachers(s), and the other half with another teachers(s) in a different class room.
I assume, as only a couple of years are returning, half the class will be with their usual teachers(s), and the other half with another teachers(s) in a different class room.
Has the bit about only some years returning now been confirmed? I know it was suggested a few days ago...
I assume, as only a couple of years are returning, half the class will be with their usual teachers(s), and the other half with another teachers(s) in a different class room.

Fine temporarily but the capacity of schools and the number of teachers needs doubling and I’m sceptical that many schools can manage it.

And fucked if they can double entire capacity by September
Fine temporarily but the capacity of schools and the number of teachers needs doubling and I’m sceptical that many schools can manage it.

And fucked if they can double entire capacity by September

As they are hoping to start re-opening pubs, restaurants & cafes in a limited form from July, I guess they hope schools can return to normal come Sept.

Fuckloads of ifs & buts in all that.
There is a concerted, and probably coordinated, attack on teachers going on right now to ensure blame/responsibility is diverted.
There's wankers all over Twitter having a go at teachers, demanding they get back to work immediately. Most of the cunts making the demands are saying "I have to return to work so you should too". I guess they think schools are just free childminders.
There's wankers all over Twitter having a go at teachers, demanding they get back to work immediately. Most of the cunts making the demands are saying "I have to return to work so you should too". I guess they think schools are just free childminders.

There's that.

Encouraged, whipped up, by the press.

Obviously, the bosses want the schools to open to allow their workers to come back.

Also, there's a long-term desire in the Tory Party to smash the teaching unions. This is seen as a chance to do that.
How will that work? How will they choose which 15 from a class of 30?

(I realise you may not have the answers, those are just the immediate questions which occur to me)
Normal classes are thirty odd with three staff (teachers and TAs) in reception. I assume this means that if everyone turns up they'll have TAs leading classes (our school has the luxury of being half empty anyway so has extra rooms). However surveys suggest 75% of people won't be sending their kids back so I doubt they'll need to. That may be lower where I live because we're pfwc round here and may not have a choice but there won't be anything like 100% attendance. Her teacher's just called and spoken to my wife. Apparently didn't seem surprised at our decision so must be pretty common.
There's wankers all over Twitter having a go at teachers, demanding they get back to work immediately. Most of the cunts making the demands are saying "I have to return to work so you should too". I guess they think schools are just free childminders.
I know some teachers must have been sent home but all the teachers at my kid's school worked through Easter looking after keyworkers' children and have had fuck all time off at all (I think TAs were furloughed).
Could you at least give us a clue? It's literally just a woman's face and a play button.

sorry meant to link the article not just the video

Coronavirus: Fears for people with learning disabilities
The Care Quality Commission says there has been a 175% increase in deaths of people with learning disabilities living in adult social care organisations in England, compared with the same period last year.
But while elderly people are entitled to be tested for Covid-19, people with a learning disability are not.
BBC Breakfast spoke to disabilities campaigner, Sara Ryan, and Dr Dominic Slowie, former NHS national clinical director for learning disability.
Lambeth Labour have submitted a Motion to the next meeting of the Full Council calling for a number of measures to ensure safety and support children in the current circumstances and beyond. This motion will call on government to:

  • Work with the trade union representatives of teachers and education workers to ensure that schools can return safely, including the need to meet the tests set out by the trade unions including the National Education Union that include clear scientific evidence, the need for a full rollout of the “test, trace and isolate” policy, enhanced school cleaning and quantifiable agreed standards on PPE and social distancing.
  • A nationally funded recovery strategy that truly ‘levels up’ our most disadvantaged children in line with the Child Poverty Action Group’s proposals for extended schools, universal free school meals, higher child benefit and reform of universal credit, among other measures.
  • Recognition that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic children often face additional barriers to fulfilling their potential. Assessments replacing exams must account for and correct bias and further research and investment into schemes like Raising the Game needs to take place.
Families, schools and other experts must be properly consulted to ensure schools reopen safely. Government should be reaching out and looking to build consensus with the safety of children, parents, carers, and staff being put first.

My Labour run Council have listened to Teaching unions and parents and decided the above

Im a times at odds with my local Council but during pandemic they have been surprisingly good.

I dont know what Starmer is saying. The full text above shows that Boris announced opening of schools with no consultation. Even with sections of government itself not knowing about it.

I agree with posters here this is about the bosses wanting the workers back nose to the grindstone. Schools must open to achieve this.
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