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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Meanwhile in Scotland:

Bit of a rant. But a valid one.No idea who that guy is mind you. I think they've stopped putting Cabinet members up for the morning Morgan slaughter and sending in nobodies


For some reason that's not displaying on here but easily found on Twitter.

I hadn't actually believed what I'd heard about the prick Morgan being quite good recently but that was really very good. I'm going to temporarily move him off my 'must die' list.
I hadn't actually believed what I'd heard about the prick Morgan being quite good recently but that was really very good. I'm going to temporarily move him off my 'must die' list.

It's actually fairly bizarre that he's emerged as the Tories' worst nightmare.. :D the questions at the press conferences are pathetically soft. Raab did every show except Morgan this morning and instead sent that guy.
Are post offices currently taking parcels? The websites for my local ones seem to have the service blanked out. There is the print your own label option, but I don't have a printer.
Are post offices currently taking parcels? The websites for my local ones seem to have the service blanked out. There is the print your own label option, but I don't have a printer.
I posted a couple last week with no problem. The P.O. weighed them and stamped them. They have both been delivered.
Metro also talking about busy transport:


(and yeah, that image is tagged as this morning)
Wait, wasnt anything at all said yesterday about social distancing on public transport?
Like sitting on alternate seats, maximum number of people per carriage?

We can manage it in supermarkets so why not on the tube?

All the buses I've seen lately (including 'rush hour'*) have been at least half empty with people not sitting near each other.

* The busiest ones lately seem to be at 5.30 or 6am ish, so am guessing cleaners, carers, nhs
Are post offices currently taking parcels? The websites for my local ones seem to have the service blanked out. There is the print your own label option, but I don't have a printer.
I posted some documents on Saturday, there was a sign on the door saying only 2 customers at a time (though I was the only one) and marks on the pavement outside 2 metres apart.
The woman behind the counter had a mask and gloves on, I paid with GooglePay being careful to touch nothing other than what I had brought.
All in all a rather surreal experience.
Wait, wasnt anything at all said yesterday about social distancing on public transport?
Like sitting on alternate seats, maximum number of people per carriage?

We can manage it in supermarkets so why not on the tube?

All the buses I've seen lately (including 'rush hour'*) have been at least half empty with people not sitting near each other.

* The busiest ones lately seem to be at 5.30 or 6am ish, so am guessing cleaners, carers, nhs

I mean... how would you? You'd need conductors coordinating how many people can get onto a train at once.
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The guy is a fucking dangerous moron.

The Foreign Secretary started off by telling Sky News that scientists are now ‘looking at’ whether there can be ‘some limited contact’ between two households within the same family. He expressed his own disappointment about being unable to see his mum on her birthday at the weekend. He said: ‘We’ve asked [scientists] to give us some advice on what that would do to the transmission rate. Until we’ve got the advice back, we’re not in a position to say yes you can positively do that, but it is something we want to look at.’

However, within the same hour, Raab then went on to tell BBC Breakfast that people could meet with both parents separately, so long as they complied to social distancing measures and kept two metres apart.

When asked if people can meet their ‘mum in the morning and dad in the afternoon’, he replied: ‘Outside, in the outdoors, staying two metres apart, yes.’ He then went on to explain that households are still not able to mix ‘inside the home’, but confirmed Sage experts are attempting to work out a date ‘in the future’. But just minutes after the interview, Raab changed his guidance for a third time and told BBC Radio 4 that the public could meet both parents at the same time in the park, so long as they kept two metres apart.

Wait, wasnt anything at all said yesterday about social distancing on public transport?
Like sitting on alternate seats, maximum number of people per carriage?

We can manage it in supermarkets so why not on the tube?

All the buses I've seen lately (including 'rush hour'*) have been at least half empty with people not sitting near each other.

* The busiest ones lately seem to be at 5.30 or 6am ish, so am guessing cleaners, carers, nhs

Public transport will only accommodate 10% capacity they said.


Face masks need mandating.
Are post offices currently taking parcels? The websites for my local ones seem to have the service blanked out. There is the print your own label option, but I don't have a printer.

I've been dropping of dozens of parcel in the last few weeks at the parcel post boxes.

Although you do need a printer for it.

My local post office is still open, I sent a Signed For last week, you'll have to check yours as some have closed.

First class is going well, few delays but nothing serious.
Wait, wasnt anything at all said yesterday about social distancing on public transport?
Like sitting on alternate seats, maximum number of people per carriage?

We can manage it in supermarkets so why not on the tube?

All the buses I've seen lately (including 'rush hour'*) have been at least half empty with people not sitting near each other.

* The busiest ones lately seem to be at 5.30 or 6am ish, so am guessing cleaners, carers, nhs

The transport secretary, at the daily briefing on Saturday, made it very clear that social distancing on public transport would be enforced, reducing capacity to just 10% of the normal, so get on your bike.

Going well, isn't it?
Public transport will only accommodate 10% capacity they said.


Face masks need mandating.

Face masks should be worn, but it's dangerous to consider them as anything other than a precaution on top of other measures. Those scientists that are recommending then generally frame it as 'we don't have a great deal of evidence, but there's some, and it's worth doing if you do everything else'. They don't allow you to take extra liberties with other measures. Has to be controlled 10% and facemasks.
Face masks should be worn, but it's dangerous to consider them as anything other than a precaution on top of other measures. Those scientists that are recommending then generally frame it as 'we don't have a great deal of evidence, but there's some, and it's worth doing if you do everything else'. They don't allow you to take extra liberties with other measures. Has to be controlled 10% and facemasks.

If they'd told everyone without a facemask to fuck off home at the ticket barrier, would have got a lot closer to the 10%
Surely they should put on more buses, trains etc rather than less to allow people to keep social distancing and keep transport below capacity. If they have a restricted service everyone will be rushing on and that will increase transmission of the virus.

I think I'd assumed that 10% was the goal for 'number of passengers on a specific thing'. If they're also running a reduced number of things, that does seem quite daft.
I mean... how would you? You'd need conductors coordinating how many people can get onto a train at once.

Yes and that would be possible - it was done (more or less) in 2012 for the Olympics with an army of volunteers. It was a huge thing to co-ordinate, but it was done.

If they cared about people, they could have done it now - they could even have used actual Army. (Not sure how I'd feel if they had, mind).
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Yes and that would be possible - it was done (more or less) in 2012 for the Olympics with an army of volunteers. It was a huge thing to co-ordinate, but it was done.

If they cared about people, they could have done it now - they could even have used actual Army. (Not sure how I'd feel if they had, mind).

True, though without keeping restrictions on people actually using the systems in total, you're always going to run into problems. Total mess really.
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