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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Yebbut...Richard Madeley :hmm: I mean, we're not talking "heavyweight political commentator" here.
Doesn't really matter. His job is to poison the well. I don't see GMB being bomabrded with complaints about his misunderstanding of communism and why it's not relevant to the discussion. Apparently Susan's interlocutor was some clown from Turning Point UK! That well known science forum
Personally I believe that smoking isn't bad for your health. Therefore passive smoking is quite OK and nothing to worry about. I also think that there's nothing wrong with my driving around at 120 mph on the wrong side of the road. I'll probably be alright. That's what really matters.
if people had to pay for their healthcare (misnomer, they already do) they woudl value it more, especially during a non existent plandemic caused by Prince Charles and Billy Gates that affects the poorest, women, and ethnic minorities more than me! Good luck with that!
Thanks. I wont attempt to quote all the good bits from it right now due to the amount of other stuff I already quoted. But here is a nice chunk that neatly describes the important aspects we have to keep pointing out whenever dealing with drooling freedom 'its all over' fuckwits or those that just start moaning about low or zero covid being an unrealistic approach without merit.

Although vaccination of most vulnerable groups will have reduced the proportion of community infections that lead to hospitalisation and death, there remain many advantages from an epidemiological perspective in maintaining both low prevalence and R<1. It makes it easier to prevent a return to rapid growth in the epidemic which could lead to the NHS being overwhelmed (e.g. because it gives more time to react to increases when starting from a low baseline, it is easier to spot outbreaks in advance of them growing large, and Test Trace and Isolate (TTI) can be more effective at lower prevalence). This has been shown in some countries that have very low or near-zero Covid-19, since occasional outbreaks can then be dealt with quickly, including rapid sequencing of all cases to search for new variants. Lower transmission also reduces the in-country risk of the emergence of variants of concern as well as slowing spread of any VoCs (including imported VoCs). Lower infection rates will also reduce impact of post-Covid syndromes and allow more NHS capacity to be used for routine care. Since groups from a lower socioeconomic position and minority ethnic backgrounds have higher risk of infection and lower vaccination rates then any increase in prevalence is also likely to increase health inequalities in Covid-related illness and death.6 7

There is significant risk in allowing prevalence to rise, even if hospitalisations and deaths are kept low by vaccination. If it were necessary to reduce prevalence to low levels again (e.g., VoC become more pathogenic for others previously less affected), then restrictive measures would be required for much longer.
Thousands of disabled people aren't even double jabbed yet - remember, not all disabled people fall into the "clinically vulnerable" category for jab priority, far from it. Doesn't mean they're not more vulnerable than the average for contracting, getting seriously ill from, or dying from Covid.

That's from a variety of factors including increased risked of poverty, worsened health, and higher likelihood of needing physical contact with other people for care* (often a number of different people, who are themselves in close phyical contact with other clients).

*what passes for care these days, often outsourced to private companies who don't give a damn about their employees or "clients"
I don't want to be endlessly linking to disaster tory insanity clips, and I hate to side with a wanker like Ian Dale. But this?

Fucking all the Christ; people actually voted for this mess

Science background too.....:facepalm:

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If the lunacy of lifting all restrictions when cases are rising sharply results in another COVID variant I'm going to rip Boris Johnson's lungs out - with the possible exception of Xi Jinping, I don't know if there's a person alive who has done more to help the virus spread.
This is ridiculous. The government want me to feel safer now and so are lifting restrictions yet for the first time this year, even though I'm double jabbed, I feel distinctly unsafe and stressed about it again because of the unknown of long covid.

I just know that more people are going to come in to where I work with no masks. Ffp2 masks are my best bet aren't they? Can i reuse them a few times?
This is ridiculous. The government want me to feel safer now and so are lifting restrictions yet for the first time this year. Even though I'm double jabbed I feel distinctly unsafe and stressed about it again because of the unknown of long covid.

I just know that more people are going to come in to where I work with no masks. Ffp2 masks are my best bet aren't they? Can i reuse them a few times?
Really feel for you Doctor Carrot. I think N99 masks are the more protective (but more expensive) ones, though n95 pretty good. Think you can reuse them (99 and 95) up to a point.
Dreading the point where I'm going to have to get back on a tube train every morning to go to work. Back in March, when I got my first jab, I didn't mind the idea of returning two or three days a week, especially after being cooped up at home for a year. But three months later, with Delta here, rapidly growing levels of community infection and the prospect of full tube carriages with lots of maskless people, it all seems like a recipe for inevitable infection. I guess the question is, now I'm double jabbed, how lucky do I feel? Basically, the Government are like a reckless gambler in a casino, but we're the chips that are being thrown down on the table!
This is ridiculous. The government want me to feel safer now and so are lifting restrictions yet for the first time this year, even though I'm double jabbed, I feel distinctly unsafe and stressed about it again because of the unknown of long covid.

I just know that more people are going to come in to where I work with no masks. Ffp2 masks are my best bet aren't they? Can i reuse them a few times?Covid: Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds

Found this:

Covid: Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds​

Covid: Masks upgrade cuts infection risk, research finds
Thread from Deepti Gurdasani


"Please tell me what 'personal responsibility' my child can exercise in a classroom of 32 children where no one is required to wear masks, & there are no basic ventilation requirements & infection rates are sky high. What 'personal responsibility' can i exercise as her parent?"

That's brilliant and I wish it was qualified, senisble people like her who were the ones who had a say in what happens next, instead of the shower of shit we've got.
I take back some of what I've said about Triggle in recent months, because he is at his shitty worst when he gets to write a whole article. Includes the typical shit from Dingwall.

"Why its time to think differently about Covid' from the man who told us on March 13th 2020 that the message was we should carry on with our lives because one way or another we'd end up catching it anyway. Just fuck off.
Its a bit like getting a sneak preview of what the BBC might be like if one of our nuclear power stations has a meltdown. What we should do is carry on with our lives, the radiation is with us now so we may as well suck it up. In fact the faster we suck it up the sooner we can go back to the finer things in life like worshipping the queen. And its only equivalent to the dose we'd get from being exposed to BBC state propaganda for a year. And besides there are many other ways in which the government can demonstrate how little value it places on our lives, we should think about this new risk in the broader context of all the classic threats to our health that we learn not to revolt over. Seasonal flu kills lots of old people but you cant prove that this nuclear power station killed anybody. For example Professor Rupert Deathray tells us that lot of death certificates mention flu all the bloody time but none mention the Johnson memorial nuclear power station complex as a cause of death. Everything is fine, and it should be a matter of personal choice as to whether the reactor design should feature a containment vessel, and which way the wind blows. Plus kids arent thought to be at risk from radiation because they piss it out quicker. For children under 12 its more like the equivalent of a grazed knee. Keep calm, soak your balls in a Charles & Diana wedding mug, and consider working from home if you get a positive result on the literal glow tests.
Meanwhile in the land of the most obviously shit newspapers in the pandemic period, its no surprise that the likes of the Daily Mail and the Telegraph found the ridiculous "its now or never" words of Johnson to be the ones worth turning into todays front page headlines.

I do wonder if the crude attempts at herd management have managed to impress or convince anyone beyond the class of people who on some level understand themselves to be part of the herd management brigade. Imagine being given the material they have in this pandemic and thinking yeah, I can sell this, great content, great angles. Compelling, no harder to pull off than the bullshit of normal times, honest.
30% of 15% but it doesn't say what the chance is of getting Covid is now in the first place: it's a percentage of a percentage of an unstated percentage.
30% of 15% but it doesn't say what the chance is of getting Covid is now in the first place: it's a percentage of a percentage of an unstated percentage.
Are you stupid ?
How could they or anyone tell you what 'the chance is of catching covid now '? It depends on where you are what you're doing and what day you ask the question on doesn't it. Whatever that number is for me today it will definitely be bigger next week anyhow.
Dreading the point where I'm going to have to get back on a tube train every morning to go to work. Back in March, when I got my first jab, I didn't mind the idea of returning two or three days a week, especially after being cooped up at home for a year. But three months later, with Delta here, rapidly growing levels of community infection and the prospect of full tube carriages with lots of maskless people, it all seems like a recipe for inevitable infection. I guess the question is, now I'm double jabbed, how lucky do I feel? Basically, the Government are like a reckless gambler in a casino, but we're the chips that are being thrown down on the table!
We know it takes until two weeks after the second jab before the maximum level of protection is reached.

So I'm really surprised to hear some employers promoting full attendance in the office from 19 July, when a good chunk of their staff won't be fully vaccinated yet.
Javid on BBC Breakfast News, first words out of his mouth 'learn to live with covid'. Stuttering over expected number of infections and an acceptable level of deaths, although is admitting they'll go much higher.

The not isolating for double vaccinated people question came up, he said they'll be a statement later today, but sounds like it'll be no isolation for them.
Whats going to happen with privately-run transport & flights? Can't really imagine that airport and my flight on 26th will be mask free.
Whats going to happen with privately-run transport & flights? Can't really imagine that airport and my flight on 26th will be mask free.
Airports will keep the restrictions (at least in many areas). One reason is that there will be passengers from red and amber list countries arriving, not all of whom will be vaccinated.

I think TfL will keep the restrictions on the tube and buses as well. (Not that people on buses seem to have worked out how to cover both their nose and their mouth)
Are you stupid ?
How could they or anyone tell you what 'the chance is of catching covid now '? It depends on where you are what you're doing and what day you ask the question on doesn't it. Whatever that number is for me today it will definitely be bigger next week anyhow.
Yes I'm stupid.

Hence I couldn't work out 30% of 15% of "where you are what you're doing and what day you ask the question".

Thanks for the 'study' link. No, really.
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