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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I'm getting the impression that managers are having to both argue forcefully and evidence that MH services are able to continue to provide a service/ that the service is needed to avoid extensive or even full redeployment.
That is shocking. There really ought to be a presumption that services will continue, not the other way around.
FT's 'Coronavirus latest' free page now includes a 'How the world locked down' map.
This screenshot of the day that the WHO declared Europe the epicentre of the pandemic shows the UK (still 11 days away from 'lockdown') out of step with most European nations and scoring like many African nations on the Government response stringency index.

Many of the deaths being recorded now relate to that two week period of fatal delay and dither.

That is shocking. There really ought to be a presumption that services will continue, not the other way around.

It's an impression that's all, but I've been told that staff at a MH trust near to us have all been redeployed. How accurate that is I can't be sure.

With PBR there is a need to evidence that 'contacts' are still happening even if wfh. My trust is very well set up for wfh but that's not the case everywhere.
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Yeah you say that when you have to work there, pal and when people are in and out several times a day buying a pack of crisps and beer.

It's not the busyness that bothers me and it's not what people buy that bothers me it's the frequent ducking in and out all day and not having the common sense to wait outside when there's a couple of people in the shop, even when there's signs up and when you can look into the shop through the big open door way and see for yourself.

Most people are alright, as I said, but there's enough of a minority that makes it noticeable that people aren't taking the 'lockdown' on board. I'll repeat too, you try working in it, with reduced staff, no protection beyond hand sanitiser and see how you feel about people making multiple trips and buying one item at a time.

Front line hero, genuinely mean it, hopefullly be a re-evaluation of who matters after is all done.
My step mum works for M&S and her boss got called in to their shop in Bluewater. Said their food hall was pretty much the only shop open but there were still loads of people just wandering aimlessly around.


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Wow. That's some intro. She's bang on

She certainly is. Rang home for me where she mentioned that people working in public (key workers) are more likely to be infected as they are the most exposed.

I’ll just throw this out there fwiw: Amazon are now threatening to sack drivers on the spot if they find any suggestion that any driver has broken the 2 metre distancing rule whilst delivering, yet have increased route volume to Xmas peak levels putting drivers under massive pressure to complete routes within 9hrs, instead of reducing the route sizes and setting on more drivers.

Most drivers don’t stop for breaks so work 9hrs flat out - mistakes can be made under these conditions but Amazon clearly think drivers are robots.
What do you mean like journalists being told to not tell us that 980 is a large number? Don’t think so. Think it’s more of a boiled frog thing, every days numbers so big and so little human detail that we don’t feel shock anymore.
I think it's because the majority of the UK media are servile boot-lickers who follow the lead of their overlords.
For the Love of Scrubs : Thousands of sewers around the UK are making scrubs for NHS workers. If you are able to donate even a few quid for this vital PPE please do. £5 can buy enough material for 1 set of scrubs
National appeal
South London appeal (run by a friend of mine)

If you sew you can join the main FB group or your local one.
Thanks x
Oh it's that as well. No doubt about it. They love the taste.

I don't think the D-notices or nudges to editors would go as far as telling them what to run instead of EVERYBODY IS DYING stories. Even British editors might baulk at that. It would just be about toning down the disaster angle so as not to worry the common folk too much. In the interests of national unity and keeping calm and carrying on etc, you know?

Is there not some value in frightening people into behaving themselves and staying indoors?

I’ve noticed some prominence given in the press to the deaths of younger people, presumably to emphasise that ‘yes, it can happen to you’ (because spreading it around and killing other people isn’t enough of a disincentive) and also of NHS deaths to nudge the guilt of those who might be not taking it seriously.

Probably is a balance out there somewhere, though a cynic might say that the quantity of deaths thing might be something that the government can be blamed for so they’ll let them off the hook and point the finger at the minority of assholes blatantly ignoring the rules to divert attention.

Because we have Clowns running the show thousands more will die. It’s not a failure that can be shrugged off like an abandoned bridge project or a poorly designed bus, there is a huge human consequence to this.
For the Love of Scrubs : Thousands of sewers around the UK are making scrubs for NHS workers. If you are able to donate even a few quid for this vital PPE please do. £5 can buy enough material for 1 set of scrubs
National appeal
South London appeal (run by a friend of mine)

If you sew you can join the main FB group or your local one.
Thanks x
Is south London up and running? We've got an army ready and waiting in East Dorset, but Bournemouth hospital is being fussy about pattern and fabric, so nobody is actually sewing anything yet. As individuals it is very difficult to source fabric as most of the usual suppliers are now out of stock. My feeling is that we should be sewing for areas in more urgent need.
& it won’t matter so much about the press, what matters will be people’s own experience of losing friends and relatives, I already know people this is happening to and they are angry and upset more wasn’t done to protect people. Millions will lose people they care about and there are consequences, no matter what narrative is pushed.
She has just been taken into hospital with severe breathing difficulties. This is exactly 1 month after onset of symptoms. She never got her test result - was one of the very last swabs taken just as they stopped community testing and it seems it got binned - medics are pretty sure she has it on clinical presentation though. She's been having difficulty breathing for at least 4 weeks, but has gone downhill in the past few days after it seemed the worst had passed. Fingers crossed.

Well, some good news to report, she’s out of hospital and seeming on the mend, though on twice-daily check-in watch with her GP in case she relapses again.

She was not in ICU at all, just oxygen and IV (don’t know what, possibly just fluids, possibly antibiotics for secondary?). She says it was terrifying in there, 3 people died in her ward while she was there, everyone clearly stressed and massively overstretched :(. She’s very glad to be home. Fingers still crossed she gets to stay there.
I see nobody has told the filth that if you're not working from home, you can't just show up in loungewear.

Other things nobody has told them include 'don't be a bunch of mouth-breathing shit gibbons'.
Off the FaceBooks

When Johnson is eventually discharged from hospital I hope he is taken aside by one of the senior staff and given one absolute bollocking, the sort you’d give to a teenager who drank bleach for a laugh and a dare and ended up in A&E diverting valuable staff. Something like;

“Okay, “Boris”? Feeling better, are we? We’re so glad, truly we are. In very good spirits are we? That’s nice. You’re quite the hero surviving this thing, aren’t you? Like St George smiting the dragon, eh? Boris the Battler, bursting with the can-do Blitz spirit, right? Nearly took one for the team, didn’t you?

“Well listen here, you grinning lump of fuck. You didn’t battle for a second. You lay there while the team, a brilliant, underfunded team, the sort of people who don’t scuttle and hide in a fucking fridge battled for you, to save your sorry fucking life. A team led by an Italian doctor and immigrant nurses who risked their own lives, as they do day in, day out because you and your clown car of a cabinet are too incompetent to provide them with the most basic protections. A team featuring the sort of foreigners you and your cynical, far right band of ministers subject to a drip-feed of cheap, nasty xenophobic hostility even though you know full well how essential we are, because you know how well that sort of rhetoric plays to the tabloids and your core of elderly white voters, who incidentally had better be taking this fucking crisis seriously if they know what’s fucking good for them, something you could have fucking impressed on them a few weeks ago rather than turning up at the fucking rugger or barging into fucking hospitals and shaking every sweaty paw you could lay your fucking ham fists on.

“You fucking survived. Hundreds, thousands didn’t, including fucking colleagues of ours, the lowest paid of whom is worth ten thousand of the likes of you and your smirking, complacent fucking pals, some of whom are creaming fucking profits off this tragedy as we fucking speak.

“You can’t undo the fucking damage you’ve done already with your manifest unfitness for fucking office, but maybe after this, that memory of when you nearly went under and experienced the first moment of fucking terror of your pampered, charmed, super-entitled fucking existence, that moment when you gasped for oxygen and instead of oxygen your lungs were filled with a black, crushing fucking void; maybe that’ll stick. “Operation Last Gasp”, eh? You’re a fucking card, aren’t you? You’re not a card, are you. You’re a cunt, what are you? Yeah, that’s right. A cunt. You’re not Winston Churchill. You’re not even Captain Mainwaring. You’re Captain Cunt. But maybe now you’ll realise how serious this shit is and you’ll cut out the boy’s own, bully beef bullshit and take the fucking job you were so bafflingly elected to do by a nation of Sun-addled serfs fucking seriously. Or better, step down. Let someone else do it. Let the fucking Downing Street cat do it. And then retire. In disgrace. Which is what you fucking are.” Davis Stubbs.
Off the FaceBooks

When Johnson is eventually discharged from hospital I hope he is taken aside by one of the senior staff and given one absolute bollocking, the sort you’d give to a teenager who drank bleach for a laugh and a dare and ended up in A&E diverting valuable staff. Something like;

“Okay, “Boris”? Feeling better, are we? We’re so glad, truly we are. In very good spirits are we? That’s nice. You’re quite the hero surviving this thing, aren’t you? Like St George smiting the dragon, eh? Boris the Battler, bursting with the can-do Blitz spirit, right? Nearly took one for the team, didn’t you?

“Well listen here, you grinning lump of fuck. You didn’t battle for a second. You lay there while the team, a brilliant, underfunded team, the sort of people who don’t scuttle and hide in a fucking fridge battled for you, to save your sorry fucking life. A team led by an Italian doctor and immigrant nurses who risked their own lives, as they do day in, day out because you and your clown car of a cabinet are too incompetent to provide them with the most basic protections. A team featuring the sort of foreigners you and your cynical, far right band of ministers subject to a drip-feed of cheap, nasty xenophobic hostility even though you know full well how essential we are, because you know how well that sort of rhetoric plays to the tabloids and your core of elderly white voters, who incidentally had better be taking this fucking crisis seriously if they know what’s fucking good for them, something you could have fucking impressed on them a few weeks ago rather than turning up at the fucking rugger or barging into fucking hospitals and shaking every sweaty paw you could lay your fucking ham fists on.

“You fucking survived. Hundreds, thousands didn’t, including fucking colleagues of ours, the lowest paid of whom is worth ten thousand of the likes of you and your smirking, complacent fucking pals, some of whom are creaming fucking profits off this tragedy as we fucking speak.

“You can’t undo the fucking damage you’ve done already with your manifest unfitness for fucking office, but maybe after this, that memory of when you nearly went under and experienced the first moment of fucking terror of your pampered, charmed, super-entitled fucking existence, that moment when you gasped for oxygen and instead of oxygen your lungs were filled with a black, crushing fucking void; maybe that’ll stick. “Operation Last Gasp”, eh? You’re a fucking card, aren’t you? You’re not a card, are you. You’re a cunt, what are you? Yeah, that’s right. A cunt. You’re not Winston Churchill. You’re not even Captain Mainwaring. You’re Captain Cunt. But maybe now you’ll realise how serious this shit is and you’ll cut out the boy’s own, bully beef bullshit and take the fucking job you were so bafflingly elected to do by a nation of Sun-addled serfs fucking seriously. Or better, step down. Let someone else do it. Let the fucking Downing Street cat do it. And then retire. In disgrace. Which is what you fucking are.” Davis Stubbs.


If only.
Is south London up and running? We've got an army ready and waiting in East Dorset, but Bournemouth hospital is being fussy about pattern and fabric, so nobody is actually sewing anything yet. As individuals it is very difficult to source fabric as most of the usual suppliers are now out of stock. My feeling is that we should be sewing for areas in more urgent need.
Yes we are sewing and donating to Kings, Lewisham etc. Places other than hospitals are now needing scrubs and aren't so fussy - you should be able to search in the main FB page for stuff local to you?
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