Working with a woman from India at the moment. She is a doctor and her husband is a brain surgeon. They moved to the UK at the start of March 2020
and have seen nothing but their home and Luton
poor fuckers.
Her mother died in India just before the situation there went mental and after the funeral was worried she could not get back to the UK. Due to her residency status she was able to fly back. Obviously has to quarantine for ten days which is not ideal but of course she wanted to be home to her husband.
She flew back on a half full BA flight with 100% mask wearing and (the all Indian passengers) was served Indian food. Said it was as safe as possible with testing and space.
Now is in a quarantine hotel costing £200 per night so £2000.
In a small room and alcohol is not allowed. She does not drink much but worth mentioning.
Allowed 'outside' fresh air' time twice a day (24 hours) for 10 minute's only accompanied by a security guard.
She asked if it would be possible to have some Indian food instead of the pizza/pasta/burger options on the bar menu but was told that she could order that for delivery as they can't provide that. P
The staff are hardly answering any calls (she needed some sanitary products) and when they did it took over 12 hours to arrange and she was charged a 'premium' price for said products to be left outside her door.
When she 'booked up' this she was told that transport back to the airport was part of the package. Has since been told that she has to arrange her own transport/taxi.
I am all for restrictions on international travel but this is a bad way to treat people for £200 a night. We left travel open for a long time and shared our variant around the world. We are still allowing the rich to fly anywhere they want (even Farage the cunt) and Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson was a cunt hair away from flying over to India himself for his money train.
This is just profit from misery isn't it...