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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

There must be a lot of empty hotel rooms right now. Something useful could be done with them, like offering them free of charge to people needing to self-isolate away from their families.
that would be a good idea - if lockdown eases and i end up having to go work face-to-face with people without PPE, I would either have to stay at home and not work or go live somewhere where I can keep away from family
Doodler said:
There must be a lot of empty hotel rooms right now. Something useful could be done with them, like offering them free of charge to people needing to self-isolate away from their families.

Edinburgh is using some of them to house rough sleepers. Edit, Glasgow too

Housing rough sleepers has been happening in some hotels in Swansea also -- we think? we've heard in Cardiff, too :)

But we know for definite that accomodation in hotels in Swansea is being arranged for newly-arrived asylum seekers as well ... Swansea is a so-called 'distribution centre' (a Home Office term) for asylum seekers.
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I don't really want to have that conversation with my flatmates tbh as it's such a grey area. I'd rather just go pick him up and take him to the park for the day but will the 2m thing still apply? Will I need to put him on a lead? :D
Assuming you're in England, think any two people can meet up as long as it's in public and you do social distancing. Think you're not supposed to go in the house or put him in a car, but other than that it should be OK.
Assuming you're in England, think any two people can meet up as long as it's in public and you do social distancing. Think you're not supposed to go in the house or put him in a car, but other than that it should be OK.

He's 3. And not seen his daddy in almost two months - so I don't think social distancing will be an option! I'm just gonna flout it, she can shepherd him out to me from the front door and I'll do the same when I return him. The rules make no sense. How do you socially distance from a toddler in the park.
The world of science does not limit itself to one form of measuring deaths. It does not require a positive test, or for everyone with an opinion to be satisfied that the deaths were all 100% caused by Covid-19 as opposed to Covid-19 being somewhat involved.

There are a bunch of different versions of the death stats, and Scotland is no exception. Experts will look at both deaths where Covid-19 is mentioned on a death certificate, but also total excess mortality. Total excess mortality is not some weird unscientific bullshit, it is a well established thing that countries look at every winter to get a measure of the impact of things like influenza or a really bad winter.

In this case I do not even have to resort to total excess deaths to get a figure close to 2800. I can just use the data from last Wednesdays National Records of Scotland data.

I realise you may decide to quibble on about how these arent all Covid-19 deaths, and indeed they choose their language carefully with the 'where COVID-19 was mentioned in the death certificate' bit. Anyway England & Wales do just the same thing, just not necessarily in the daily stats. But daily stats are only good for viewing the death trends with slightly less lag, when it comes to more accurate figures the ONS of England & Wales, NR of Scotland and NISRA of Northern Ireland are the established sources, just with more lag. So I do not intend to spend further time today dealing with your misguided angle.
Neither do I.

You're obviously unaware of the fact that Scotland does not have the fiscal powers to pay benefits nor wages should they decide to send people home/lockdown. Everyone up here is aware of it. But hey...Scotland should have done it 2 weeks before the UK govt announced they'd pay people.

You're scientifically correct apart from the numbers and what could actually be done about it by Scotland at that time.
Is there any reliable info on mortality rates yet? Especially for people thought to be low risk, e.g. the under 70s?

There’s a long and complicated answer to that with all kinds of caveats and ifs ands and buts covering problems with data collection and comparison and case vs infection fatality rates and cohort definition methodologies and extrapolations.

Luckily though it can be boiled down to a short answer: no.
none of the 3 mentioned are necessary, they could just increase corporate tax and tax the rich. but that would be too humane.

I believe it was stated earlier in this thread, that they could carry on like this now for (lockdown, furlough etc) for 3 years before it matched the bank bailout in cost. (Sorry if it was you who made that point and I am quoting it back at you!)
I believe it was stated earlier in this thread, that they could carry on like this now for (lockdown, furlough etc) for 3 years before it matched the bank bailout in cost. (Sorry if it was you who made that point and I am quoting it back at you!)
Heh, it wasn't me, lovely, and yep, I've seen the posts you are referring to.
The bank bailout involved buying up bank assets most of which were later sold, didn't it? So not really comparable.

Could be stuff like nationalisation of struggling airlines though. I mean if we are paying for them from the public purse and all...
Got a letter from the NHS/Ipsos Mori today asking me if I wanted to take part in a random swab test via home delivery kit. I hate to be that guy who barges into threads without reading the previous twenty pages, but is this a thing now? I'm in favour if so, I realise they need to know what percentage of the population have been infected/are asymptomatic etc, but I was surprised to see the letter as I haven't been near a doctor/dentist/hospital in fifteen years :cool:
Got a letter from the NHS/Ipsos Mori today asking me if I wanted to take part in a random swab test via home delivery kit. I hate to be that guy who barges into threads without reading the previous twenty pages, but is this a thing now? I'm in favour if so, I realise they need to know what percentage of the population have been infected/are asymptomatic etc, but I was surprised to see the letter as I haven't been near a doctor/dentist/hospital in fifteen years :cool:
'Swab yer gob and get a chance to win an iphone'?
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