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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

IATA seems to be saying that 1 in 50 incoming air passengers turn out to have Covid ... And therefore we should ease restrictions? :confused:
Far fewer Tory MPs tweeting up today's death toll or number of new infections; wonder why that is?

I was thinking - it must feel especially devastating to have to endure all of this for the families of the people who did die yesterday. :(
It just gets completely lost in all the noise, doesn't it - the personal losses, set against numbers.
And now, celebrating 'Zero'. Awful.
I was thinking - it must feel especially devastating to have to endure all of this for the families of the people who did die yesterday. :(
It just gets completely lost in all the noise, doesn't it - the personal losses, set against numbers.
And now, celebrating 'Zero'. Awful.
Yes and by date of death on the dashboard, even with the 28 day bullshit limit, the number of UK deaths yesterday is already 2 and will likely increase further.
I expect they'll all be posting corrections on the front pages tomorrow :hmm:

TBF, the Beeb have this: How significant is a day without Covid deaths?

Yeah a chunk of that is a rehash of stuff mentioned in their full article yesterday, but that didnt stop them havig that article as their main website story for many hours.

Despite seeming to be a sensible look at the detail, that article still leaves something basic out:

Just because no deaths were announced on 1 June does not mean for certain that no deaths actually occurred. Often the figures are revised once death certificates are examined for precise details of date of death.

Death certificate figures are their own thing, updated weekly and lagging several weeks behind the current moment.

In fact as per my last post, the first thing to look at is that the daily announced deaths are not revised later, instead we just need to look at deaths by date of death on the official dashboard, figures that grow over time and are indeed subject to daily revisions as a result. And then it quickly becomes obvious that deaths reported on a particular day are never deaths that actually happened on that day, there is a minimum of 1 days lag an often much more. So the figure announced on June 1st was never about how many deaths actually happened on June 1st, and no revision to that particular figure is necessary, just the accumulation of actual data that records deaths by date of death.
Yes and by date of death on the dashboard, even with the 28 day bullshit limit, the number of UK deaths yesterday is already 2 and will likely increase further.

Yes, I saw that. 12 reported deaths today and still not a single day with no actual daily deaths (and then just going on the 'within 28 days' timeframe) since the beginning of March last year.

And a rise, of 17% on the week before, of hospital admissions up until 6 days ago - bit of a jump from 110 -123 for patients on mechanical ventilation in England yesterday, too.
I very much hope that none of that translates into a growth in deaths, obviously, but it's just too early to say, eh.
Certainly, actively continuing to flog June 21st as a lifting date is moronic though.
Yes, I saw that. 12 reported deaths today and still not a single day with no actual daily deaths (and then just going on the 'within 28 days' timeframe) since the beginning of March last year.
Going by UK death certificate deaths by date of death instead, the lowest things got since the first wave began was 8 deaths recorded on 29th August last year. There was one day in May thats only showing 7 so far but that might increase further in future. So its probably reasonable to claim that deaths have recently fallen to levels somewhat similar to those seen at the lowest point between waves 1 and 2. There are plenty of dates at various times where Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland had no recorded Covid deaths, but the same cannot be said for England as a whole.
lol Tim Spector did a video where he said that in his opinion this isnt a third wave beginning, its just a ripple. And then later in the same video he thanked the department of health for giving them several million quid to carry on their work for another year.

Its debatable quite how much I should laugh or rant about that because I suppose I cannot actually fully exclude the possibility that what we are seeing now will not turn into a large wave of the sort seen previously. But that doesnt mean I would go around claiming that I think that all we are seeing these days is a small bump in the road. Cautiously waiting to see what the reality turns out to be is the sensible approach. If the current situation turns into something horrific then it will be hard for me not to go around sarcastically remarking 'its only a ripple'.
Although when I say some of that stuff I should probably point out that even last summer, when I did expect an autumn/winter wave, I had to force myself to keep an open mind about what would happen in future, rather than fully consider a 2nd wave to be a 100% certainty within the imagined timescale. Mostly because there is probable reality, and there are my own views which may become inappropriately rigid without me fully noticing, so I try not to exclude possibilities even when I deem them unlikely. And so I try to hedge my bets when making large proclamations. So far in this pandemic that has turned out to be an unnecessary watering down of my expectations, but I suppose I better stick to that approach since in theory its more likely to come in handy eventually, its just a question of when.
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This reminds me quite a lot of some stuff I did with graphs in previous waves to study the timing of different data and how well one was a predictor of what the others would do later.

It is so far beyond disgraceful that this hasnt been fixed yet that I havent had words to describe my anger about this for a long time now:

More than 20 healthcare organisations - including those representing nurses, doctors, surgeons and therapists - have united in an unprecedented appeal for stronger defences against coronavirus.
In a planned virtual meeting with UK officials on Thursday, they will say the current guidance leaves them vulnerable to infection through the air, especially by new variants.

And they will argue that other countries, including the United States, protect their health workers with higher-grade equipment.

I also note this detail:

At least 17 hospital and ambulance trusts have already decided to break with official guidance by equipping their staff with FFP3 masks, but the majority have not.
A poor choice of words from the BBC live updates page wanking on about which countries will be added too the green list, given what that word has been more commonly used for recently.

Robert Boyle, former director of strategy at British Airways' parent company IAG, predicts a number of summer hotspots will be added to the green tier.

(from 10am entry of BBC live updates page https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-57340860 )
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As a rough average of Scotland's daily 'patients in hospital' figures over the last week or so, that'd be around 10% of them being kids under 10. Very worrying.
Yeah thats something that some raised concerns about when the situation in India itself was at its worst. I wish I could have answered it more usefully, but was stuck with 'its hard to tell because a small percentage of a very large number is still a sizeable number of people' stuff.

Now that a version of that fear has reached us, I am still left with a quite long list of possible factors, and no way to rule them in or out at the moment. Some of the possibilities to consider include:

That the variant actually has a greater health impact on children.
That the variant is spreading rapidly in children, leading to high levels of infection which then automatically translates to more hospitalisations even if the variant doesnt have a worse health impact per child in this group.
That the proportions have changed because numbers of older people are reduced via vaccines.
Generally we've seen that people who are in hospital for other reasons but then catch Covid in hospital are lumped into the admissions stats, and detail that helps separate these different phenomenon can be slow or missing. So I cant exclude things like the variant spreading through childrens wards etc.

The reality is likely a mix of a number of those factors, but I cant say which ones. And probably there are a few others that havent popped into my head right now.

I'll try to find some age-related data over time later. Not sure what is available for Sotland, I might have to resort to figures for England to illustrate the picture prior to this stage.
A poor choice of words from the BBC live updates page wanking on about which countries will be added too the green list, given what that word has been more commonly used for recently.
Robert Boyle, former director of strategy at British Airways' parent company IAG, predicts a number of summer hotspots will be added to the green tier.
BBC News channel has just said that (they understand that) no countries are to be added.


As a rough average of Scotland's daily 'patients in hospital' figures over the last week or so, that'd be around 10% of them being kids under 10. Very worrying.
There's a big outbreak based in a primary school in the west of Edinburgh at the moment, I wonder if kids from there are some of the hospitalised children. There is also a lot of cases in my kids' high school right now :(
The current approach and nature of the vaccine rollout means that government are effectively still going for a 'herd immunity via infection' approach when it comes to kids and younger adults!

Public Health England still havent published the data about the delta variant and infections in children. Should be a massive scandal but the media dont seem too bothered about it.
The weekly surveillance report is out. There are some graphs I would post if it werent for the fact that the height of the last peak means the scale used compresses the view of more recent climbs from a low base into a mush that isnt very easy to look at.

So here is just one graph from the supplimentary document instead.

Screenshot 2021-06-03 at 14.18.10.png

Why was the mask mandate removed? The virus is still at large. We still have to wear masks on public transport. I don't think the virus gives a shit whether you're in school or on a bus. oh, and also schoolkids are still using ordinary buses, if it were up to me I would have hired more buses just for the kids.
Latest contacts report, based on surveys they've been doing for ages:

  • The latest data confirm early indications from last week’s report that contacts appear to have increased since the 17th of May and are now at similar levels to those observed during August 2020.
  • Physical (skin-to-skin) contacts remain low compared with historical levels. However, adults are reporting fewer contacts outdoors, which could be reflecting a change in the risk of contacts.
  • Children’s contact levels (measured before the half-term break) are at the highest level observed over the whole pandemic, driven by contact patterns in school and a continued increase in leisure and social contacts.
  • It appears as if similar patterns of contact are occurring across the regions of England and nations of the UK, though discerning differences by region is difficult due to small sample sizes.
Are the
There's a big outbreak based in a primary school in the west of Edinburgh at the moment, I wonder if kids from there are some of the hospitalised children. There is also a lot of cases in my kids' high school right now :(
Did Scotland go with removing masks on the 17th, too? :mad:

We had 7 cases over two days by the following Weds in the school I work in. All Year 10's, so the whole year out.
Half term now so no idea how many more cases came up from that but that's already the highest number of kids we've had at any one time, throughout.
My daughter's school (next door) sensibly decided to keep masks everywhere except classrooms at least - no cases.

Even if they don't give a fuck about kids health or their obvious ability to spread it in the community, they're now all missing even more school.
We had really got to a place where there was no need to remind them to put them on/pull them up, too - just completely fucking irresponsible and unnecessary.
It really DOES feel like a deliberate stab at herd immunity amongst children now. Cunts.
Any country the government stuck on a green list becoming a covid hotspot was yet another depressingly predictable outcome.

I hope the few quid the Portuguese tourist industry made from those few weeks was worth it for all the covid that's now been imported into their country.
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