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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I reckon it would have had more impact if he'd dressed up as an easter bunny and burst out of a giant chocolate egg.

And then sang 'picture a front door, smashing into a human face, forever'.

These thoughts are sponsored by the way he spoke unconvincingly of a thing called 'normal life' and they way he said 'stay well'.
I'm concurring with Lynn's pessimistic outlook broadly, but "all year"? :hmm:
There's surely still a danger of over-accentuating the negatives, timescale wise ..... ?? :confused:

I'll quote my own post so as to most easily respond to everyone who's responded to it.

First, to clarify, I do not think that everything's going to be hunky-dory by June or even August/September, or anything. One or two responses to me were hinting at that being my position -- not true.

What I do think is at least possible, is that there'll be SOME degree of relaxation of the lock-down by summer. Late summer maybe. And OK, gradual, and not too soon.
I can't possibly say exactly when with any confidence, and neither can any of you, but I still don't really think that a full-on lock-down right up to and including Xmas is all that likely.

I also think theres a general danger from knowing now that we're approaching the worst levels of hospitalisations and deaths :(. in coming weeks/months :(.
That danger might be that we end up over-assuming things from that.
Over-assuming that things will never get better until Xmas or even right into next year, for instance.

So anyone assuming from my earlier post (above) that I'm "going round" thinking that it'll all be over by June, please understand that my actual position is a fair bit more nuanced than that.
There's a danger of being over-pessimistic as well as one of being over-optimistic.
Theres a lot more people around here today than I’ve seen for the last 2 weeks, seem to be cycling mostly. Looking at those diagrams of giant wedges of infectious spores trailing in the wake of cyclists has made me scowl at them pointlessly whilst holding my breath.
Yes, all year. And into the next. This isn’t going away in a couple of months. And the things you like the most - the gigs, festivals etc will be in the very last wave to go back to normal.

Gigs/festivals will end up being the lowest priority agreed. And I wouldn't complain at that either -- 100% understandable.
I still think that timescalewise, you're overdoing the pessimism though.

Nick Cave's people have just mailed people to rearrange his tour (originally April/May this year) to April 2021.
Are they being over-optimistic? I actually doubt that, and quite strongly.
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Red Cat said:
What do you think is going to happen?

He's still holding out for some late summer festivals

ETA after seeing quote, because RC as well as kb misunderstand my position :
Red Cat said:
I heard there's one happening in la la land.

killer b : You've left out that I've accepted for ages that I could very well be wrong.
My positition remains only that it's possible for mid to late September -- no more than that, and I now think no earlier.
For almost certain :(
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Yeah, the press fixation on the lockdown being relaxed soon and the 'exit strategy' is doing my head in too. I think it's adding to a bit of a public feeling that maybe we're nearing the end of it and things can be relaxed.

There's very few on here (maybe no-one?) who shares that misapprehension! Certainly not me ....
</looks very sternly at certain other Urbans :hmm: ;) >
(Wider point) Mental health is going to be a huge casualty of this - there's no point avoiding any chance of getting C-19 if you then top yourself through loneliness and despair....
The counselling service I help run is looking quite hard at this - there has been a huge drop in the number of people attending, many of whom are uneasy about video/phone counselling, and we strongly suspect that they will return, along with a lot of people who have developed difficulties during lockdown, in a tsunami of demand, once this is over. On top of health professionals who will be burned out and experiencing PTSI/"moral injury", and people who have been bereaved, or developed anticipatory grief around severely ill friends or relatives.

Added to which, the local mental health support services have simply shut down, which means that there are quite a lot of moderate-to-severe cases out there who are currently unsupported, and who will remain that way until they become acute.

I am quite nervous about just how bad this could be. I mean, we'll handle it, but I very strongly suspect that we will be overwhelmed. And I am not optimistic about the possibility of the Trust providing commensurate funding :(
Well Hancock just sprung into life on the question relating to the economy there - waafles through a few points then gets to the gist - that's something he worries about. Cunts.

edited to correct name - dur
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Is it right that today’s announced death toll is higher than any single day in any other European country? And they are just blathering on about Johnson’s good spirits.
Is it right that today’s announced death toll is higher than any single day in any other European country? And they are just blathering on about Johnson’s good spirits.

France has had several days in the thousands. The reported figures there have been very much up one day and down the next however, so that could be an artefact of how they report or collate the data. 980 tops the worst single day in either Italy or Spain.

We have now gone past the point where we might still hope that our death toll might be only as bad as Spain's IMO.
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Is it right that today’s announced death toll is higher than any single day in any other European country? And they are just blathering on about Johnson’s good spirits.
France peak daily figure 1417. Italy 919. Spain peak 961. Obviously all numbers are subject to refinement (once the data eventually trickles through) plus error.
Not sure if it was on here but read about a courier being busy dropping off suitcases to holiday homes that people had sent so they didn't get grief if pulled on the way!!

Also english dickhead in his jag and union jack t shirt moving road closed signs and cones so he can get down a blocked off road to go kayaking, tries to say it's totally different in rural places!
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Just realised that Ramadan is early this year, starts in a fortnight. That could well play havok with lockdown, round here at least.
Matt Raw, 38, is enjoying life in lockdown in Knutsford, but said if he’d known how bad the outbreak was going to get in Britain, he would have stayed in China.

“It feels a little bit like out of the pot, into the fire,” said Raw, who was living in Wuhan with his wife, Ying, and 75-year-old mother, Hazel, who suffers from dementia. “We made the wrong decision coming back here. We should have stayed in China.”

He said the UK was “slow to act” and he was surprised the UK didn’t quarantine people flying into the country. “I just sat watching the news incredulously every single day. What was the point of putting us in quarantine?”
Annoyingly the BBC News cut from the press conference for the 6 O'clock News. Just as Hancock was being asked about running meetings in which participants were closer together than social distancing rules. Did anyone see his response to that question?
France has had several days in the thousands. The reported figures there have been very much up one day and down the next however, so that could be an artefact of how they report or collate the data. 980 tops the worst single day in either Italy or Spain.

We have now gone past the point where we might still hope that our death toll might be only as bad as Spain's IMO.
Some of the unexpectedly high French numbers were the belated introduction en masse of non-hospital deaths that had occurred up until that point. On some such days (April 2, 3) it was explicitly explained. On subsequent days, not, so I'm not sure whether it was more of the same.
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Annoyingly the BBC News cut from the press conference for the 6 O'clock News. Just as Hancock was being asked about running meetings in which participants were closer together than social distancing rules. Did anyone see his response to that question?

He claimed he practiced social distancing at work and went on about how many fewer chairs they had round his table.
Annoyingly the BBC News cut from the press conference for the 6 O'clock News. Just as Hancock was being asked about running meetings in which participants were closer together than social distancing rules. Did anyone see his response to that question?
The briefings, news conferences are all (eventually) available from BBC Parliament channel via iPlayer:

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