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Cop who hit Tomlinson has a suspected heart attack

One cop has done something stupid. Does this make all coppers just as bad?

One nigger robs a granny. Kick them all out of the country?

Stereotyping is easy, isn't it? :)

You're a simplistic fuckwit.
The guy who killed Mr. Tomlinson did something stupid.
So did the colleagues of his that didn't come forward in the days after Tomlinson's death.
If we ask "why didn't they do so?", what do you reckon the answer is going to be? Me, I suspect that the answer is that it was hoped this could all be brushed under the carpet, and that Mr. Tomlinson could be represented as little better than a pissed tramp who collapsed of his own accord.
Is anyone else still waiting for DB to come up with his 'explanations' why cracking a man in the back of the legs with a baton and giving him a snide hevay shove from behind are acceptable and proportionate then?

Nope, because it'll be a load of bushwah.

As usual.
I love the fact that he comes in screaming 'cunt' and alleging 'prejudice' when his first actions are to excuse/belittle the violent actions and close ranks with his ex colleagues.
Or more likely, an excuse. I can see 'this officer has suffered enough' excuse being voiced already.

Fuck him and his colleagues.

Fuck you and your colleagues.

Good this stereotyping, isn't it ... :rolleyes:

I agree with Tarannau. Why is one only policeman under investigation? The one shown on camera who violently knocked Mr Tomlinson to the ground is clearly in the wrong, so what about the other police who are right there with him in that line? His COLLEAGUES. They saw what he did. They weren't remotely perturbed. They didn't restrain him. They didn't bat an eyelid. Business as usual then. They should be under investigation too. Fuck them indeed.
It's illuminating that the first people who run to Tomlinson's aid and check his health are the crusty protestor types rather than policemen immediately near.

Frankly I wouldn't lose any sleep if every officer in that immediate area was immediately suspended until they can explain why they did fuck all to either remonstrate with their colleague or check on Tomlinson.
I agree with Tarannau. Why is one only policeman under investigation? The one shown on camera who violently knocked Mr Tomlinson to the ground is clearly in the wrong, so what about the other police who are right there with him in that line? His COLLEAGUES. They saw what he did. They weren't remotely perturbed. They didn't restrain him. They didn't bat an eyelid. Business as usual then. They should be under investigation too. Fuck them indeed.

You dont know that he is the only policeman under investigation (just the only one under suspension), and indeed its probable that the questions you demand be asked are already being asked, or planned to be asked, by the IPCC.
'it's a tough, stressful job and we can't simply be expected to show restraint or not hit/shove defenceless people from behind to catch them unawares'

Precisely! They have to have some method (besides the usual boozing and wife-beating) to vent their aggression!
Even if he'd called them a bunch of pasty-faced snot-gobbling authoritarian shit-cunts whose wives fellate donkeys for money there would still no excuse to attack from behind, though.

Hang on a sec, we have no proof that their wives fellate donkeys for money. :hmm:
I love the fact that he comes in screaming 'cunt' and alleging 'prejudice' when his first actions are to excuse/belittle the violent actions and close ranks with his ex colleagues.

And this despite the fact that in his more rational moments he admits that the "ACAB" element on Urban is small.
But hey, it's easier to do blanket smearing (which he then projects onto people who don't agree with him, as you may have noticed ;)) than to face uncomfortable truths. Easier to claim occult/"insider" knowledge than to admit that based on previous cases of assault by police officers on the public, one can't hold out too much hope for JUSTICE to be present when Mr. Tomlinson's case is looked into.
You dont know that he is the only policeman under investigation (just the only one under suspension), and indeed its probable that the questions you demand be asked are already being asked, or planned to be asked, by the IPCC.

It will, however, be interesting to see what form any disciplinary action (if, of course, any is applied at all) is taken.
You dont know that he is the only policeman under investigation (just the only one under suspension), and indeed its probable that the questions you demand be asked are already being asked, or planned to be asked, by the IPCC.

And you don't know that he isn't, because the IPCC have only announced they are investigating one copper. If more are under investigation, it would be a good idea to blow that trumpet loud and clear while the outrage of Mr Tomlinson's death is so prominent in everyone's minds. It would make sense for the IPCC to show how impartial they are. To reassure the public and show that everything was being done that should be done.


Mr Tomlinson was subjected to a brutal and thuggish attack by their colleague and they did nothing about it. Any police who witnessed that attack and did nothing (which is all of those present) obviously regard their colleague's uniform as a valid reason to be excused from the necessity of abiding by the law. That being so, they are not fit to enforce the law. They should be suspended.

Just my opinion.
One cop has done something stupid. Does this make all coppers just as bad?

One nigger robs a granny. Kick them all out of the country?

Stereotyping is easy, isn't it? :)

It's a little more serious than one bad cop.

As the growing numbers of allegations of police brutality come to light, public interest in the cases could force the government to extend legal aid assistance to protesters, lawyers also said.

"The Legal Services Commission has a discretion to provide funding for cases where public interest in cases being litigated, even if costs disproportionately outweigh likely damages", said Paul Bowen, another barrister at Doughty Street chambers.

"The LSC might take the view that there is a public interest in litigation where allegations have been made against police forces."

Lawyers said still camera and video footage would be submitted as evidence. "The police and the IPCC will struggle to extricate officers if there is photographic evidence of assaults," Mazzola said.

There have also been serious complaints about the treatment of journalists by police at the G20 protests, including an agency photographer whose arm was allegedly broken by a truncheon swung by an officer.

The National Union of Journalists said last night that in six cases journalists had come forward with serious allegations against police, including unlawful detention and assault.


A panic attack rather than heart attack or 'attack of guilt'.
Almost certainly. A panic attack looks a lot like a heart attack and is much more likely under the circumstances.
WHICH "shallow apologist bollocks"? :confused:

(I have merely (as usual) pointed out that there are some things that we do not know, that there are some explanations which could be given and may be justifiable and that it is only a fool (like you) who rushes in on the basis of an initial impression and comes to a solid conclusion about what happened). I do not know what happened and I am not willing to make a judgment about whether it was justifiable until I do.

FACT 1: You are prejudiced.
FACT 2: You apply that prejudice to every situation which confronts you.
FACT 3: You reach an instant and immovable conclusion based on your prejudices.
FACT 4: You refuse to even consider anything which does not accord with your prejudices.
FACT 5: You are a prick.

The only facts here are that your a hypocrite , and a reminder of everything that is wrong with both policing and its nice cosy relationship with politics in this country.
It does when twenty colleagues, the IPCC, and the coroner collude in trying to keep the assault under wraps, and release a series of lies to the media to try and make it look like a tragic accident, the fault of the protesters, or his own fault.

This is systemic, and you'd have to be an idiot or a pig to think otherwise.

Very good point. You can argue all you like about good cop bad cop but at the end of the day this behaviour is encouraged by the govt who can't stand the thought of people voicing dissent against their friends in power. The only worry the Govt have is in this case it's hard to sterotype the bloke who got killed
And you don't know that he isn't, because the IPCC have only announced they are investigating one copper. If more are under investigation, it would be a good idea to blow that trumpet loud and clear while the outrage of Mr Tomlinson's death is so prominent in everyone's minds. It would make sense for the IPCC to show how impartial they are. To reassure the public and show that everything was being done that should be done.


Mr Tomlinson was subjected to a brutal and thuggish attack by their colleague and they did nothing about it. Any police who witnessed that attack and did nothing (which is all of those present) obviously regard their colleague's uniform as a valid reason to be excused from the necessity of abiding by the law. That being so, they are not fit to enforce the law. They should be suspended.

Just my opinion.

Thats actually wrong - the IPCC have not limited their investigation to just "one copper" (if they did, one imagines there would have been even more of an uproar since witnesses have alleged Tomlinson was involved with other officers prior to the one captured on the Guardian footage) and some reports - like this - state specifically that they will be interviewing the other Met officers in addition to the TSG PC.
You're a simplistic fuckwit.
The guy who killed Mr. Tomlinson did something stupid.
So did the colleagues of his that didn't come forward in the days after Tomlinson's death.
If we ask "why didn't they do so?", what do you reckon the answer is going to be? Me, I suspect that the answer is that it was hoped this could all be brushed under the carpet, and that Mr. Tomlinson could be represented as little better than a pissed tramp who collapsed of his own accord.

Exactly this; Lie .How far does it go? The mentality goes ALL the way to the top. That's why the systems fuct. Can't trust or respect it. If the worst fears(and not even the worst) concerns re climate change come to pass, then you could write post industrial civilization off as a pretty much unmitigated disaster. A headlong careen via years of wars repression and depression into the fuckin abbyss.

imvho :)

although personally i've had a blinder so far;)
I understood the phrase 'and his colleagues' to refer to those involved, not all coppers everywhere.

Scores of coppers behaved like savages on April 1st.

I heard first hand an OB's casually passed response words the effect of " well he wasn't doing what he was told"

I'd like to have been a fly on the wall during their briefings before the demo.

I wouldn't be surprised if using this level of violence/suppression was a tactical decision, with the ground being prepared by the "summer of rage" bullshit earlier this year. Getting the public used to a heavier whip. This would have been reported as a complete success for the OB if there hadn't been filmed assault/death.
It's illuminating that the first people who run to Tomlinson's aid and check his health are the crusty protestor types rather than policemen immediately near.

Frankly I wouldn't lose any sleep if every officer in that immediate area was immediately suspended until they can explain why they did fuck all to either remonstrate with their colleague or check on Tomlinson.


Following the same orders?

or word in the canteen perhaps
And this despite the fact that in his more rational moments he admits that the "ACAB" element on Urban is small.
But hey, it's easier to do blanket smearing (which he then projects onto people who don't agree with him, as you may have noticed ;)) than to face uncomfortable truths. Easier to claim occult/"insider" knowledge than to admit that based on previous cases of assault by police officers on the public, one can't hold out too much hope for JUSTICE to be present when Mr. Tomlinson's case is looked into.
Perhaps not justice, but it wouldn't be surprising if they hung the cop who pushed him out to dry, easier to make it look like the problem's been dealt with that way ("one bad apple" etc.)

What really disturbs me is that cop who came on the news excusing the police's assault on Tomlinson on the grounds that they couldn't have known that he wasn't part of the protest, as if that would be an excuse for shoving somebody to the ground while their back was turned and their hands were in their pockets.
Thats actually wrong - the IPCC have not limited their investigation to just "one copper" (if they did, one imagines there would have been even more of an uproar since witnesses have alleged Tomlinson was involved with other officers prior to the one captured on the Guardian footage) and some reports - like this - state specifically that they will be interviewing the other Met officers in addition to the TSG PC.

There should be some more suspensions pretty soon then. Or has there been a policy change on acceptable levels of violence on totally innocent people in a kettle situation. Special powers re prevention of riot or somesuch?
Perhaps not justice, but it wouldn't be surprising if they hung the cop who pushed him out to dry, easier to make it look like the problem's been dealt with that way ("one bad apple" etc.)

What really disturbs me is that cop who came on the news excusing the police's assault on Tomlinson on the grounds that they couldn't have known that he wasn't part of the protest, as if that would be an excuse for shoving somebody to the ground while their back was turned and their hands were in their pockets.

Too late for that.

The IPCC look fucking useless.

Now let's cast our minds back to April the first.
(23.36) - The Metropolitan Police issues a statement, making no reference to police contact. It says: "A member of the public went to a police officer on a cordon in Birchin Lane, junction with Cornhill to say that there was a man who had collapsed round the corner.

"That officer sent two police medics through the cordon line and into St Michaels Alley where they found a man who had stopped breathing. They called for support at about 1930.

"The officers gave him an initial check and cleared his airway before moving him back behind the cordon line to a clear area outside the Royal Exchange Building where they gave him CPR.

"The officers took the decision to move him as during this time a number of missiles - believed to be bottles - were being thrown at them. LAS took the man to hospital where he was pronounced dead.

"The Directorate of Professional Standards at both the MPS and City of London Police have been informed. The IPCC has been informed."

As I'm sure has been agreed, apart from our tourette-afflicted erstwhile colleague db, lies, deceipt and crime have been found here. Complicity or stupidity as well, through the chain of command and in the IPCC. The IPCC look fucking useless, at best.

None of which is acceptable, in the public interest. Heads must roll boys, you've been caught with your trouser(-leg)s down and you've failed the people you were meant to be protecting. Again.

(And the bastards may well have missed an apostrophe, too.)

Big Brother sets great store by it's observation and data gathering and (control of and) broadcast of that data. No CCTV footage? Only because it doesn't suit them and there's no doubt about that. They do like to control who sees what and who says what.

Well these days so do the public. :) And we like to film things too. And we can get that film right out to a mass audience. American cop killing a guy on the ground a few weeks ago was also caught on a phone at a train station.

Big Brother has company.

Little Brother has entered the house.
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