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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

There's a load of anti mask/vax types camping out on Shepherd's Bush Green - been there since last weekend. Their big signs don't say that of course but they're wandering around with "no vaccine passport" signs inside so yknow.
So they are carrying around a physical documentation of their vaccination status while complaining about having to carry around a physical....
Its impressive how many milestones to shout about (make propaganda out of) they've been able to squeeze out of the vaccination statistics this week. We've had days with percentage milestones being loudly drawn attention to and now they are making the most of having gone over 40 million first doses given. And all during a week where the daily numbers havent been so great compared to previous weeks (bank holiday effect).
Been round to see neighbours/friends last couple of weekends. Nicely spaced out ( :) ) but people are back to hugging and shaking hands and stuff which I don't altogether feel comfortable with. It's cornwall so there's very little round yet but not habits I want to get back into for when cases rise again.
This time last year cases were half what they are today.

We've never been able to get them that low since. We're at the point we were when scientists were calling for a circuit breaker last year.
Lockdowns were about hospital capacity not cases and last year nobody was vaccinated. 40% are now fully vaccinated in UK
Our local anti-masker was yelping on Main Street this afternoon.

Told him to Feck Orffff when he started yelling at me to take my mask off - I was going into another shop straight after having come out of the Co-op. And I know quite a few local people aren't vaxx'd yet. He had a fit when I told him to go and get jabbed, he started on all of the CTs ... so he got another F... OFF, louder this time.

Coming out of my third shop the local PCSO was moving him on, as someone had complained he was obstructing the narrow pavement.
Oxford Street was rammed when I waked down. I'd say about 5% were wearing masks in the street. There was even a random twat who popped up and starting shouting at an elderly couple to take their masks off. He'd gone before I could have 'advised' him to leave them the fuck alone.

I really don't think we should get too bothered about busy streets and people being outside without masks. In the last year we've seen an awful lot of marches and protests which a lot of us have supported. Now people are going about their day to day I really don't see the difference.

Wankers hassling people over masks is a different matter.
I really don't think we should get too bothered about busy streets and people being outside without masks. In the last year we've seen an awful lot of marches and protests which a lot of us have supported. Now people are going about their day to day I really don't see the difference.

Wankers hassling people over masks is a different matter.
It wasn't really a criticism but an observation - it was the least masked up street I've seen since the start of the pandemic.

Thoughts on this cunt's opinion?

Yep, a cunt with a cuntish opinion.

He's basically banging on about vaccine passports, which will probably become the norm for international travel, but he can fuck off with the idea of using them at home.
Yep, a cunt with a cuntish opinion.

He's basically banging on about vaccine passports, which will probably become the norm for international travel, but he can fuck off with the idea of using them at home.
What would they be used for?

As long as there are exceptions for people who can't have the vaccination then I'm okay with people who've refused the vaccination being refused entry to large gatherings until this is over.
What would they be used for?

As long as there are exceptions for people who can't have the vaccination then I'm okay with people who've refused the vaccination being refused entry to large gatherings until this is over.

He's not clear, but sounds like more than just large events. Israel has dumped the idea, because once you have a high level of inoculation, they become pointless, and we are heading in that direction.

Israel, which led the way on Covid passports by issuing ‘green passes’ to vaccinated adults, got rid of the system this week because policymakers deemed them redundant when rates of inoculation were so high.

To indulge this rubbish for just a sec. What does had the jab actually mean regards being able to do stuff. Only those who've had 2 can go to gigs, large sporting events, the pub? So no concerts or football matches for kids. What happens when booster jabs are offered, your vaccine passport is revoked until you've had yours, possibly months away.

Why the fuck are we still listening to Blaire anyway. It's all over the radio too.
I dont believe in paying any attention to coercive ways to 'encourage' vaccination at a stage where plenty of people who wants to be vaccinated havent been dealt with by the system yet.

The 'drop-in without appointment' vaccination centres that have been in effect in my town on random days in recent weeks have been a great success so far. There is a lot of mileage left in this sort of thing, even once the majority who have been able to engage with the booking system and travel to vaccine centres further afield have been dealt with.

Blair is a narrow, divisive fuck with an audience that does not represent a broad cross-section of the country. He is the kiss of death.
What would they be used for?

As long as there are exceptions for people who can't have the vaccination then I'm okay with people who've refused the vaccination being refused entry to large gatherings until this is over.

Vaccine refuseniks are not a big enough demographic to have much impact on transmission rates.

Until everyone who wants a vaccine has had one, there should be no large gatherings.
For the same reason they were talking about Diana on the news this morning. The UK is permanently stuck in the 90s.

Even the elements of the nation that lag decades behind, whether they be actual people or the media that think those people are their core audience, move on eventually. They used to be stuck in the 1950s, the 1970's, the 1980's etc.
The constant 'rare interventions' from blair are annoying as fuck but do show starmer up as a fucking placeman. Also, blairs creepy obsession with getting everyone numbered, indexed and cross referenced that existed long before the rona.

About the only thing that still interests me about the views of Blair the malign influencer, is whether his preference for ID cards etc is based on having been sold on a vision of how things could heat up in this country once some of the biggest challenges of this century are in full effect.
About the only thing that still interests me about the views of Blair the malign influencer, is whether his preference for ID cards etc is based on having been sold on a vision of how things could heat up in this country once some of the biggest challenges of this century are in full effect.

I don't credit him as that deep of a thinker tbh. He probably thinks if we all just doubled down on technocratic centrism all those challenges would simply melt away for some reason.
I don't credit him as that deep of a thinker tbh. He probably thinks if we all just doubled down on technocratic centrism all those challenges would simply melt away for some reason.

He wouldnt need to be a deep thinker, would just have needed to pay attention to briefings that had a medium-long term focus. I lost a lot of the documents I was reading in the new Labour era, but for example I remember one that was going on about the threat posed by a 'decline in readership/trust of 'quality news sources' years before we had the whole 'fake news' thing going mainstream.

But I do need to allow for my own natural bias and opinions about the big stories of this century - eg I had an interest in peak oil and thats actually one of the reasons I spent a long time getting clued up about pandemics in the first place, over 15 years ago now! Its somewhat inevitable that I look for tie-ins on those fronts, the ways that big issues of this century may combine. eg I look at the various things that had to be done in this pandemic, and the ways it affected peoples lives and travel etc, and I look at the climate change/energy stuff and the changes that will usher in in the next few decades, and I end up with much to think about! When I was young and all that was new to me, I had to learn not to get paranoid and conspiratorial about such things, and I'm very glad I completed that rebalancing inside my mind a long time before this pandemic arrived. Lots of sensible, non-paranoid bollocks tie-ins remain. Because Im not looking at sinister plots and wacky shit, just the way issues end up rubbing against eachother, the detail of where there is overlap in terms of the consequences for humanity, etc etc.
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