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Cop who hit Tomlinson has a suspected heart attack

I suppose there could exist some fantastical circumstance to justify it, such as the officer having reason to believe Mr Tomlinson was about to draw a knife and attack him. If the officer had contact with Mr Tomlinson minutes before, and let him walk away, I can't think of any circumstance that would justify it.

And I'm stretching a way to come up with the above. At first sight, it looks very bad for the officer. But however unlikely his innocence, it's for a court to decide.

I would agree, but the few untruths from the Met hardly helped this individual. Of course a court should decide his guilt. That's if it even gets to a court of course.
I would agree, but the few untruths from the Met hardly helped this individual. Of course a court should decide his guilt. That's if it even gets to a court of course.

I wager you an imaginary fiver no one is bought to book for this.
Don't piss off the OB, every govt knows this - it's why there's never been public enquiry into hillsborough. The biggest union racket going. The damge is done outside of these insituitional channels though. Every thing they're going to do will now be filmed (with the potential bad results for our side that this entails).
This news broke hours ago, its been discussed over on the main thread since. Learn to use the internet, dunce.

In fact the poster above you referred to it two hours before you. Fucking idiot.

Fuck off onto a busy road, you scumcunt fuckwit. .
Don't piss off the OB, every govt knows this - it's why there's never been public enquiry into hillsborough. The biggest union racket going. The damge is done outside of these insituitional channels though. Every thing they're going to do will now be filmed (with the potential bad results for our side that this entails).

But at some point the government might fall as a result of the legislative protection of their bouncers??? If that looks like happening, they'll stand back.
I would agree, but the few untruths from the Met hardly helped this individual.
This’d be your considered opinion, Sherlock; or, merely the pickings from several other threads?
Of course a court should decide his guilt.
Such acuity of the subject; is your field of expertise perchance...jurisprudence?
That's if it even gets to a court of course.
Nope, I refuse to try and compete with such profound analysis...

Fucking wanker!
But at some point the government might fall as a result of the legislative protection of their bouncers??? If that looks like happening, they'll stand back.

They'll never fall in this country as result of things like this (not due to national temprement but due to size and set up) and they'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever leave the police 'service' out to get hung. How could they?
I suppose there could exist some fantastical circumstance to justify it, such as the officer having reason to believe Mr Tomlinson was about to draw a knife and attack him. If the officer had contact with Mr Tomlinson minutes before, and let him walk away, I can't think of any circumstance that would justify it. .

Possible but highly improbable. If an officer hits someone who they think is drawing a weapon on them they hit them down and keep them down whilst they are being searched. This copper did nothing of the sort-just hit him and walked away.
Yes to be fair though the cause of this abdominal bleeding it still unknown at this stage.

While watching the BBC news at 6.30 another coroner spoke of the possibilities of internal and abdominal bleeding. He pointed to a couple of possible scenarios, one of which was the victim falling onto his arm which in turn forced the ribs into the spleen or liver, thus causing the bleed.
They'll never fall in this country as result of things like this (not due to national temprement but due to size and set up) and they'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever leave the police 'service' out to get hung. How could they?
I'm sure you're right, but have we now moved away from a climate in which Blair could say with a straight face that he had to give the police whatever they asked for? The authoritarian state has been ratcheted up so much in the past few years – we've turned into Singapore in no time at all – but I can now finally see some signs at least that people are starting to question it at least.
They'll never fall in this country as result of things like this (not due to national temprement but due to size and set up) and they'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever leave the police 'service' out to get hung. How could they?

They'll never leave the police service to get hung completely. But what they might do if/when they see all public confidence in the police in shreds is to take action to restore public confidence :) It could be the turning point for government to restore faith in government itself, rather than relying on a police force that utilises government anti terrorism legislation against its own population expecting the OB to carry it out (without dissent within the ranks lol). I expect the politicians are just sitting back to see how this all plays out - and will swoop in if and when the general public + OB wake up. Until that great day dawns, they'll mostly leave the OB out to dry.
They won't. Because they totally and always rely on them. As for wider changes? Well, there's not much room for manouvere. They're supposed to be cunts now.
You can guarantee that the sort of reforms that need to be made, won't be. PACE won't be repealed and replaced with common law safeguards, officers won't recover discretion, nor will the beat system be restored. Entry standards won't be raised. Most likely is that the police will be burdened with yet another layer of bureaucracy, making the "service" even more ineffective than it currently is.

The government don't trust the police at all. Too conservative, too fond of "common sense" solutions. The swaggering robocops seen on this demonstration are a direct result of the state's drive to replace citizens in uniform with a gendarmerie answerable only to the government. There's the paradox at the heart of Labour's authoritarian agenda.
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