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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

They've never altered an announced date before, and the stupid way the media works in this country means they would face much more consequence for missing a date than keeping to it but being forced to lock down afterwards because of that, and they're only interested in their appearance, so that's why I say that.

We'll see I guess. Nothing any of us can do about it.

They wouldn't be missing a date as such, as steps 2 to 4 in the covid roadmap were prefixed with 'not before', and careful wording around hoping too.

Step 4 - not before 21 June​

Social contact​

By Step 4 which will take place no earlier than 21 June, the government hopes to be in a position to remove all legal limits on social contact.
They wouldn't be missing a date as such, as steps 2 to 4 in the covid roadmap were prefixed with 'not before', and careful wording around hoping too.
Although strictly speaking this is correct, it's been presented in the media for a long time (pretty much from when it was first announced) that the restrictions would be eased on the particular dates announced.

To go beyond that would definitely be seen/portrayed by many as a failure, which is why I don't think it will happen, however much it would be the sensible thing to do, unless there were an immediate of hospitals being overwhelmed (and as far as I'm aware, there isn't, at least not at a national level).
I think most of the British public fall into one of three groups:

1. Those that do what the government tells them they can and can't, no matter what.

2. Those that flout all rules and advice, and will continue to do so, no matter what.

3. Those (like me, and most of my friends) who base their behaviour on a combination of what the government advises, and what the science and data is saying.

Currently we are being much more cautious, distancing and wearing masks much more than government rules and advice says we must.

For example I'm still not meeting anyone indoors without a mask and lots of ventilation, and I'm still distancing indoors and out.

At other times we've gone the other way, eg. I met with a friend once a week in a local park, at a distance of more than 2 metres, and wearing masks, last March and April, when that was illegal.

I can't predict what the government will or won't do in the next weeks or months but I do predict that most individual members of the public will continue to fall into the same one of the groups as listed above, as they have throughout, regardless.
Actually I think most people do more or less what the government tells them, depending on what they want to do, and will bend/stretch the rules a bit.
This household of four are now fully vaccinated, but plenty of people I see about locally may only have had one jab, if that.
But many of them, like us, are still masking up for shopping etc ...

Even back in the days of the tiers (remember them ?) we (us 4) were being far more strict than we needed to be, according to the "rules and advice". This included keeping a watch on our "local" figures, and I was comparing our tiny area with the rest of the county and nearby zones.

Now, with the advantages of vaccination, I wonder if a more nuanced tiering system would work against the variants.
Specifically; one that is properly supported in financial ways - eg £££ for those isolating / unable to work 'cos their work is closed; and "insurance" to cover business costs if a closure is required [eg cost of beer or food that can't be sold, no takeaway facilities].
And perhaps extra layers to it that depend on vaccination - and not just infection / variant - rates.
Aren't we supposed to mask for shopping? Most people I've seen are. The idea of masks is to protect others. When I was in Ikea the other day they had announcements reminding people. A lot of kids in my eldest's school are still wearing masks in communal areas even though they no longer have to, I don't think mask-wearing is going to suddenly stop.
Aren't we supposed to mask for shopping? Most people I've seen are. The idea of masks is to protect others. When I was in Ikea the other day they had announcements reminding people. A lot of kids in my eldest's school are still wearing masks in communal areas even though they no longer have to, I don't think mask-wearing is going to suddenly stop.
Yes. I had to check, too - I was pretty sure I'd not heard anything about that changing but a bunch of shops and people don't seem to bother any more and I wondered if I was going mad. Passed a small barbers yesterday which had eight or so people in, none in masks.
Aren't we supposed to mask for shopping? Most people I've seen are. The idea of masks is to protect others. When I was in Ikea the other day they had announcements reminding people. A lot of kids in my eldest's school are still wearing masks in communal areas even though they no longer have to, I don't think mask-wearing is going to suddenly stop.

Yes, at least, I think so !

Local school kids are usually masked up perhaps because around here the Kent variant peak last year arrived via holidays but was widely spread by school-kids and then a couple of workplaces.
Yes. I had to check, too - I was pretty sure I'd not heard anything about that changing but a bunch of shops and people don't seem to bother any more and I wondered if I was going mad. Passed a small barbers yesterday which had eight or so people in, none in masks.
Maybe the masks would make it difficult for the barber to get at certain parts of their hair. I know in pubs/cafes etc you're technically supposed to wear masks still, but they make an exception for when you're actually eating/drinking. So maybe they don't bother enforcing it because they think "Oh, what the hell, they'll have to come off at some point anyway!"
I did. That is the very doc I read, very low levels of possible earlier genetic lineage in September. But there is clear evidence that it started to become a problem in early December. 4 weeks later was chaos. We're a long way from that right now. If you take detection as your starting point, September-Jan is 4 months.

The B 1617 variant was detected in India in December 2020. As December-February are great times to visit India due to the med like climate, highly likely it was already here in January at very low levels. It was first detected in the UK in February, also 4 months ago.

It appears we are standing at the very same place chronologically as we were in January locked away in our houses. With some obvious differences.

115 v 3500 daily hospitalizations.
No lockdown v Lockdown
Protection v A wing and a prayer

Lots of hand wringing and worry going on. At what point do we breathe a sigh of relief on this variant? Or alternatively at what point do we start buying more loo roll than we need?
Maybe the masks would make it difficult for the barber to get at certain parts of their hair. I know in pubs/cafes etc you're technically supposed to wear masks still, but they make an exception for when you're actually eating/drinking. So maybe they don't bother enforcing it because they think "Oh, what the hell, they'll have to come off at some point anyway!"
That would make some sense, if the barber were masked, and customers were wearing theirs while waiting for a cut. I bet that's not what is happening, though.
Yes. I had to check, too - I was pretty sure I'd not heard anything about that changing but a bunch of shops and people don't seem to bother any more and I wondered if I was going mad. Passed a small barbers yesterday which had eight or so people in, none in masks.

Maybe the masks would make it difficult for the barber to get at certain parts of their hair. I know in pubs/cafes etc you're technically supposed to wear masks still, but they make an exception for when you're actually eating/drinking. So maybe they don't bother enforcing it because they think "Oh, what the hell, they'll have to come off at some point anyway!"

My barbers will not let people in to wait, you queue outside, both barbers & customers have to wear masks, they are skilful in lifting the mask's string off one ear at a time, whilst holding the mask in place, as they cut around the ears.

But, mask wearing around here has always been near to 100% everywhere, from small shops to supermarkets, takeaways, garages, etc., etc.

ETA - It's best to book online first, but they will do walk in appointments if they have spare slots, but that's hit & miss.
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That would make some sense, if the barber were masked, and customers were wearing theirs while waiting for a cut. I bet that's not what is happening, though.
Last time I got a hair cut they told me the rule was that a mask had to be on at all times, so they had to unhook it from my ear and hold it while cutting around there. Bit awkward but it worked OK.
Maybe the masks would make it difficult for the barber to get at certain parts of their hair. I know in pubs/cafes etc you're technically supposed to wear masks still, but they make an exception for when you're actually eating/drinking. So maybe they don't bother enforcing it because they think "Oh, what the hell, they'll have to come off at some point anyway!"
I've seen others where everyone is wearing masks. In this case just nobody was wearing them tbh - the barbers, the people in chairs, the people hanging around in the shop chatting.

The council "covid wardens" seem to have been laid off too which may be contributing - I don't think they did any serious investigation but this was a glass windowed shop, doesn't take much effort to call that in.
I've seen others where everyone is wearing masks. In this case just nobody was wearing them tbh - the barbers, the people in chairs, the people hanging around in the shop chatting.

I just don't get this at all, I wouldn't go anywhere near a place that like, WTF are they thinking?
Must check out the local barbers and see what they are doing about things ...

(it's in the not-usual route so making time for a detour is all)
Mask wearing in Brum has drastically decreased. People are wearing them, but like a fashion item under the chin. They seem to have forgotten that once you enter a shop / get on a bus, you need to pull it back up to cover your face, not leave it there as a pointless bit of cloth.
Although strictly speaking this is correct, it's been presented in the media for a long time (pretty much from when it was first announced) that the restrictions would be eased on the particular dates announced.

To go beyond that would definitely be seen/portrayed by many as a failure, which is why I don't think it will happen, however much it would be the sensible thing to do, unless there were an immediate of hospitals being overwhelmed (and as far as I'm aware, there isn't, at least not at a national level).

But there are other aspects that the medias simplified bullshit has obscured.

The focus is on whether step 4 is delayed, and I'm guilty of that focus too. But the fact is that exactly what step 4 consists of is also up for grabs - and this detail depends heavily on the governments 'social distancing review'.

Johnson said that he hoped to show the public the results of that review by the end of May, but the new variant already caused them to concede that probably wasnt going to happen, and indeed it hasnt.

So they can fiddle around not just with dates, but also the detail of what the next new normal is supposed to consist of on various dates.

So they could go for a 'we must wait just a few more weeks, to get more vaccinations done, before taking this last step'. Bu they could also go for a fudge where they still deliver one or more headline-grabbing relaxations from June 21st onwards, but push other ones further down the road.

Meanwhile despite tings being touted at times as 'a return to normality', the travel-related rules and the ways they are still subject to change demonstrates the illusion of that really happening this summer isnt very deep.
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I went out last night and noticed a few things.

Quite a few people on the tram who pull their mask down in order to talk to the conductor, very close up. How can people be that stupid?

In pubs the vast majority of people sitting outside. Weathers nice and lots of good outdoor areas.

Ripped down two pages of fake science anti vacc stuff from the tram stop.

Shop on the way home:

Last time I got a hair cut they told me the rule was that a mask had to be on at all times, so they had to unhook it from my ear and hold it while cutting around there. Bit awkward but it worked OK.
I've had my hair cut a couple of times since barbers reopened.

The policy followed by my barber, which I thought was the official rule TBH, was that the customer who's actually having their haircut doesn't wear a mask, but the barber and anyone waiting for a haircut do.

That seems reasonable to me. I certainly wouldn't go anywhere where there were loads of mask-less people waiting
By the way the purpose of my last post was not to illustrate the current Bolton hospital situation - the data in those charts lags behind and is only updated weekly.

For example news via journalists suggests an improved picture since then, eg the tweet below. But since my point was more about the ratio of hospitalised to mechanical ventilation patients, I didnt need the very latest data to make that point.

BBC 'analysis' on their live updates page now makes much the same point that I made earlier:

But what does the roadmap actually commit to?

It says the government will reopen venues like nightclubs, it hopes to lift caps on numbers at weddings and remove "all legal limits on social contact".

If you look at the rest of the roadmap, it's pretty clear that "social contact" has been used to refer to how many people can gather and where.

So what it doesn't commit to is ending measures such as the one metre plus rule in pubs and restaurants, wearing face masks or even working from home. Those measures are being looked at by a government review.

The results had been expected to be announced at the end of May but are now likely to come with the decision on step four on 14 June.

That raises the possibility of step four going ahead as planned - but with at least some social distancing measures staying in place.

In fact, the original roadmap says that "some measures may be required even after all adults have been offered a vaccine".

The date for that is still currently 31 July.

So even if step four does go ahead on 21 June, we shouldn't expect a return to normal overnight.

From the 14:20 entry of https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-57367906
From glancing at the newspaper front pages it's easy to see where a casual observer might get the idea that we're close to the end of Covid and 21 June is hopefully when it'll all be over. It's like looking at some kind of parallel reality sometimes. Combined with people being sick of it all, it's no wonder some people are letting their guard down.

From the past few weeks:




From the same link as elbows above (I'm quoting all of this part in case it gets lost amongst updates):


Reopening on 21 June would be 'foolish', government adviser says

It would be "foolish" and a "major risk" to go ahead with the 21 June reopening in England as planned, an expert on a government advisory group says.
Prof Stephen Reicher says there is currently enough evidence to say one of the government's four key tests for its roadmap out of lockdown has not been met.
The professor - a member of the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (Spi-B) which advises the government - says the criteria of risks not being fundamentally changed by new variants is "not upheld" because of the Delta variant.
He tells the PA news agency: "I think by the government's own criteria it's quite clear that it would be foolish to proceed on the data that we've got at the moment. The risk would be very great indeed."
He adds: "Again, I make the point that it is about data not dates, and if you make it too much about the dates then you box yourself into a corner and I think that's what the government has done."
From glancing at the newspaper front pages it's easy to see where a casual observer might get the idea that we're close to the end of Covid and 21 June is hopefully when it'll all be over. It's like looking at some kind of parallel reality sometimes. Combined with people being sick of it all, it's no wonder some people are letting their guard down.

From the past few weeks:




Irresponsible bastards. This bs is gonna make it a lot easier for anti-lockdown types and full-on conspiracy theorists to get people onside. Fuming.
There's a load of anti mask/vax types camping out on Shepherd's Bush Green - been there since last weekend. Their big signs don't say that of course but they're wandering around with "no vaccine passport" signs inside so yknow.
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