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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Gonna say it here though I said it elsewhere. Those of us who are still being paid in full could think about how much money they’ve been saving on not going out to pubs, cinemas etc and (if they can afford it) pay that same amount every month to a charity that is helping people who are struggling right now).
It makes perfect sense if you factor in protecting the interests of capital. Doesn't make it right in any way whatsoever though.

I don't think it does tbh. A functioning economy isn't directly tied to 'get everyone back to work regardless of the consequences'. Cycles of work-outbreak-lockdown won't be good for the operation of capital. This (assuming 'this' actually is early end to lockdown) looks more like rolling the dice and hoping that existing levels of immunity mean further outbreaks aren't as bad.
That’s further than I thought they’d go but you’re probably right. Thought it might just be extra things added to the list of acceptable reasons to be out, as an individual.
Partial opening of schools from June
Outdoor cafes allowed
Socialising outside your household allowed outdoors
More use of parks/beaches etc - picnics allowed

I'm not sure about schools, but the rest I agree I think will happen. They'll pay lip service to social distancing in workplaces to get people back to work as well.
That’s further than I thought they’d go but you’re probably right. Thought it might just be extra things added to the list of acceptable reasons to be out, as an individual.
I think they're going to want as many shops and business operating again as possible.
I don't think schools will be fully reopened though - maybe Year 10 & 12 back and they will just widen the keyworker list further to anyone who can't really work from home.
Definitely no large gatherings and no pubs, clubs, sitting inside restaurants or cafes. Social distancing still in shops and offices, self isolation for illness, masks in public.
I'm not sure about schools, but the rest I agree I think will happen. They'll pay lip service to social distancing in workplaces to get people back to work as well.
I don't think schools will reopen fully but in the interests of getting lots of parents off furlough I can see the list of children eligible for school including anyone working in shops, manufacturing, construction, but still with the message that if you can wfh you should keep children home.
WTF is going on in the UK? How can there be talk of "lifting lockdown" (what sodding lockdown?!) when there are over 500 deaths reported on a daily basis? I have never felt safer in Turkey than the UK but now I do :( Down to around 50 deaths per day here and we are still on actual lockdown at weekends and over 65s not allowed out at all (they'll be allowed out for four hour on Sunday for the first time in weeks, while everyone else is at home.)
It'll be garden centres opening and maybe a couple of changes like that aimed at specific industries IMO. More outdoor stuff allowed. They wont be sending schools back anytime soon. And with schools off people won't be able to work normally.

Oh, and facemasks I reckon.
Anybody feel like predicting what they’re going announce is changing exactly on Monday?
Some more shops might be allowed to open.
Gatherings of up to 4 permitted outside.
Can leave the house for other reasons.

Face masks required for use of public transport, a solution for where to get them will be needed.

People who can work from home should continue to do so.
I wonder if this might backlash on them? Nobody I know thinks this is the right time to be easing things. Could they be misjudging this and end up looking like they're clearly putting the interests of capital above lives?

If we get another spike, which seems likely given the absence of a viable testing and tracing strategy, then that's going to hurt them. Then we'll be back to square one, only with this time with severely depleted public support. We'll also get to watch the like of Germany getting back to relatively normality in an orderly fashion, while we fact the prospect of lockdown 2.0.
bimble said:
Anybody feel like predicting what they’re going announce is changing exactly on Monday?

Some more shops might be allowed to open.
Gatherings of up to 4 permitted outside.
Can leave the house for other reasons.

Face masks required for use of public transport, a solution for where to get them will be needed.

People who can work from home should continue to do so.

The above is roughly along the lines I'd guess, also.
And with the possible exception of gatherings of 4, too.
That is, nothing at all drastic yet.

As for schools, I'm not at all qualified to make any kind of informed guess :oops: ........
..... but is not the risk (for the Govt.) that if they state that certain age-groups should go back in June, they'll end up with large numbers of parents simply rebelling?
(I appreciate that plenty of parents won't be in an easy position to keep their kids away from school, but surely lots of those who don't want their kids to go back before September, will be in uproar at a June return plan??)
Anybody feel like predicting what they’re going announce is changing exactly on Monday?

Businesses, shops etc. to reopen - with "advisory guidance" on social distancing. Furlough to end. Unions blamed for hampering the back to work effort.

Schools to partially reopen from June 1st. Starting with Primary schools and then maybe years 10 and 12. Schools responsible for their own social distancing policy, but will be expected to have some. Unions blamed for hampering the back to school effort. Some Private Schools will delay the start of the Summer holdays to get more weeks in. Academy Heads and Commentators will talk up the need for State schools to do the same - but realising that it's impossible will blame the Unions.

General Public will be urged to get back to work but not have social lives.

The FTSE will be up.
I think it might be a lot more wide ranging than we expect. Virgin / Jaguar etc will have scared them shitless. Ferguson ignoring his own rules gives them a bit more scope
Also fuck that scientist dude who was caught flouting the rules. What the fucking fuck is fucking wrong with you, you fucking stupid knobhead? Did you not fucking think for one fucking second that the moment you started appearing in public, that the fucking press would be sniffing around you? Fucking moron.
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