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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Has there been a rise in thefts of delivery vehicles? All the courier vans I've seen only have the driver and same for post office.

I wouldn't fancy having to spend a day in such a confined space with someone who could be ignoring social distancing guidelines.
I'm not saying it's a good thing that they have to sit together, but I wouldn't fancy being a delivery driver working on my own.
Historically yes, but since Hillsborough, they applied a soft touch, reclaim the streets here was very differently policed than say Leeds, though the G8 finance ministers meeting was very robustly policed.,
Just like the government, the cops are making the rules up as they go

This just highlights the utter fuckwittery of our lockdown. The bloke says 'where does it say we can't go on out front garden?' and he's right, it doesn't say that anywhere. The copper, otoh, is trying to police with the vaguest of vague guidelines. It's a fucking shambles.

The government should just come out and say you can't go out beyond the boundary of your front garden except for shopping once a week and 30 mins exercise once a day. To go into any shop you need a permit that you're allowed once a week. Anyone not abiding by that gets fined. It's really fucking simple. China managed it, better still South Korea has managed to get this under control without even a lock down. Us? Total fucking shambles while the bodies pile up each day.
Historically yes, but since Hillsborough, they applied a soft touch, reclaim the streets here was very differently policed than say Leeds, though the G8 finance ministers meeting was very robustly policed.,

Oh I’m glad I rarely see them. But didn’t work out too well in Rotherham around 10 years ago.
Yeah, they did a two-tweet 'clarification' as well - apparently the officer had been spoken to, and described as overly exuberant. One hopes he was described as other things to his face, and the spoken to didn't revolve around not getting caught....
Do you think he got any biscuits with the cup of tea he got at the interview?

Or even a cup of tea?
A family friend has worked on the shop floor at our local Tesco for over 25 years. She says the shelves there have been emptied by shoppers once again for all sorts of foodstuffs, reckons this is because many people are planning little family get-togethers this Easter weekend. Some have been trying to ignore the one shopper per household rule and are being arrogant and obnoxious to the till staff when reminded of it.
...and THAT is how we could end up with police officers in supermarkets. Cunts (the obnoxious people, not specifically the police officers)
To further highlight just how fucking shit people are being with this. The little shop I work in took substantially more money than we do on a normal night before a bank holiday and we've been closing 3 hours earlier than normal since 'lockdown' started.

The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.' I can now, more than ever, see just how spot on Romero was in dawn of the dead with the zombies aimlessly wandering around a shopping mall.
To further highlight just how fucking shit people are being with this. The little shop I work in took substantially more money than we do on a normal night before a bank holiday and we've been closing 3 hours earlier than normal since 'lockdown' started.

The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.' I can now, more than ever, see just how spot on Romero was in dawn of the dead with the zombies aimlessly wandering around a shopping mall.

Why wouldn't you be busier? Literally no one is away on holiday and people have to queue to get into supermarkets, doesn't mean people are shit.
To further highlight just how fucking shit people are being with this. The little shop I work in took substantially more money than we do on a normal night before a bank holiday and we've been closing 3 hours earlier than normal since 'lockdown' started.

The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.' I can now, more than ever, see just how spot on Romero was in dawn of the dead with the zombies aimlessly wandering around a shopping mall.
Maybe it's a long reach, but I can't help but feel that this is the unintended consequence of two generations of "every man for him/herself" social policy, driven by a largely right-wing and extremely neoliberal series of governments. The concept of "social responsibility" - doing (or not doing) something because it serves a greater good - has been lost to us. Maybe we never really had it, but now it seems OK to be proudly "fuck you, I'm doing what I want to do" in a way I don't recall from my younger days to nearly the same extent.
The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.'
It's not that bizarre. There's 68 million people in the country. If 10% are heroes and 10% are cunts you'll find endless examples of both the good and the bad, while the other 80% of the population just try to get on the best they can.
To further highlight just how fucking shit people are being with this. The little shop I work in took substantially more money than we do on a normal night before a bank holiday and we've been closing 3 hours earlier than normal since 'lockdown' started.

The social conscience in this country us utterly bizarre. Lots of lovely things like mutual aid and clapping for carers but 'oh, gotta keep buying shit because I don't know what else to do.' I can now, more than ever, see just how spot on Romero was in dawn of the dead with the zombies aimlessly wandering around a shopping mall.
local shops are busier because lots of people are shopping closer to home - also I've found that a lot of the staples the supermarkets are struggling to keep on the shelves are still available in local shops. Expect plenty of other people are discovering that too.
...and THAT is how we could end up with police officers in supermarkets. Cunts (the obnoxious people, not specifically the police officers)

Unfortunately it's not a new thing. Some people will exploit the 'I'll tell your manager' angle so they can be rude and arrogant with impunity. If you're a shop worker you have to cheer yourself up by remembering the friendly customers you encounter.
Unfortunately it's not a new thing. Some people will exploit the 'I'll tell your manager' angle so they can be rude and arrogant with impunity. If you're a shop worker you have to cheer yourself up by remembering the friendly customers you encounter.
And I have been making a point of being friendly, even though I usually am anyway, for that reason (amongst others). Like my old granny used to say (she wouldn't shut the fuck up), "Manners cost nothing".
Why wouldn't you be busier? Literally no one is away on holiday and people have to queue to get into supermarkets, doesn't mean people are shit.

Yeah you say that when you have to work there, pal and when people are in and out several times a day buying a pack of crisps and beer.

It's not the busyness that bothers me and it's not what people buy that bothers me it's the frequent ducking in and out all day and not having the common sense to wait outside when there's a couple of people in the shop, even when there's signs up and when you can look into the shop through the big open door way and see for yourself.

Most people are alright, as I said, but there's enough of a minority that makes it noticeable that people aren't taking the 'lockdown' on board. I'll repeat too, you try working in it, with reduced staff, no protection beyond hand sanitiser and see how you feel about people making multiple trips and buying one item at a time.
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Maybe it's a long reach, but I can't help but feel that this is the unintended consequence of two generations of "every man for him/herself" social policy, driven by a largely right-wing and extremely neoliberal series of governments. The concept of "social responsibility" - doing (or not doing) something because it serves a greater good - has been lost to us. Maybe we never really had it, but now it seems OK to be proudly "fuck you, I'm doing what I want to do" in a way I don't recall from my younger days to nearly the same extent.

It's not a long reach at all I made that very point in my rant yesterday! I get why it's happening but what underlines all my posts on this is fear. Not just for me but mainly other people, especially older people which I see a lot. I'm delivering to them and they're pretty scared too.
local shops are busier because lots of people are shopping closer to home - also I've found that a lot of the staples the supermarkets are struggling to keep on the shelves are still available in local shops. Expect plenty of other people are discovering that too.

I may be coming across wrong. It's not the busyness that bothers me it's people coming in for one or two items several times a day that gets my back up. What you describe is exactly the case but I just wish people would get what they need for one or two days at a time and not one or two hours at a time.
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