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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Some of the unexpectedly high French numbers were the belated introduction en masse of non-hospital deaths that had occurred up until that point. On some such days (April 2, 3) it was explicitly explained. On subsequent days, not, so I'm not sure whether it was more of the same.

They started including care home (?) figures then, I think.
There was a question in the briefing a few days ago which related to why we aren't including all our deaths, where the response was that it wouldn't match international data.
The FT graphs, which spread deaths over 7 days (I think!) removed those new French figures, on that basis, a couple of days ago - we still look to be at a steeper curve than France.
Only my own reading of it all.
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They started including care home (?) figures then, I think.
There was a question in the briefing a few days ago which related to why we aren't including all our deaths, where the response was that it wouldn't match international data.
The FT graphs, which spread deaths over 7 days (I think!) removed those figures, on that basis, a couple of days ago - we still look to be at a steeper curve than France.
Only my own reading of it all.
That sounds right. This suggests they're still collating & introducing historical data so the high figures aren't accurate dailies.
FT charts, which use 7 day rolling-averages plus - April 9: All maps and charts now exclude nursing home deaths from France’s totals to maintain cross-national comparability

ETA - updated at 7pm, daily. Also to add that of course this does ignore loads more deaths - like deaths of elderly people, dying alone, don't matter while they may statistically skew numbers.
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The counselling service I help run is looking quite hard at this - there has been a huge drop in the number of people attending, many of whom are uneasy about video/phone counselling, and we strongly suspect that they will return, along with a lot of people who have developed difficulties during lockdown, in a tsunami of demand, once this is over. On top of health professionals who will be burned out and experiencing PTSI/"moral injury", and people who have been bereaved, or developed anticipatory grief around severely ill friends or relatives.

Added to which, the local mental health support services have simply shut down, which means that there are quite a lot of moderate-to-severe cases out there who are currently unsupported, and who will remain that way until they become acute.

I am quite nervous about just how bad this could be. I mean, we'll handle it, but I very strongly suspect that we will be overwhelmed. And I am not optimistic about the possibility of the Trust providing commensurate funding :(

Is the local MH service not wfh?

What do you do with those who don't want phone/vid counselling? Will some accept a check in phone call at the same time as their usual session?
To further highlight just how fucking shit people are being with this. The little shop I work in took substantially more money than we do on a normal night before a bank holiday and we've been closing 3 hours earlier than normal since 'lockdown' started.

The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.' I can now, more than ever, see just how spot on Romero was in dawn of the dead with the zombies aimlessly wandering around a shopping mall.

My step mum works for M&S and her boss got called in to their shop in Bluewater. Said their food hall was pretty much the only shop open but there were still loads of people just wandering aimlessly around.
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Is the local MH service not wfh?

What do you do with those who don't want phone/vid counselling? Will some accept a check in phone call at the same time as their usual session?
Any who do we're treating. But the word from our liaison is that they're all either redeployed or awaiting redeployment - it may be that there are aspects of the service that are still operating, but certainly from the primary care point of view there doesn't appear to be anything. I was fairly surprised, to say the least.
More deaths in the UK in one day than Italy and Spain's highest total.

Scary - when is this government going to get a grip on this?
Novara just doing a show on how the media seem to be treating the higher death figures here as less serious than they treated the death figures in Spain and Italy. There is something odd about the coverage, like journalists have been instructed not to get people too worked up (and I am hypothesising that this might actually have happened).
Novara just doing a show on how the media seem to be treating the higher death figures here as less serious than they treated the death figures in Spain and Italy. There is something odd about the coverage, like journalists have been instructed not to get people too worked up (and I am hypothesising that this might actually have happened).
Wonder how many D notices are flying around?
Wonder how many D notices are flying around?
What do you mean like journalists being told to not tell us that 980 is a large number? Don’t think so. Think it’s more of a boiled frog thing, every days numbers so big and so little human detail that we don’t feel shock anymore.
What do you mean like journalists being told to not tell us that 980 is a large number? Don’t think so. Think it’s more of a boiled frog thing, every days numbers so big and so little human detail that we don’t feel shock anymore.
D notices more likely on news of “demoralising” govt fuck-ups than data or figures. Would guess back channels to editors and owners of MSM channels being used to urge “responsible” coverage in the “national interest” Hence the bollocks focus on Johnson’s health status even when he is allegedly on the mend, while everything else is going to hell.
More deaths in the UK in one day than Italy and Spain's highest total.

Scary - when is this government going to get a grip on this?
Those are reported deaths over the last few weeks - most of them will be from two or more days ago. Still not good at all, but we're still at the point where most of the people in those figures will have caught it pre-lockdown.

So the answer to your question is the slightly unsatisfactory one that their failure to get a grip on this a month ago or before is the direct cause of today's figures. Things may actually have started easing off by the time they have all the PPE in place, all the new hospitals open, the testing ability ramped up, the ventilators in place, etc. They should be well prepared in a month's time for the situation they found themselves in three weeks ago.

ETA: Because of the lack of testing, we really had no idea exactly (or even vaguely) how bad things were here three weeks ago at lockdown. Only now are we getting the answer to that question.
Wonder how many D notices are flying around?

At a guess? Probably none. There are enough things that are literally staring them in the face at this point that pass without challenge, or even comment, to make such things pointless.

Most of the British media are doing the same thing they've done for ages - the only surprise is finding out how many of us thought there would come a time that would be so obviously and unbearably bad that they would actually stop doing it. I was one of these people and I'd like to apologise to everyone, most of all myself.
D notices more likely on news of “demoralising” govt fuck-ups than data or figures. Would guess back channels to editors and owners of MSM channels being used to urge “responsible” coverage in the “national interest” Hence the bollocks focus on Johnson’s health status even when he is allegedly on the mend, while everything else is going to hell.
I strongly suspect that this is going on constantly right now.
the focus on johnson's health isn't because they've been told to, it's because they love eating shit.
Oh it's that as well. No doubt about it. They love the taste.

I don't think the D-notices or nudges to editors would go as far as telling them what to run instead of EVERYBODY IS DYING stories. Even British editors might baulk at that. It would just be about toning down the disaster angle so as not to worry the common folk too much. In the interests of national unity and keeping calm and carrying on etc, you know?
Scary - when is this government going to get a grip on this?

Not really how it works. What is happening now is the result of what the policies were weeks ago. Even if the government suddenly started doing shit that made sense tomorrow morning, we'd still be in for another month of chaos and death before anything good happened. HTH.
Not really how it works. What is happening now is the result of what the policies were weeks ago. Even if the government suddenly started doing shit that made sense tomorrow morning, we'd still be in for another month of chaos and death before anything good happened. HTH.
For at least another week, many of those dying will be from pre-'lockdown' infection and then there's the reporting lag on top of that.
Any who do we're treating. But the word from our liaison is that they're all either redeployed or awaiting redeployment - it may be that there are aspects of the service that are still operating, but certainly from the primary care point of view there doesn't appear to be anything. I was fairly surprised, to say the least.

I'm getting the impression that managers are having to both argue forcefully and evidence that MH services are able to continue to provide a service/ that the service is needed to avoid extensive or even full redeployment.
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