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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Or the pressure could be self-generated, based on what they think expectations are, what they think they are supposed to promote in their role, or just their own personal attitude to work and illness. Large, dramatic shocks are often required to dislodge their thinking from the stale rails of normality.
True. I hope you get something sorted quimcunx
Confirmed case numbers dont make me complacent, because they may vary very significantly from actual cases.
Indeed, we don't know how many people have it.

In some ways it might be advantageous to get it and recover, (as long as that could be proved by a test) I am not really in a high risk group and if I had the bug, survived and developed immunity then I could help other people without the risk that I could infect them.
From the Guardian -

Back here in the UK, a school in north-west London has had a Covid-19 case confirmed but health officials have said there’s no need for it to close, nor for any staff or pupils to be put into quarantine, Kevin Rawlinson reports.

Hatch End high school has published a letter from its headteacher confirming a person at the school has tested positive, though it did not say whether they are staff or a puil.”

The person was last in school on Friday 6 March. PHE have conducted a risk assessment and advised us that no staff or pupils need to exclude themselves from school.”

A group of pupils and a small number of staff members have been asked to monitor themselves for symptoms, for a period of 14 days (until 20th March). No one in this group has been asked to exclude themselves from school if they are well.”

A note on its website added: “Given the specifics of this case they have determined that a deep clean of the school is not required.”

Wtaf? :facepalm: :confused:
I give the UK max two weeks of lockdown before mass losing of shit, sad to say.

I have no faith in the government to make any sensible decisions about the extent or timing of any restrictions, nor to enforce them fairly or effectively.

If there's a near-total economic shutdown there must be a moratorium on rent payments for the duration, or chaos will ensue. I fear however that if forced to choose between chaos and and telling landlords to take a haircut, the tories will choose chaos.
I have no faith in the government to make any sensible decisions about the extent or timing of any restrictions, nor to enforce them fairly or effectively.

If there's a near-total economic shutdown there must be a moratorium on rent payments for the duration, or chaos will ensue. I fear however that if forced to choose between chaos and and telling landlords to take a haircut, the tories will choose chaos.
Although at least some UK mortgage lenders have already said they will allow payment holidays - pragmatism may have to take over at some point.
I have no faith in the government to make any sensible decisions about the extent or timing of any restrictions, nor to enforce them fairly or effectively.

Good job the government isn't actually making the decisions here, and leaving it to the Chief Medical Officers & Scientific Officers from across the four nations of the UK, hence the support from the devolved governments & opposition parties.
Bizarre. Surely they're going to find themselves informally closed tomorrow anyway when half the pupils and staff dont come in?

Staffroom banter gives no indication that this is the case. The two classes I worked with today had zero kids off sick.

e2a: It seems you're referring to a specific school with a known case of the virus. So general anecdotal evidence maybe not that informative. Carry on.
Good job the government isn't actually making the decisions here, and leaving it to the Chief Medical Officers & Scientific Officers from across the four nations of the UK, hence the support from the devolved governments & opposition parties.

Are the chief medical officers going to be handling enforcement of curfews, travel bans etc?
Good job the government isn't actually making the decisions here, and leaving it to the Chief Medical Officers & Scientific Officers from across the four nations of the UK, hence the support from the devolved governments & opposition parties.
Until the CMOs and CSOs* advise something unpalatable which would upset the tory funders in the City.

* don't know if there is just one UK CSO or one for each nation.
Argh...bitter sweet new acquaintance made tonight starting at the train station, Denmark Hill by KCH.

Reading some shit from here on my phone, heard a raised voice but couldn't make out exactly what the rant was about. Just knew it was nasty, hairs on arms went up, wrong'un radar etc. Looked down the platform to see a young-ish woman wearing a face mask coming towards me, head down. As she got to me I asked if she was alright. She looked up at me stopped and stepped into the cubby I was standing in and burst into tears. :(

Was that guy shouting at you I asked, yes.

Stay here with me, you getting the next train?

I moved round so to block view of her, gave her a tissue and told her I was sorry. I think I made it worse tbh but, after a while she stopped crying and we had a little chat about the virus situation.

She's a PHD research student at Kings, has to get the busy trains most days. Originally from China but from the SW. Her parents are worried but they are okay. She hasn't been home in a year or so and a bit sad that she can't go back for a bit yet.

We continued the chat on the train, including the culture of wearing masks in China because of the pollution and how that differs to here and people are getting paranoid etc. Made it clear I wasn't making excuses for the dickhead, which made her laugh.

She asked me if I was worried about the virus...I explained that I am trying not to worry, not in a risk group. Will see how it goes etc.

She was so grateful. I was grateful I was there.

Got off at the same stop. Said if we get the same train again we'd continue the chat.
Until the CMOs and CSOs* advise something unpalatable which would upset the tory funders in the City.

Johnson is clearly leaving it up to the experts, knowing full well what a political hot potato it would become otherwise.

He's a cunt, but he's not that daft.
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Argh...bitter sweet new acquaintance made tonight starting at the train station, Denmark Hill by KCH.

Reading some shit from here on my phone, heard a raised voice but couldn't make out exactly what the rant was about. Just knew it was nasty, hairs on arms went up, wrong'un radar etc. Looked down the platform to see a young-ish woman wearing a face mask coming towards me, head down. As she got to me I asked if she was alright. She looked up at me stopped and stepped into the cubby I was standing in and burst into tears. :(

Was that guy shouting at you I asked, yes.

Stay here with me, you getting the next train?

I moved round so to block view of her, gave her a tissue and told her I was sorry. I think I made it worse tbh but, after a while she stopped crying and we had a little chat about the virus situation.

She's a PHD research student at Kings, has to get the busy trains most days. Originally from China but from the SW. Her parents are worried but they are okay. She hasn't been home in a year or so and a bit sad that she can't go back for a bit yet.

We continued the chat on the train, including the culture of wearing masks in China because of the pollution and how that differs to here and people are getting paranoid etc. Made it clear I wasn't making excuses for the dickhead, which made her laugh.

She asked me if I was worried about the virus...I explained that I am trying not to worry, not in a risk group. Will see how it goes etc.

She was so grateful. I was grateful I was there.

Got off at the same stop. Said if we get the same train again we'd continue the chat.
Was someone shouting at her based on her being Chinese?
I thought testing was taking place on contact tracing, is that the case? is that still the case?

I believe testing is being done on all individuals presenting at hospital with respiratory illness, are they presenting at hospital these days? Anyhow I would expect such testing, but if contact tracing testing is taking place I would feel more reassured by the numbers.
Argh...bitter sweet new acquaintance made tonight starting at the train station, Denmark Hill by KCH.

Reading some shit from here on my phone, heard a raised voice but couldn't make out exactly what the rant was about. Just knew it was nasty, hairs on arms went up, wrong'un radar etc. Looked down the platform to see a young-ish woman wearing a face mask coming towards me, head down. As she got to me I asked if she was alright. She looked up at me stopped and stepped into the cubby I was standing in and burst into tears. :(

Was that guy shouting at you I asked, yes.

Stay here with me, you getting the next train?

I moved round so to block view of her, gave her a tissue and told her I was sorry. I think I made it worse tbh but, after a while she stopped crying and we had a little chat about the virus situation.

She's a PHD research student at Kings, has to get the busy trains most days. Originally from China but from the SW. Her parents are worried but they are okay. She hasn't been home in a year or so and a bit sad that she can't go back for a bit yet.

We continued the chat on the train, including the culture of wearing masks in China because of the pollution and how that differs to here and people are getting paranoid etc. Made it clear I wasn't making excuses for the dickhead, which made her laugh.

She asked me if I was worried about the virus...I explained that I am trying not to worry, not in a risk group. Will see how it goes etc.

She was so grateful. I was grateful I was there.

Got off at the same stop. Said if we get the same train again we'd continue the chat.
Bitter sweet alright. Having met you tho’ mate, not many better people for her to have met right then.
It was apparently 48 to 36 hours. Maybe less now if more hospitals are doing the tests onsite now.

Callie ?
Case criteria samples can/will be processed more urgently than routine screens. It feels slightly off that that is still the case but there you go. I'm sure that will probably change to urgent being when there is significant clinical need.

Rolling out to local labs means we (UK health service) can run more tests but doesn't necessarily mean faster turn around times for the COVID testing.

The workload will increase massively if all ITU (intensive care unit) patients are being checked and even more drastically increased again if testing all patients with respiratory symptoms. The infrastructure is not there to run all COVID tests as urgent even if more labs are running the tests.

Such a sudden unplanned increase in testing for a specific, new thing is pushing the whole system in places it hasn't really been pushed before (supply chain for example) so interesting times!
The authorities arent treating the number of positive cases as though these numbers represent most of the picture, and nor should anyone else.

The numbers, and the way they trend, are useful in various ways. Les so if you take them literally. Their order of magnitude can be the useful things to watch, not the absolute numbers.

To give a practical example. My own personal risk assessment when going out and about in a particular region right now would not be altered one jot by whether there were currently 0 confirmed cases in that area or 8. Start sticking some 0's on the end of numbers in some areas, and I'd start to pay more attention to what that might indicate.
We'll see I suppose.

No, we've (so far), already seen - daft as fuck is Trump, who is being a total fuckwit. Johnson is doing as the CMO/CSA's ask - and remember, each of the devolved governments have a CMO and CSA, if Johnson refused to follow the advice given him, Sturgeon would scream to high heaven - there's no love lost there whatsoever.

No, so far, the UK government is doing as the CMO asks/recommends - and in doing so is doing the politically smart thing, and Johnson is, above all else, politically smart.
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