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The area outside Coldharbour Lane is all taped off again, I heard what sounded kike a gunshot and a car racing up Moorland Road and turning west along Coldharbour Lane, I went down t take a look to see if anyone had been hit, but there was nothing but now the cops are here. So fed up with this shit.
At local residents meeting today. Asked about the Domino club/ Soup building. Which is now boarded up.

According to the local Cllr a surveyor found the building structurally unsound.

Soup Kitchen and Domino club have been offered places elsewhere for time being.

When Council have refurbished building the domino club and Soup Kitchen have right to return.

I don't know all the ins and outs of this. And am suspect of Lambeth official explanations.

But this is what I was told.

Also Cllr said they wanted the building to end up as a Community Hub.
Getting rather sick of high speed internet installers and cablers and surveyors parking outside my place, getting the hatches up and pissing about with the cables.

This morning I had the pleasure of a white "builder" type person parking himself outside my kitchen window and un leashing his laptop on top of the wheelie bins. Then he paces up and down the street checking door numbers and wielding a yellow painted heavy metal cramp/crowbar thingy.

Today's squad are from Avonline Networks. Early on in the digital revolution we had G Network - who have actually sold an installation to two doors down. Maybe their kids need gaming or Bitcoin or something? Wonder if they'll keep it when it reverts from 6 months free to £45/month?

As a Green Party member (no they haven't thrown me out yet!) I want to state that the Fibre revolution seems to be the most un-green thing yet to happen with a government subsidy.

With ADSL copper we had the continuing use of 100 year old infrastructure for phone/ internet/internet tv etc etc.
with the added advantage that in a power failure the phones still worked.

Now we are getting all these £50 per month duplicate services with NO PHONE, subsidised by the government and involving multiple digging up of road and pavement.

Not only that BT/Openreach customers will lose their analogue phone service in 2025.

What the fuck is going on - and why am I paying for it?
Getting rather sick of high speed internet installers and cablers and surveyors parking outside my place, getting the hatches up and pissing about with the cables.

This morning I had the pleasure of a white "builder" type person parking himself outside my kitchen window and un leashing his laptop on top of the wheelie bins. Then he paces up and down the street checking door numbers and wielding a yellow painted heavy metal cramp/crowbar thingy.

Today's squad are from Avonline Networks. Early on in the digital revolution we had G Network - who have actually sold an installation to two doors down. Maybe their kids need gaming or Bitcoin or something? Wonder if they'll keep it when it reverts from 6 months free to £45/month?

As a Green Party member (no they haven't thrown me out yet!) I want to state that the Fibre revolution seems to be the most un-green thing yet to happen with a government subsidy.

With ADSL copper we had the continuing use of 100 year old infrastructure for phone/ internet/internet tv etc etc.
with the added advantage that in a power failure the phones still worked.

Now we are getting all these £50 per month duplicate services with NO PHONE, subsidised by the government and involving multiple digging up of road and pavement.

Not only that BT/Openreach customers will lose their analogue phone service in 2025.

What the fuck is going on - and why am I paying for it?

I keep getting letters from G network asking me to sign up.

Given that phone services were privatised on basis that competition is good for consumers I'm wondering how G Network got the monopoly of full fibre on my street.

So this network is only accessible if one pays G Network?

Not exactly competition is it.

Plus G Network letters say join up but to confirm will do credit check. Kind of feel I will stay with my longstanding Internet provider for time being.
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I keep getting letters from G network asking me to sign up.

Given that phone services were privatised on basis that competition is good for consumers I'm wondering how G Network got the monopoly of full fibre on my street.

So this network is only accessible if one pays G Network?

Not exactly competition is it.

Plus G Network letters say join up but to confirm will do credit check. Kind of feel I will stay with my longstanding Internet provider for time being.
I don't think G Network does have a monopoly. Virgin Cable is there (probably most expensive as they include their cable TV service)
Hyper something or other may be the ones currently cabling up.
And I believe there is another one (((ANOTHER ONE!!!)))
Talk about built in redundancy.

Just watching Newnight discussing online gambling.
No doubt greatly enhanced by fibre optic cables,

I went to a Methodist school. Online casino operators would have been locked up and the key thrown away - by my educators.
Quite right too!
I thought i might try G Network, it's dirt cheap. See moneysavingexpert. But it excludes line rental, and I'm too poor for such luxuries.
G Network did theirs a year ago.
And they don;t provide landline phone. Not that anyone except me has a landline these days.
It does stop the GP discussing your smoking and drinking in Sainsburys however.
I thought i might try G Network, it's dirt cheap. See moneysavingexpert. But it excludes line rental, and I'm too poor for such luxuries.
I was about to sign up to them a couple of months ago and then took a look at their reviews and decided against it. But I took a look just now and they "seem to" have improved massively....
G Network did theirs a year ago.
And they don;t provide landline phone. Not that anyone except me has a landline these days.
It does stop the GP discussing your smoking and drinking in Sainsburys however.
Hang on, it's fibre innit? So no need for a landline. Hmmm. 150 Mb for £12 a month.
I don't think G Network does have a monopoly. Virgin Cable is there (probably most expensive as they include their cable TV service)
Hyper something or other may be the ones currently cabling up.
And I believe there is another one (((ANOTHER ONE!!!)))
Talk about built in redundancy.

Just watching Newnight discussing online gambling.
No doubt greatly enhanced by fibre optic cables,

I went to a Methodist school. Online casino operators would have been locked up and the key thrown away - by my educators.
Quite right too!

I thought there were two kinds of fibre. One that goes to the nearest junction box. Then last bit is the old copper. The second that takes the fibre cable right into your own home. Which G Network do. What I don't know is if the G Network can be used by other providers to take cable directly into my home.
Hang on, it's fibre innit? So no need for a landline. Hmmm. 150 Mb for £12 a month.
I was looking at GNetwork recently and there were loads of terrible reviews about installation taking months / never happening. Enough to put me off at the time. That was Google - the Trustpilot reviews are better though.
I thought there were two kinds of fibre. One that goes to the nearest junction box. Then last bit is the old copper. The second that takes the fibre cable right into your own home. Which G Network do. What I don't know is if the G Network can be used by other providers to take cable directly into my home.
BT and other Openreach suppliers are supposed to be doing full fibre eventually.
Virgin - at least in Brixton is full fibre, but slower than G Network.

I don't know the technical reasons for the speed differences, but you are quite right BT, PlusNet, Co-op etc are only currently offering "Fibre to cabinet" in Coldharbour Lane.
Not sure what advantage that has over copper - my Youtube/iPlayer etc seems to work OK on copper.

I am worried about the loss of analogue phone in 2025 though.
I don't particularly want to have a mobile phone contract in addition to the landline.
That said one of my friends claims you can get good internet on TV & PC via 5g mobile on EE.
Don't know how that works - but if it's true why do they keep digging up the roads?
Fibre can provide much more bandwidth than copper. Especially important for the cables that run to the cabinets because they are carrying data for many connections. On the other hand the cable that runs into your house only needs to carry data for your connection. So an old copper cable might be perfectly sufficient for some people's usage.
I use Community Fibre, which is one of the 3-4 smaller fibre to the home providers. The day to day service itself is good, exactly what I pay for. The installation was as promised. The after sale customer service was awful.

Someone sent me an article on these so called "alt nets" a week or so ago from the FT and basically the sector doesn't seem super healthy. Everyone is racing to build and worried about running out of money before getting to a sustainable size. Turning on the services and the supporting customers of the services seems to be problem.

Apparently they are all expecting most of them to go merge, go busy or be bought out by one of the big providers like Virgin.
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