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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

As of the 3rd of June, over 12k cases of the delta variant, 126 were admitted to hospital -

83 - were unvaccinated
28 - had one dose only
3 - had two doses

That sounds good to me.

* source Handjob updating the commons.

Need to know the vaccination rates in the cohorts from which those 12,000 people come (and/or those in the 12,000 themselves). Eg if delta is spreading mainly among young people, as certainly some of the heat maps I have seen suggest, then those unvax/onevax/twovax proportions might not be far from those in the general sub-population. Ie vaccination makes no difference…
Meanwhile Edinburgh numbers increasingly not looking great. Our test positivity rate is now worse than Glasgow's. We had a relaxing of restrictions about three weeks before they did. I read an article saying four high schools are reporting cases in the school and it didn't include my kids' school (where another kid tested positive today, that makes five kids and an undisclosed number of staff).
There's around 25m over 50s in the UK. [source]

Around 28m* people have had their second jab, so most over 50s should have had it by now, and almost all the remaining ones should have it within the next week or so.

* 53% of over 18s.
Think you mean June! :D

What about the other 10? :hmm:
Yes, of course June. :facepalm:

It's actually 12 missing from that list, I am fairly sure those were the figures Handjob announced, because I skipped back on the live coverage to double check I had typed them right. :hmm:

I bloody knew I had typed those numbers right, so there is 12 unaccounted for, from that total of 126.

The health secretary said: "As of 3 June, our data show that of the 12,383 cases of the Delta variant, 464 went onto present at emergency care and 126 people were admitted to hospital.

"Of these 126 people, 83 were unvaccinated and 28 had received one dose and just three had received both doses of the vaccine."
There's around 25m over 50s in the UK. [source]

Around 28m* people have had their second jab, so most over 50s should have had it by now, and almost all the remaining ones should have it within the next week or so.

* 53% of over 18s.
I recommend the dashboard vaccine page, then zooming in on England and scrolling down to the bottom where you can see an age heatmap for 1st and 2nd doses.

Here is a sneak peek at the hover over for latest 50-54 age range 2nd doses data:

Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 19.57.27.png

Meanwhile Edinburgh numbers increasingly not looking great. Our test positivity rate is now worse than Glasgow's. We had a relaxing of restrictions about three weeks before they did. I read an article saying four high schools are reporting cases in the school and it didn't include my kids' school (where another kid tested positive today, that makes five kids and an undisclosed number of staff).
View attachment 272371
One of my cousin's in Edinburgh has just got covid, a week after his first jab, and had to cancel his wedding for the third time. :(
Yeah, I mostly posted it for his other point, but thanks for pointing that bit out.

Meanwhile at times like this I like to check up on what certain pandemic shitheads that the media were happy to quote have been up to recently, given the current situation. Fucking Carl Heneghan seems to have been trying to cover his tracks. This tweet is the start of a thread that contains more detail.

I love web archives. Don't the pricks who go on tweet-deleting sprees realise that there are multiple efforts going on to scrape Twitter? It's like they want people to realise what pieces of lying filth they are.
I love web archives. Don't the pricks who go on tweet-deleting sprees realise that there are multiple efforts going on to scrape Twitter? It's like they want people to realise what pieces of lying filth they are.

Something strange had happened to archive.orgs snapshots of the Friday 13th March 2020 BBC news article where Nick Triggle did his infamous 'what we should do is carry on with our lives' analysis. The snapshots where his analysis was actually included in the article dont seem to be there any more, or have redirect code in them, as just those snapshots redirect to the current live version of the article! Snapshots of the same article before his analysis was part of it, and after his analysis was replaced, still work. Or at least that was the case when I tried a few weeks ago, as opposed to May 2020 when I know those snapshots were alive and well.
This is what the current version of local measures looks like:

Greater Manchester and parts of Lancashire will receive extra help to boost vaccinations and testing.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said a "strengthened package of support" will be provided to tackle a rise in the Delta variant of Covid.

It will include military support and supervised in-school testing in the areas hardest hit by the variant.

People have also been advised to minimise travel in and out of the area and avoid meeting indoors.

They held the 'havent seen anything in the data to suggest delay' line for ages but it appears to be evolving:

Boris Johnson has told members of his Cabinet that the data needs to continue to be scrutinised ahead of any decision on lifting Covid restrictions in England on 21 June.

The PM told ministers that "while the relationship between cases and hospitalisations has changed, we must continue to look at the data carefully ahead of making a decision on Step 4".

From the 13:32 entry of BBC live updates page https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-57396502
I've been invited for the REACT study. From the letter it seems that this is simply a single test and then that's it? Is that right? Anyone done it?
I've been invited for the REACT study. From the letter it seems that this is simply a single test and then that's it? Is that right? Anyone done it?

I did this. They send you a test and have a questionnaire for you to fill in, when you sign up and again when you do the test. They let you know what the test result is; mine was negative.

It would be nice if they gave you one of those tests that let you know if you've ever had it, and not just the one which tells if you have it right now.
I'm not going to name the place as it's a lovely pub but I was disheartened to see the risks they were taking.

I was there recently for a jam session and it was absolutely packed full of mainly young people singing loudly in a confined space. There was little to no ventilation. The 'outside' area was equally rammed and it looked like a regular super-busy pub from pre-pandemic times. I retired to a quieter part of the bar and tried to tell the landlord that he was both risking people's lives and risking getting the pub closed down.

I'm not really blaming anyone - I get why the punters have had enough and why the pub is trying to get some much needed income, and I imagine you'll find similar scenes all over the UK - but it does highlight how easily the virus can spread when it's mainly non vaccinated people partying away like it's (early) 2019.
I did this. They send you a test and have a questionnaire for you to fill in, when you sign up and again when you do the test. They let you know what the test result is; mine was negative.

It would be nice if they gave you one of those tests that let you know if you've ever had it, and not just the one which tells if you have it right now.
There is a different REACT study that looks at the antibody side of things.
Rather predictably given the way things are panning out and stuff like the Times article saying Whitty & Vallance gave a downbeat briefing to ministers, Whitty is trending on twitter and features all the usual know-nothing, detached from reality idiots shouting.

They'd like to have us believe that the government end up taking action/delaying the unlocking simply because they are listening to doom-mongers who are wrong. Oh how I hate these useless chumps and the ways they attempt to distort reality to fit their utter misunderstanding of how the world and this pandemic virus works.
Note that Scotland's half term is earlier than England's. When school is a/the major location for transmission you would expect them to be ahead on numbers, all other things being equal.
Note that Scotland's half term is earlier than England's. When school is a/the major location for transmission you would expect them to be ahead on numbers, all other things being equal.
Yep, we're in the middle of term just now, two and a half weeks til school breaks up for the summer.

I now have Covid approaching from two fronts in a pincer movement: as well as the multiple children in my middle son's year with it, the girlfriend of one of my work colleagues (who I spent all morning with) has just tested positive. Just done a lateral flow test myself which was negative but fully expecting colleague's PCR test to come back positive which means I'll probably have to self isolate.
Sorry to hear that. The earlier summer holiday timing there may yet help with the way the wave evolves, but I cant have a high degree of confidence about that depending on how the spread has evolved through the age-groups by then.


Although Reichers characterisation of how Hancock and Johnson see things is already out of date and over-reliant on the public line government stuck to recently but is now probably shifting away from, as opposed to what they probably thought privately for some time.
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