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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

My 4 year old daughter, the wife and I got shouted and clapped at from inches away by someone in a car for not clapping this week. Fucking twat. We were taking her out on her new bike as we had promised to that afternoon. We didn't do it at the time as the pharmacy had a box of medication that needed to go before the bank holiday and no one else was available.

Jesus christ. What a dickhead. Are you all ok?
Jesus christ. What a dickhead. Are you all ok?
Yeah, all fine thanks just irritated. Pretty low levels of infection down here just annoyed by the complete ignoring of social distancing especially when with a kid. She has only been out about 6 or 7 times since March. She's quite hard and not aware of the virus much beyond us saying there are more germs than usual but it would of upset some of her friends.
Re: Lockdown breaking

I think theres a clear pattern from government here, of deliberatley saying one thing, then enacting the opposite. Its a ramping up of the Tories so called nudge unit, and its based on Johnsons personally philosophy: "Have Your Cake And Eat It". That was his position in relation to Brexit, its how he treats women, how he sees the world, and its how he treats this crisis.

They know they cant be seen to ease lockdown at this moment, but like all governments wanting to keep capitalism on track they want lockdown eased as soon as possible. So what do they do? The feed the press the story lockdown will be eased on Monday:

That didnt happen by accident, it happened by designed.

Then literally the next day they say "Lockdown mustn't be eased, carry on locking down".
People get the message loud and clear, lockdown is easing and act accordingly.
Tories wipe their hands and say,"we've been saying it must carry on, its not our fault", then don't put any pressure to reprimand people for not following it as strictly.
Its manipulation, and its cake and eat it: they achieve both positions:decreasing lockdown and increasing "herd immunity strategy", whilst being able to hold their hands up and say we are maintaining lockdown.

A similar two faced approach summarises their position in the early months of this. People knew they should lockdown and did so of their own accord, while the government could keep it business as usual as long as possible.
Re: Lockdown breaking

I think theres a clear pattern from government here, of deliberatley saying one thing, then enacting the opposite. Its a ramping up of the Tories so called nudge unit, and its based on Johnsons personally philosophy: "Have Your Cake And Eat It". That was his position in relation to Brexit, its how he treats women, how he sees the world, and its how he treats this crisis.

They know they cant be seen to ease lockdown at this moment, but like all governments wanting to keep capitalism on track they want lockdown eased as soon as possible. So what do they do? The feed the press the story lockdown will be eased on Monday:
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That didnt happen by accident, it happened by designed.

Then literally the next day they say "Lockdown mustn't be eased, carry on locking down".
People get the message loud and clear, lockdown is easing and act accordingly.
Tories wipe their hands and say,"we've been saying it must carry on, its not our fault", then don't put any pressure to reprimand people for not following it as strictly.
Its manipulation, and its cake and eat it: they achieve both positions:decreasing lockdown and increasing "herd immunity strategy", whilst being able to hold their hands up and say we are maintaining lockdown.

A similar two faced approach summarises their position in the early months of this. People knew they should lockdown and did so of their own accord, while the government could keep it business as usual as long as possible.
I’ve been wondering about this too, definitely agree it wasn’t an accident that the press were given the story that we’d all be ‘liberated’ on Monday but I don’t know if it’s really herd immunity by stealth think it might just be them testing the waters to see what way the wind is blowing & then after the backlash of wtf are you doing they decided to stick with things as they are for a bit longer. The pm after all is the man who wrote those 2 articles one against one for brexit then picked which to publish at the last minute when he judged which would be the winning or most expedient side.
Don't get me wrong, I've met some people in Hebden who don't even own a dream-catcher. But I don't reckon you'd see that group of people together anywhere else on earth.

I absolutely get why some people are posting here and in other threads about how bad their experiences are of people conforming really badly to lock-down rules.

I do think it's worth remembering though that different places can experience wildly different levels of rule-breaking.

Most of the time, here in Swansea, we see vastly fewer numbers of people behaving like arses.
There'll always be exceptions, and we've seen one or two, but most of the time we see people distancing well and doing their best.

And in the city centre especially, the streets largely remain near-empty of both traffic and people.

Traffic is definitely up in the last couple of weeks here in Bristol. I live on an A road. Educated guess says this is people going to work as yesterday morning, I was pleasantly surprised again as it was quiet, at least early on.

There are peple out shopping, walking and stuff but obviously I only know that because I'm one of them. Some peple do seem to be a bit blazay about the whole thing, chatting in the street, hanging about but again, I guess I wouldn't notice the rest just quickly going about their business.
A nearby flat sounds like they're having a party at weekends.
A few moans on local FB page about people not keeping their distance, joggers etc. e.g. Look at all these people here in this crowded place where I went to take my bike ride and got off to take a picture.

Busses are quiet.
City centre streets are quieter than the local ones simply because the bars and cafes are shut.

TL;DR there are some ignorant fuckwits who don't care or are too thick to understand but most people are doing what they're meant to. I don't reckon they're particularly British trates.
I have sympathy for anyone working in shops though. The fuckwits barging about, blocking isles, hanging around are going to stand out and wind you up.
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They've released figures for different ethnicities. My wife did a little cheer when she heard Chinese women are least likely of all to die from coronavirus.
Mrs Q is half-Filipina, whilst our quarter-Filipina daughter (who is a nurse) has inherited Asian hair and eye colouring, she has fair skin (though she tans easily like her mother) combined with the fact she is only 26 has resulted in her mother clinging to this research like a drowning man clinging to a piece of flotsam.
Mrs Q is half-Filipina, whilst our quarter-Filipina daughter (who is a nurse) has inherited Asian hair and eye colouring, she has fair skin (though she tans easily like her mother) combined with the fact she is only 26 has resulted in her mother clinging to this research like a drowning man clinging to a piece of flotsam.
Hope your daughter's okay mate. Can imagine how stressful that must be.
Hope your daughter's okay mate. Can imagine how stressful that must be.
She is so far, we haven't seen her (in person) since beginning of March, I do suspect though that she censors what she tells us for fear that the mother will react in the way that she almost certainly will do. (not that I am blaise about it either)
I knew this nutter would be out in town spreading his vileness. I dont know if you're on Twitter lazythursday but I thought you wouldn't want to miss him :rolleyes: :facepalm:
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Some people might think these people are just harmless fools, but what they're actually doing is standing there spitting in the faces of all those who have suffered from this virus, or lost loved ones to it. I've met loads of people like this, and the happy-clappiness is thinner than a coat of paint. As soon as you mention the idea that they might in some way not be able to do whatever the fuck they like, because other people exist, the shitty entitlement that makes up 99% of their worldview boils over.
The importance of prolonged and multiple contact for transmission. I’d be interested in the views of elbows and others on whether this sounds as if it’s on the right track.

One point that immediately emerges from this was the flaw in the UK advice to people who believed they had been infected should stay at home, self-isolating with their families. The experience had already indicated that quarantining the first case, even after becoming symptomatic, reduced transmission to the rest of the family.

The article refers to this twitter thread:
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Some people might think these people are just harmless fools, but what they're actually doing is standing there spitting in the faces of all those who have suffered from this virus, or lost loved ones to it. I've met loads of people like this, and the happy-clappiness is thinner than a coat of paint. As soon as you mention the idea that they might in some way not be able to do whatever the fuck they like, because other people exist, the shitty entitlement that makes up 99% of their worldview boils over.
Nope they're self-centred loons who whilst they aren't dangerous in the way a velociraptor might be are still dangerous in a more subtle way.
The importance of prolonged and multiple contact for transmission. I’d be interested in the views of elbows and others on whether this sounds as if it’s on the right track.

The article refers to this twitter thread:

I don't know the qualifications of that EU Referendum blogger but they appear to just be cherry-picking studies that support their statement of the obvious while completely ignoring the phenomenon of super-spreaders.
The importance of prolonged and multiple contact for transmission. I’d be interested in the views of elbows and others on whether this sounds af it’s on the right track.

The article refers to this twitter thread:

Putting these and other data into the mix, Cevik (rightly) asserts that close and prolonged contact is required for Covid-19 transmission, suggesting that the risk is highest in enclosed environments: household; long-term care facilities; and public transport.

From that, one can also conclude – as I have done – that casual, single contacts are unimportant.

That conclusion does not follow from the evidence presented IMO. Less important maybe, and there are quite possibly lockdown-easing measures that would increase only those negligible risks from passing contact, while bringing significant benefits. The same thinking should also be justification to stop any non-essential high-risk activities still ongoing, namely any where large groups of people are regularly gathering together in close quarters. Construction sites are not a requirement for public health or mental wellbeing. Closing them could buy us enough wiggle room to remove some of the restrictions that are hurting people the most, without increasing the R number.
The importance of prolonged and multiple contact for transmission. I’d be interested in the views of elbows and others on whether this sounds as if it’s on the right track.

The article refers to this twitter thread:

This North bloke, who wrote the above, is a climate change denier. It doesn’t mean he has to be wrong on everything, but he needs to be read with extreme caution.
This North bloke, who wrote the above, is a climate change denier. It doesn’t mean he has to be wrong on everything, but he needs to be read with extreme caution.

I didn't particularly like the look of the website I have to say. But I thought I'd try and take the content as I found it. He's not wrong that there has been too much weight given to factors that aren't actually related to epidemiology.
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