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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Yeah same here. Went to the park on Sunday and it was much busier despite the crap weather. But you couldn't really point at anyone being out of order.

I wouldn't want to imply that anyone I've seen around was 'out of order' (well, aside from the group sitting around a bench drinking Special Brew), but it does look as if people in general are that little bit less willing to stop at home now than they were a week or two back.
I wouldn't want to imply that anyone I've seen around was 'out of order' (well, aside from the group sitting around a bench drinking Special Brew), but it does look as if people in general are that little bit less willing to stop at home now than they were a week or two back.
Sure, that's what I meant as well. I can't have a go at people for being in the park when the only reason I know they are there is because I'm in the park.:D

tbh this is mostly a sign of just how much people have been staying at home. The London parks I've visited since lockdown - I've toured a few - have until now all been far quieter than they would ever be normally on an iffy spring day let alone a glorious one.

It has been quite magical at times, tbh, especially before the construction work all restarted.

* punches self in face as penance *
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Sure, that's what I meant as well. I can't have a go at people for being in the park when the only reason I know they are there is because I'm in the park.:D

tbh this is mostly a sign of just how much people have been staying at home. The London parks I've visited since lockdown - I've toured a few - have until now all been far quieter than they would ever be normally on an iffy spring day let alone a glorious one.

It has been quite magical at times, tbh, especially before the construction work all restarted.

* punches self in face as penance *

Aye. Its odd, though: despite living five minutes' walk from a very pleasant* park, it's about the one place I've not walked around during my daily ration of exercise.

* It's very pleasant in the daytime: at night there's so much activity that you might as well rename it the Dogger Bank.
It's pretty basic stuff this though, and it shouldn't need explaining - people furloughed on 80% of their normal income facing a very uncertain future are not 'doing well out of this', even if you're doing worse.
I didn't use the phrase 'doing well out of this', nor did I mention people furloughed. Clearly many (though not all) of them are facing a very uncertain future.

What I said, and what I stand by, is that there's a class dimension to how hard people are having it, in various ways. Amazed that some people appear to find that something to argue about.
I didn't use the phrase 'doing well out of this', nor did I mention people furloughed. Clearly many (though not all) of them are facing a very uncertain future.

What I said, and what I stand by, is that there's a class dimension to how hard people are having it, in various ways. Amazed that some people appear to find that something to argue about.
it was a reference to Nine Bob Note's earlier post, not your later one

it was a reference to Nine Bob Note's earlier post, not your later one

It wasn't, it was a reference to treelover's earlier post.
anyway, whatever. It's obvious what I was challenging there, and also obvious it's not something that needs a 'what about class??' diversion.
i dunno, original quotes get so lost its easy not to see what someone was responding to and so fail to see why what they're saying is bollocks, leading you down a side path. Obviously I've never done anything like that, but I can see where andy was getting... waylaid
To be fair the original poster who commented is a supermarket worker so probably got one of the shittest deals in the country outside of health and care work. I think when Andy says those who have it easy he's taking about those with cushy secure council jobs and safe outdoor work where they're unlikely to get the virus.

unless I have misinterpreted, this is out of order. As KB says, let’s keep the guns pointing the right way.
on the general point. Not that I am immune from feeling pissed off at people simply swanning about. But I don’t know their circumstances. And it doesn’t do me any good getting wound up by then anyway.
unless I have misinterpreted, this is out of order. As KB says, let’s keep the guns pointing the right way.
on the general point. Not that I am immune from feeling pissed off at people simply swanning about. But I don’t know their circumstances. And it doesn’t do me any good getting wound up by then anyway.
maomao was just highlighting how easy it is once you start talking about other workers having it better than you, for the same arguments to be used against you.
FWIW I'm totally pro simply swanning about. Everyone should have the opportunity to swan more, rather than hating on the swanners.

Absolutely. FWIW I'm on full pay for making a couple of phone calls a week to check the kids are alright. But in 'normal times' I get seriously underpaid for dealing with damaged kids from damaged homes - and their damaged and damaging parents too. I don't complain in those times that my job is considerably harder and more stressful than a lot of people's jobs who get paid a lot more than I do. Because that's not what solidarity is about.

While respecting the fact that key workers, and particularly NHS key workers, are having the worst time of it right now I'm not going to feel guilty/punch myself in the face for having an unexpected break from stress, which I see as an occupational serendipity. Because pretty soon I'm going to be going back to that stress, with added danger of catching something that could kill me - and with no PPE.

It's not an extended 'holiday'. Last time I checked I couldn't fly anywhere I wanted or go to the beach. I'm sitting on my arse and, fortunately, the sun keeps shining. But that's about it. When I do go back I won't be complaining about looking after kids welfare on the frontline - kids who some of you would cross the street to avoid. In normal times I don't have that luxury. Don't begrudge me not having to do that 5 days a week for this short period.
FWIW I'm totally pro simply swanning about. Everyone should have the opportunity to swan more, rather than hating on the swanners.

on the other hand, it’s fine to get it off your chest have a bit of a vent on here at people and their dozy ways. Especially if you have to work facing them every day. So no problem with nine bob note.
I'll hold my hand up. In a strictly short term financial sense I'm better off because of lockdown. I'm still working and getting my full salary but frankly I am spending a lot less than normal. In fact i have some debit i was planning to clear by the end of next year that I will now clear this year.

Which will probably come in handy when i see next years pay rise.

Of course work is harder and busier than normal so my stress is much higher and I'm working longer hours.
WTF is going on in the UK? How can there be talk of "lifting lockdown" (what sodding lockdown?!) when there are over 500 deaths reported on a daily basis? I have never felt safer in Turkey than the UK but now I do :( Down to around 50 deaths per day here and we are still on actual lockdown at weekends and over 65s not allowed out at all (they'll be allowed out for four hour on Sunday for the first time in weeks, while everyone else is at home.)
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